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Kashmir Issue : Our options & possible Course of Action

People fear a demographic change like Biharis are about to flood all in one go. Not going to happen like that. First development and industry has to prosper along with non violence, then comes the working migration from all over India. This is by no means a demographic change. And not a short term thing.

No one said it will happen overnight. But if nothing is done then in 10 years IoK will look very different. Whole point of removing A35 was ethnic cleansing. Not for migration here and there.
No one said it will happen overnight. But if nothing is done then in 10 years IoK will look very different. Whole point of removing A35 was ethnic cleansing. Not for migration here and there.

Wont be no ethnic cleansing, just economic migrants and industry into Kashmir. They migrant to Kerala, etc. for example as well. However, you are right if you want to say it's going to integrate Kashmir into India much more, sure. It's not going to be as dramatic as people make it out to be.

Well, Usrael is you idol.. and the response will be this.. even if Half Pakistan is gone.. there are 4rth , 5th and even sixth and beyond options available now in the Arab and Muslim world, the same as the Pakistani ones.. to to remove what will still be left of greedy India ..(Hope it does not go that far!).. hehehe!

Yes, yes, nukes everywhere.
Wont be no ethnic cleansing, just economic migrants and industry into Kashmir. They migrant to Kerala, etc. for example as well. However, you are right if you want to say it's going to integrate Kashmir into India much more, sure.

Thats exactly ethnic cleansing, IoK doesn't have shortage of men power.
Thats exactly ethnic cleansing, IoK doesn't have shortage of men power.

And they will end up working as well in several industries enter the valley. All it will be is some Biharis, NE Indians, etc. doing restaurant/chaiwala work, manual labor. Literally, that's about it. Matter a fact, Kashmiris do the same all over India in the tourist industry. They earn money send it back to their family, etc.

I heard the jokes about parashooting Biharis, etc. in by Indians. Also your side about the genocide, etc. Not so dramatic.
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Thats exactly ethnic cleansing, IoK doesn't have shortage of men power.
You understand that India has so many states with very very very different identity and all of them has been preserved and been thriving. Just becoz some people will settle their doesnt mean anything will change. Its more about economic empowerment than anything else. Do you know how the articles had a very negative impact on Kashmirs development ? You cant buy land. Without that no company or industry will be setup. Professionals like doctors wont go there, private hospitals wont open. There are real concerns. And as many of the agencies didnt have authority their, there is rampant corruption. Centre has spent ridiculous amount of money in Kashmir but result is nowhere. So lets wait and see before judging.
Lets be honest Kashmiris will choose autonomy over merger with Pakistan.. This is the way forward and should happen.. Let Kashmiris fight for the rest of Kashmir.

Besides on paper it will look good as well.. Reminiscent East and West Germany...
Then the major’s men were given up by a Kashmiri to Indian forces.
Pakistan should start arming the Kashmiri's give them Ak 47, give
them IED's. The most stupid thing done by past governments was to finish
Kashmiri and Khalistan armed struggle.

Get China to put their foot down by giving weapons to the maoists. Every state
in India has to burn.
ied , ak-47 . heck with that . give thm anza manpad .

Pakistan should throw back icjs verdict on its face and torture kulbushan .
We have more Monkeys!

I would rather put them in a zoo and let little Pak kids look at them give them tea and biscuits and giggle and be happy... and shout #PakistanZindabad

Why should we steal this little joy from very little Paks?

I say... #GangaMokeys in cage @Reichsmarschall
will be a good entertainment for the kids.
members on this forum got quite of an imagination...
why on earth would china help you?? they are all about business... they never helped u b4 why wud they help u now?

They themselves have an interest in Ladakh and in the CPEC which is a major strategic interest. Also if you've read your history, they've supported Pakistan during the Soviet Jihad and the Kargil War.

you know its not just the pak army kashmiriz have to be on pakistan army's side as well. we in azad kashmir baltistan will support and fight along side pakistan army. let them lead the way and tactics.

but indian kashmiriz have to be help too if they want to be free. at this moment its not clear what they want.

