After coming across several claims of Pakistani suport to Independent Kashmir, and the moral high ground frequently claimed by some members (Including Admins like Asim), I have conducted an exhaustive research and have not come across a single incident of this view being propagated or even suggested in official channels.
Infact, the pre condition for holding ANY office in so called Azad Kashmir is to swear to an Oath :
This applies to positions from president, Prime minister, Minister, Speaker, MPs , MLCs etc.
Additionally, (2)
No person or political party in Azad Jammu and Kashmir shall be permitted to propagate against, or take part in activities prejudicial or detrimental to, the ideology of the States accession to Pakistan.
Link: (Official Constitution of so called Azad KAshmir)
This essentially means any pro-independence group will not be allowed to be established or survive on Pakistani specially Kashmiri land. Even a group supporting accession to India will not be allowed.
Can you explain this and give me a single incidence of Pakistan officially supporting the cause of Independent Kashmir?? Leave alone supporting, even identifying it...
I am not speaking about random press quotations which are easily denied but formally documented and concrete actions. Has this view ever been iterated at any international meet.
The support to right of "Self Determination" has a catch - it has only 2 options India and Pakistan.
If I have overlooked certain incident, be kind enough and bring it to my notice or else quit taking this moral high ground.
Thanks and regards,