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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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who knows -- do you have a news report? We know that it was put up there thanks to the photographs taken by the protestors.

do you have photos showing it being taken down?

again, do you have pictures or a news source?

by the way --the fact that the Kashmiris would hoist it up is enough for us. Very symbollic and kind gesture. The fact that it went UP to begin with, and the fact that there are no pro-indian counter-protestors or people hanging indian flag anywhere in site says wonders

why would any Pakistani here be crying??? We're happy that Kashmiris support Pakistan Nation and hang our flag @ Lal Chowk and other areas.

Do you have a proof of it still being there while Police is there at this moment keeping law and order. What makes you think those police officers won't take it down...?

Please don't give me pictures of the day when mobs hoisted it there. Aparantly none of protesters would risk trying to stay there 24/7 to keep on to guard the LAL Chowk. LOL you are funny guy..... save the argument for little kids to entertain. No police would accept other countries flag over there own anywhere.

Why don't you prove it that it's still there as of right at this moment. They tear that pakistani flag and leave it on ground for people to step on.

So, don't give me pictures of protests, instead just post a present pic of 9/17/10....I'm not a fool so don't try the photoshop tactic with me.

It's good to laugh for few minutes, but think about your flag could be desecrated and insulted by others. I would never want my countries flag hoisted anywhere where it could be a tool to played around with. Your flag was 1001% desecrated and torn to pieces if not stepped on. Maybe they collected it to burn it through the winter to keep warn, Who knows.

Kashmiri's are also people and they eat,sh!t and fart, then go home. No one has the stamina to stay up 24/7.
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I know this thread will now be left to die with silly comments such as this to cover up the hypocrisy and falsehood propagated. The most zealous person in this debate till now has suddenly vanished after being proven wrong and without acknowledging the same.

Oh don't worry my friend. I don't just vanish without a fight, it's load shedding that is forcing me to vanish !
I will be back with some more material give me 10 minutes.
Do you have a proof of it still being there while Police is there at this moment keeping law and order. What makes you think those police officers won't take it down...?

Please don't give me pictures of the day when mobs hoisted it there. Aparantly none of protesters would risk trying to stay there 24/7 to keep on to guard the LAL Chowk. LOL you are funny guy..... save the argument for little kids to entertain. No police would accept other countries flag over there own anywhere.

Why don't you prove it that it's still there as of right at this moment. They tear that pakistani flag and leave it on ground for people to step on.

So, don't give me pictures of protests, instead just post a present pic of 9/17/10....I'm not a fool so don't try the photoshop tactic with me.
Sometimes, such situations seem laughable ; I see threads being opened as "Why is Pakistan so backward ?", "What ails Pakistan ?", "What's wrong with Pakistan ?" and in the midst of all their humanitarian disasters, with TTP frolicking about with their Diwali duties in Pakistan, Ahmedis being slaughtered in Pakistan, Ethnic cleansing in Karachi, and finally Shia-sunni sectarian killings occurring in a fortnightly basis, it is indeed comical seeing Pakistanis clutch on to straws in Kashmir like Flag-hoisting and Demonstrations being allowed in public view in front of the Entire World. Then they start proclaiming with high-fives all over the place that India should exercise restraint while they decimate and exterminate civilians in Swat and SW, claiming the killings as collateral damage.
You are 100% wrong in the bolded part. Read the resolutions you are so excited to shove down Kashmiri throats. It has no provision for Independence. Either Pakistan or India.

Exactly what I was referring to. UN resolutions have no option for Independent Kashmir. Pakistan has popularized this misconception. I rest my case.

Touché, But those were the options provided in 1947, the requirements of today's Kashmir differ greatly. Like I mentioned in the highlighted part, policy states that the Kashmiris will be given the right to choose between Pakistan and freedom. With Pakistanis not being allowed to travel in Kashmir to places other than Mirpur and Muzaffarabad without special permission. It hardly matters to them if the other part of Kashmir becomes a part of Pakistan since the people have no real sense of ownership of the land.

Addition: I was out reading the motions and reports passed about Kashmir in the U.N general assembly when I noticed that NOWHERE is it mentioned that the people will only be given the choice to join India or Pakistan with no third alternative being provided. Do you have any credible source to back up your claim ?
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Touché, But those were the options provided in 1947, the requirements of today's Kashmir differ greatly. Like I mentioned in the highlighted part, policy states that the Kashmiris will be given the right to choose between Pakistan and freedom. With Pakistanis not being allowed to travel in Kashmir to places other than Mirpur and Muzaffarabad without special permission. It hardly matters to them if the other part of Kashmir becomes a part of Pakistan since the people have no real sense of ownership of the land.
Which policy states that Kashmiris will be given right to choose between Pakistan and Freedom?????

second line I could not comprehend.

Addition: I was out reading the motions and reports passed about Kashmir in the U.N general assembly when I noticed that NOWHERE is it mentioned that the people will only be given the choice to join India or Pakistan with no third alternative being provided. Do you have any credible source to back up your claim ?