That is the main issue. It feels like Indian Occupied Kashmiris want to fight India till the last Pakistani and then expect to be "independent".
1) hang kulbhushan yadav publicly.

2) use of proxy and blasts in India.now after indian decision,all rules are changed.

1 will bring all the liberal human rights cry babies beating their chests.

2) is where the focus should be right now. Let's give chandus of it's own chankya ideology.
Lets see what the govt decides in the NSC meeting today.

However, we need to understand somethings before choosing options.

We can forget jammu and ladakh because we won't see any support from the local populace there.

If we care for the people rather than the land then our goal should be to get the kashmir valley (apart from remaining siachen).

That can only happen if the people of kashmir valley are up for it and if they want to become part of Pakistan (Pakistan won't be sacrificing lives just for the IOK to become independent).

I don't mean protests only but kamikaze style actions. If the 5-6 mill people of kashmir valley are not willing to sacrifice their lives for this cause then why should Pakistan risk the lives of 200 M people over this cause.

It will be operation gibraltar all over again with many more casualties because of potential use of nukes in follow on war. So is the kashmir valley up for the ultimate sacrifice.

Pakistan has supported kashmir cause for long and would have had supported it materially longer but we were stuck with fighting TTP and reclaiming own territory back and securing western border.

Right now we have secured our western border. TTP/PTM has been quashed and we hope for a peaceful exit of Americans and a neutral/pakistan leaning government in Afghanistan. Once that happens all our war time budgetary/economic/military resources could be employed east wards or for betterment of the local population in Pakistan.

We would be throwing all that away if we do another operation gibraltar/grandslam and the local population in IOK is not up for it.
I am not sure if PDF is the actual reflection of Pakistan's kaum. If it is, then feel really sorry for Pakistan as a nation. What has come of you guys? Will eat grass for Bombs......will bleed by thousand cuts.....Gazwah-e-hind....
You wanted to tie down india in Kashmir, USSR and USA in Afghanistan, become champions of Ummah......look at you now. You were the wonder of asia, most promising economy. I have met few of you in mid eighties as part of youth exchange and was very much impressed by whatever Pakistan was till then.
Only thing that works well in Pakistan is Army and when it is said that Pakistan does not have a Army but Pakistan Army has a Nation, it is not far from truth. Without your Army, you will be eaten up by your corrupt Polity and Bureaucrats. You have failed to bring in political, bureaucratic and judicial reforms (We too have not covered ourselves in glory here, but much better), price of which is being paid by common folks.
You should have stopped right there post 1998. PAF was right in advocating curtailment of mil expenses in early nineties. Whole gamut of warfare changed since then (Missiles/Anti-missiles). There was never an existential threat to Pakistan (Bangladesh was your own folly) and existing resources were good enough to halt any Indian Adventurism. After Asian Crisis, you had a wonderful opportunity to redeem yourself as an economic powerhouse (India did). Karachi could have been the East-West Intermediary of Financial Markets bridging Asia and Europe but you guys were too drunk to look beyond Afghanistan and initial success of Jihadism in Kashmir. Your Army made a fool of you all along (USSR breakup, Afghanistan depth, Kashmir) and made you believe Kashmir banega Pakistan. Had you guys corrected course then, you would have been atleast 5 times of what you are today.
Do you seriously think you can take Kashmir and break India into pieces? You always said that we will tie down India at Kashmir and prevent its rise/hegemony. Who is in knots now? You guys have fallen hostage to ideology that Kashmir is everything (Spine of Pakistan- in words of Jinnah Saheb) and are madly willing to risk everything left with.
Move on guys, Politicians, Army, ISI, RAW, Cheen, Amreekaa will keep playing their little games to keep themselves relevant at the cost of us gullible(fodders).
Kashmir is going nowhere, kashmiris are going nowhere, Pakistan will there forever and India is not imploding. Make good of whatever life is dealing you and stay happy.

A well thought out comment. Gives you perspective on life. :tup:
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