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Kashmir | News & Discussions.

So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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i think its in india interest to let go kashmir and develop its people..... specially people living on footpaths.....


There will be no solution where India has to let go Kashmir. The sooner we all understand that, the better for the region.
No major power - least of all an Asian power where egos rule the roost will let go of its territory - whatever be the moral and/or legal reasons behind it. Legally, India is on a sound wicket - according to the Indian Independence Act agreed upon by Congress and Muslim League - princely states retained their right to join either state and if Kashmir joined India because of its Maharaja then it was perfectly legal. Morally, does India have a right to Kashmir - it is a very complex question with no clear answer. Countries like Canada have held referendums in places like Quebec. Why can't India do it? Well - if 2 options were given - India and Pakistan and voting went on religious lines as expected, Kashmir would vote for joining Pakistan. But then again, in the 1960s if a referendum had been conducted in the Southern states to end segregation and give equal rights to Blacks - the African Americans would still not have equal rights. Ditto for Aboriginals in Australia as late as the 1970s. Heck, if you had a referendum in India today giving the population 2 options - to become a Hindu country or to remain secular, I wouldn't be surprised if people voted for it to become Hindu. The point I am making is that simply because a majority of a given population hold a certain view, it does not necessarily make it right.
At least we can claim that we have done many projects and tried to develope Kashmir, while the rest of India enjoys freedom under Indian law, kashmir is backward

occupied Kashmir is not rebelling against the occupiers due to economic reasons

freedom under laws and backwardsness are not even related.....Orissa and even parts of Maharashtra are backwards too --but facing different issues. There is no major anti-indian activity in those areas.

you cannot equate an issue of existentialism with that of economic development

in other words, Kashmiris are not for sale (unless your name is Omar Abdullah)

Ohh, we have seen many, this is just another problem for the experienced guys. One time north east India was also like that.

I laugh because despite the ''experience'' you long for more

why not just bite the bullet and approach the problem the way it should be approached....too much to handle? I guess the truth does hurt.

iam a democrat, so I welcome your comment. feel free for the laugh. iam sharing mine as well :lol:

laughing (and daydreaming) is never a bad thing :cheers:

That was not our mistake

supporting terrorists was; but the issue in essence --which could have been solved politically --was ours. But it's a non-issue since we've long accepted it and moved on.

and I know there are planning going in North block to tackle your so called surprises. I will leave it to that.

well according to some of your comrades, those ''young men and women — even children — joining the protests on the streets'' (as mentioned by pm singh) are ISI-funded ''terrorists''

Truely bad policy isnt it?. I will give you an extract from his policy. he says kille the one who attacks you, and thats what has happened, I will not let the soldiers take the beating when the protestors attack, we didnt go door to door for a killing. We are going door to door now for a dialogue and you will soon see a result.

according to the AFSPA --soldiers/police (aka the sissies) can ''invite themselves'' into somebody's home.....they can arrest even journalists, or those who use facebook to coordinate protests or post pictures of protests on the Facebook utility.

Pakistan Nation STRONGLY condemns your aggression.

Thats 0.5% of the total population, I will call it a movement when teh state is against us and thats not teh case here.

where did you get this number?

reality check:

--Omar Abdullah gets a shoe thrown at him, very few Kashmiris blink an eye or express condemnation

--APHC chief Mr. Geelani is placed under house arrest; his political activities curbed with iron fist.......thousands of Kashmiris mobilize.

Again, you read it wrong. I meant the Law of India and She as a country. People are always at the receiving end

the Kashmiris are facing a harsher backlash by security forces (sissies) than even the naxalites who are openly challenging the hindustany state. Former uses stones, latter uses bombs and firearms

again, the AFSPA only applies to occupied Kashmir....not to naxal/nagalandy/shiv sena/sang parivar/indian mujahideen/etc/etc/etc. dominated areas

You know you live a better life than a normal pakistani, but there are not many like you (I believe you are rich/middle class). That is completely your choice as to how you want to live.

i don't know why I or my economic standing have to be brought into the equation

Some choose struggle for non sense reasons, and they are the true ones at teh receiving end.

well obviously according to you, the Kashmiri uprising is nonsense. Obviously to you, holding a referendum for Kashmiris is nonsense as well.

that's just called being in denial.....can't help you there buddy

news coming out of occupied Kashmir in past few months --despite MEDIA blackout --would have me believe that it's more than just about so-called ''terrorists'' when even old aging women are joining to express their anger and desire for an end to the artificial occupation
Buddy dnt be so much happy ... Those paid protest cant make any change ... These all happens cause CM dnt have experience ..