Check the link for full text. I will post the relevant part:

Recommends to the Governments of India and Pakistan the following measures as those which in the opinion of the Council and appropriate to bring about a cessation of the fighting and to create proper conditions for a free and impartial plebiscite to decide whether the State of Jammu and Kashmir is to accede to India or Pakistan.

Your misconception is not unique. Many Pakistanis and Kashmiris are deliberately made unaware of this fact that UN resolution does not have ANY option for independence. And Pakistan has NEVER supported Independence option for Kashmir.

I challenge anyone to prove otherwise.
So u wanted me to mention a word illegal beside migration ; Naah, i might cash that chip later for a rainy day, right now its hot and humid in Kashmir

hmmm...so are you now claiming to be in occupied Kashmir?

But like every sunny day, this will also have a sunset. So, make hay while the Sun shines :cheers: !!!

no shortage of hay where you come from I would imagine! All those cows roaming around even big urban cities and all.

The policy highlighted by me previously.

Again that is a "Recommendation". It is not a final verdict.

The policy states:
WHEREAS the future status of the State of Jammu and Kashmir is yet to be determined in accordance with the freely expressed will of the people of the State through the democratic method of free and fair plebiscite under the auspices of the United Nations as envisaged in the UNCIP Resolutions adopted from time to time;

It states that the Future is to be decided by plebiscite as per UN, and UN suggests only 2 options. Is it not twisting it around. Where does the option of freedom come in??

Ofcourse UN resolutions are recommendation. Another point missed by several pakistanis that these resolutions are passed under chapter 6 of UN charter which means they are not binding. It is not international court to pass verdicts.
The policy states:

It states that the Future is to be decided by plebiscite as per UN, and UN suggests only 2 options. Is it not twisting it around. Where does the option of freedom come in??

Ofcourse UN resolutions are recommendation. Another point missed by several pakistanis that these resolutions are passed under chapter 6 of UN charter which means they are not binding. It is not international court to pass verdicts.

Like I said those two options are mere recommendations. They are not final. And they are not binding that is the only reason that India has the audacity to pay no heed to them.
Like I said those two options are mere recommendations. They are not final. And they are not binding that is the only reason that India has the audacity to pay no heed to them.
Are you serious???

These recommendations are all that your Pakistani brethren are holding onto. TIfPakistan really does support the freedom option - has it ever made an appeal - To UN, to India or at any other international forum?? NO NEVER. So quit the moral high ground that we Pakistanis will support free Kashmir - Coz you officially never have. That was the point I wanted to raise through this thread. Infact it is illegal to make any political organization to support freedom of Kashmir in Pakistan or Azad Kashmir.

Did you expect something like: THE UN COMMANDS THIS....

come on..
India deploys more troops in Kashmir

New Delhi has deployed hundreds of additional troops to Indian-administered Kashmir in a bid to quell deadly protests in the disputed Himalayan region.

The deployment comes after troops once again fired on pro-independence protesters, killing two and injuring 16 on Friday.

Security forces say they had to resort force to disperse stone-throwing protesters in the central Budgam district, a Press TV correspondent reported.

Kashmir residents defied the curfew in Srinagar and other major towns, pelting security forces with stones.

Kashmiris say the curfew, which has been in place for six consecutive days, has prevented them from getting food and other necessities.

Top separatist leader, Seyyed Ali Geelani, has called on people to block Indian army camps with sit-in protests.

"I have urged people to stage peaceful sit-in protests in front of army and security force camps in Kashmir," Geelani told reporters in Srinagar on Thursday.

Since early June, violent street protests and crackdowns have left nearly 100 people dead.

New Delhi has been repeatedly criticized for resorting to force rather than finding a diplomatic solution to the issue.

Pakistan has accused India of "brutality" and condemned its deadly crackdown on protestors.

"Pakistan strongly condemns the brutality and the blatant use of force by Indian security forces," said Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

Both Islamabad and New Delhi claim the region in full, but rule over parts of it and have fought two wars over Kashmir.


PressTV - India deploys more troops in Kashmir
Lahore: The Kashmir Action Committe (KAC) holds a protest demonstration against the indian government on Friday

Lahore: The Kashmir Action Committe (KAC) holds a protest demonstration against the indian government on Friday

Are you serious???

These recommendations are all that your Pakistani brethren are holding onto. TIfPakistan really does support the freedom option - has it ever made an appeal - To UN, to India or at any other international forum?? NO NEVER. So quit the moral high ground that we Pakistanis will support free Kashmir - Coz you officially never have. That was the point I wanted to raise through this thread. Infact it is illegal to make any political organization to support freedom of Kashmir in Pakistan or Azad Kashmir.

Did you expect something like: THE UN COMMANDS THIS....

come on..

The only reason we don't go to an international forum to discuss freedom for Kashmir is because we are bound not to by the Simla Accord. Talks with India over freedom for kashmir have been initiated various times but ended without any thing of substance being agreed upon. Your last piece of information is incorrect, if such was the case then Gilgit-Baltistan would not have been a member of the Unrepresented nations Council.
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