And Kashmir is Internal Part of India and no one can take it from us

You guys are good in hurling out bullsh*t. Anyways it is better you understand that India is one thing and Kashmir is another. Neither Kashmir belongs to India nor India has anything to do with Kashmir. IOK is bound to freedom, you on the other hand can make pathetic claims like this one.

Countless threads running on Kashmir.

Is it not possible to have just 2 or 3 of them?
You guys are good in hurling out bullsh*t. Anyways it is better you understand that India is one thing and Kashmir is another. Neither Kashmir belongs to India nor India has anything to do with Kashmir. IOK is bound to freedom, you on the other hand can make pathetic claims like this one.

i have a simple question with all due respect, HOW??
Indian govt is wasting time in intellect talk, which is beyond Kashmiri comprehension. They need freedom, that's it. This freedom will have some short falls for Indian, but India will gain alot in long term.

you are not wasting your time when you are trying to resolve the issues, whatever that maybe pertaining to your citizens. about india gaining a lot in long term, i think GOI is more capable of judging what's good for the country in long term. if the status quo remains the way it is, i think every one will gain on long term. specially pakistan & kashmiris more than indians. by accepting the status quo, pakistan can start concentrating on their internal issues, which needs more attention than wasting their time in chasing the hare. if kashmir is out of the scene, then there is no reason for the two countries to compete with each other toe to toe. you can divert all the resources to the betterment of your own citizens. as per kashmiris, a whole generation of seperatists wasted their time of life trying to confront indian rule. they are the one who will stand to gain more in the long run by giving up their fight. opertunities will come calling in terms of investment, infrastructure, education, employment & the rest, which can only be good for them.
you are not wasting your time when you are trying to resolve the issues, whatever that maybe pertaining to your citizens. about india gaining a lot in long term, i think GOI is more capable of judging what's good for the country in long term. if the status quo remains the way it is, i think every one will gain on long term. specially pakistan & kashmiris more than indians. by accepting the status quo, pakistan can start concentrating on their internal issues, which needs more attention than wasting their time in chasing the hare. if kashmir is out of the scene, then there is no reason for the two countries to compete with each other toe to toe. you can divert all the resources to the betterment of your own citizens. as per kashmiris, a whole generation of seperatists wasted their time of life trying to confront indian rule. they are the one who will stand to gain more in the long run by giving up their fight. opertunities will come calling in terms of investment, infrastructure, education, employment & the rest, which can only be good for them.

You should read news more often, because at the moment, looking at Kashmir killings, GoI has no clue how to stop it after months of violence.

Here you go...

5 killed as India looks to end unrest in Kashmir - Yahoo! News
India will never give up LAND BE IT kASHMIR OR Assam.

The only option is has in 1947 YOU MIGRATE accross the border. to Pakistan.

You cannot redraw borders 65 years later.

India would be ommitting suicide..
You should read news more often, because at the moment, looking at Kashmir killings, GoI has no clue how to stop it after months of violence.

Here you go...

5 killed as India looks to end unrest in Kashmir - Yahoo! News

my friend.. i don't think i need to read any news to learn about what's happening in kashmir. i follow pdf & it gives me more info about kashmir than anyone in entire planet earth. please read my post with patience & understand what i'm trying to say.. there is violence going on in quite a few parts of world. it doesn't mean that you give into it. let me not quote examples here..
no international power will be backing Pakistan of K-issue other than China,and that was proved in the recent weeks

India is emerging as a big market day by day-be it defense,automobiles,retail or infrastructure

The international players r not at all willing to leave this lucrative market for the sake of appeasement of some lunatics sitting across the border

The only possible backing that Pakistan can receive was that from the OIC,but ironically and sadly for Pakistan they to prefer to remain silent

Both KSA and Iran r vying for the oil market of India,thus the two biggest Islamic powers r themselves in the Indian pocket

Economy,clearly speaking money is that what control world politics which India have in plenty and Pakistan have in scarce

Pakistani's r not yet ready to accept that they r fighting for a losing cause,by every passing day India is getting stronger and the gap is increasing,the K-matter will b forgetted by international community like just what happened with the Tibet movement

And finally about the so called Independence movement in Kashmir,we can suppress it within a matter of days if we also choose the Israeli or Chinese way but it is our democratic system which is allowing them to register their protest,otherwise even a fly will not came to know what happened in K-land and forget any foreign power getting invilved in this
You should read news more often, because at the moment, looking at Kashmir killings, GoI has no clue how to stop it after months of violence.

Here you go...

5 killed as India looks to end unrest in Kashmir - Yahoo! News

We do not need to stop the violence. I think if you look differently this might help us.
1) Kashmiri's by attacking Church created an impression to outside world is they are fanatics. Which is good for us.
2) violent protest just tranish their image and if people think it's another SWAT of FATA in making will be helpful.
3) Let them try very long so that they get the message that no matter what they do nothing is changing. So this needs to go on for a while till people get sick of it. This is very important factor that will help us. So do more violence make life of locals miserable as all we need.
Hi guys, as you are all aware, recent months have seen a very unfortunatre cycle of violence and unrest in J&K yet there's something very interesting to note. No major international power/organisation such as US/UK/France/China/Russia/UN/muslim or Arab world etc. has lent its voice to the kashmir issue even after so much trouble and so many deaths.

There is an unprecedented calm/silence over Kashmir in the international arena. Nobody is willing to take up the issue of kashmir except Pakistan.

My questional to all of you is, are we slowly but surely witnessing the 'internalising' of Kashmir as far as India is concerned? Are we witnessing an ever decreasing role of Pakistan/international community as far as Kashmir is concerned? There is a near total silence on Kashmir.

I,personally, feel that since India is now on its way to become a global power and a huge economic beacon of hope for the west as well as for China (in terms of India's huge market etc.) and also as the centre of global power slowly shifts from west to east and with west more and more grappling with many other much serious issues of its own which are primarily economic in nature, Kashmir has majorly lost and is still losing any international significance or relevance it one had...

What do you guys think?:undecided:

The British thought the same when they were beating your people and my people to death and colonizing our land, but we did get freedom and independence when the British thought they would be ruling the subcontinent forever.

Kashmir will get its freedom and indepenence just like Pakistan and India did in 1947.
The British thought the same when they were beating your people and my people to death and colonizing our land, but we did get freedom and independence when the British thought they would be ruling the subcontinent forever.

Kashmir will get its freedom and indepenence just like Pakistan and India did in 1947.

I have said this before and saying it again. At that time there were 105000 british and 350 million Indians but here at most 3 million(if you consider whole valley anti India) against 1.2 billion united Indian. So you can only dream about independence.:yahoo::yahoo:
The British thought the same when they were beating your people and our people to death and colonizing our land, but we did get freedom and independence when the British thought they would be ruling the subcontinent forever.

Kashmir will get its freedom and indepenence just like Pakistan and India did in 1947.

You are treating two things which have nothing in common. The British came and occupied foreign lands. In the case of Kashmir, one group of people (ony valley muslims) want this so called azadi, and it is nothing more than a political movement. The land has historically belonged to India, and it is your contention that it is a disputed land, and it is our contention that it belongs to us. The people are protesting against the government's apathy and the excesses of the security agencies. That is valid, and has to be addressed by the government.

BTW, you need to read up some non-Indian/Pakistani of why and how we got independence. It was well-earned of course, but not as heroic as some may make it seem.

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