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Kashmir all-party meet: Modi discusses atrocities in Azad Kashmir, Balochistan

I am not sure since when ton become a unit to count people , did i said the Pakistani passport is not good for Pakistanis .... whether its good or bad as its only passport they can carry to travel , your country give dual citizens so , so called Tons of Pakistanis carry two passports if they have options..... 60-70% Indian defecate in Indus river whose water your country men drink :D ..... If we are so week and poor then who is stopping you to take Kashmir by force as your the most powerful nuclear power on the face of earth dear citizen of most developed country on earth , being poor is still better then being the synonym of terrorism hub and known as pathological liars around the globe....... The best thing discovered in your country is Osama bin Laden

Bullcrap, I know tons of people including myself who had a chance to get immigration, left and came back, Pakistan passport is best for us, your passport is of a country whose 40% children are malnourished, 60-70% people defecate in public and whose poverty and impoverished regions can only be compared with African countries !!!
Mixing shiit with Vodka doesn't make it Vodka and Tonic. It makes it Shiit and Tonic!! Enuff said. This Kashmir issue has nothing to do with the US or the SCS or anything. This is due to ONE individual (A Hindu Maharaja), who overruled 91% of Muslim population's vote and asked India to send in their military.

If they teach this to you in schools in India, the utter crap you wrote in your post, I feel bad for you. This is coming from a third party American guy who's been in international politics for decades. So either learn the truth, or try not to lie about it, because literally, millions of innocent people have been killed and I don't think even one human live should be ignored.

Who are you kidding? You think we are really that dumb in the US when we've ran the globe for like a century and taken India to where it is today in 20 years (where it could never get to on her own in the next 8- years)? Trust me, we know what's up. We just don't get into it.

Read the above paragraph, heck, I can even read you the UN's security council's statement on this topic and decision from the 50's and the 1960's. Where they asked Indians (or both parties) to respect 91% people's majority (THE majority, not just a simple majority), and allow them to be independent or with whoever the people want to be with. And what happened? India was a big country with numerous trade aspects that everyone forgot about millions getting killed. But sooner or later, this issue will cause a nuke war and the US is VERY concerned about it. Which is why, every-other month, the US leaders urge India and Pakistan to engage in dialogue to reduce tensions and a risk of a nuclear war that would destroy Asia!! This is WHY the US sent Mr. Modi to Pakistan, not too long ago.

Please don't write bullshiit on here when it comes to innocent people getting slaughtered for no fu**king reason. I can tolerate "India is great" and "All great things came from India or the Indians", and everyone else is a junior human being. I can tolerate all this. But not when it comes to people getting killed and others lying about it, whether its Hindus, Christians or Muslims. All are human so we should learn to respect the one's who are suffering.

Also, show me one protest in a video in either Pakistani held Kashmir or in even Baluchistan, where even ONE person out of the crowd held an Indian flag. But I can show you countless videos where people getting shot at, shelled at, are holding Pakistani flags and reminding the Indian government of their stolen by force, right to vote back in 1948 when this drama started!!
Excellent post :)
I think thats the reason ISI is number 1 spy agency in world :D as they are capable of counting how many times Rajnath pees , who knows may be we get a video of RAjnath peeing to prove it :P kudos keep it up

View attachment 325333 View attachment 325332

You mean this modi? And Rajnath Singh went to rest room for like 8 times on few words of Chaudhry Nisar. :) :)
Mixing shiit with Vodka doesn't make it Vodka and Tonic. It makes it Shiit and Tonic!! Enuff said. This Kashmir issue has nothing to do with the US or the SCS or anything. This is due to ONE individual (A Hindu Maharaja), who overruled 91% of Muslim population's vote and asked India to send in their military.

If they teach this to you in schools in India, the utter crap you wrote in your post, I feel bad for you. This is coming from a third party American guy who's been in international politics for decades. So either learn the truth, or try not to lie about it, because literally, millions of innocent people have been killed and I don't think even one human live should be ignored.

Who are you kidding? You think we are really that dumb in the US when we've ran the globe for like a century and taken India to where it is today in 20 years (where it could never get to on her own in the next 8- years)? Trust me, we know what's up. We just don't get into it.

Read the above paragraph, heck, I can even read you the UN's security council's statement on this topic and decision from the 50's and the 1960's. Where they asked Indians (or both parties) to respect 91% people's majority (THE majority, not just a simple majority), and allow them to be independent or with whoever the people want to be with. And what happened? India was a big country with numerous trade aspects that everyone forgot about millions getting killed. But sooner or later, this issue will cause a nuke war and the US is VERY concerned about it. Which is why, every-other month, the US leaders urge India and Pakistan to engage in dialogue to reduce tensions and a risk of a nuclear war that would destroy Asia!! This is WHY the US sent Mr. Modi to Pakistan, not too long ago.

Please don't write bullshiit on here when it comes to innocent people getting slaughtered for no fu**king reason. I can tolerate "India is great" and "All great things came from India or the Indians", and everyone else is a junior human being. I can tolerate all this. But not when it comes to people getting killed and others lying about it, whether its Hindus, Christians or Muslims. All are human so we should learn to respect the one's who are suffering.

Also, show me one protest in a video in either Pakistani held Kashmir or in even Baluchistan, where even ONE person out of the crowd held an Indian flag. But I can show you countless videos where people getting shot at, shelled at, are holding Pakistani flags and reminding the Indian government of their stolen by force, right to vote back in 1948 when this drama started!!
Hold on to your horses Chief!...Did you even read the Document...Lets talk when you are done...When you say we in the US..I am here as well....There is also People like Trump here ...so what is your point!
Pak is not supporting insurgency at all and we surprise why not and look whats happening there without support 14 august u will see Pakistani flag in Kashmir if Pakistan is behind this then i think india sud know its announcing divorce to bharat mata.
I dare india media to show what will happen on 14 and next day 15 august...
Blaming Pak is easy but this trick is not working anymore.

They are also flying ISIS flag so what next bagdadi claim on Kashmiri land

The flags flown by certain separist elements
Wait!!!! I am really confused. I think I am pretty sober tonight. But did I just read that Modi will bring up unrest and violence in Baluchistan and PHK? (Pakistan Held Kashmir)??

Did he forget that 14 soldiers to 1 Civilian ratio exists in the Indian Held Kashmir, not on the Pakistani side. In fact, I would love to see real news that would tell me that the Pakistani Held Kashmir ever had "unrest" or "revolt" towards the Pakistani government. Please provide credible proof. I've been involved with Pakistan, India and China for like 4 decades now, so never heard of this before. From the footage I've seen many, many times, Inside Indian help Kashmir, there are millions, literally millions of people who gather to protest India's rule. Can someone show me a couple of "real" videos of that happening inside Pakistani Kashmir (and with millions of troops deployed visible in pictures also please?

Next, did Mr. Modi forgot, that its his own RAW fueling violence by sending in their own trainees who sabotage peace inside Baluchistan? Am I confused or still drunk from yesterday!!!! Last but not least, I have a list of over a DOZEN Indian states where the locals revolt against the Indian government (and have been historically). How come Mr. Modi forgot about that, but he tried to put Pakistani territory inside his "statement" above? Phew, talk about propaganda and blatant lies at the cost of innocent human lives!!

@Viper0011. ...dont talk crap!...The revolt you are talking about are not for seperation..they atre called Naxalities..(Read up on it)....By any chance are you a school kid?....As far as sabotage peace inside Baluchistan....You do know that the rebels are begging for Indian support right?....Also please do read up on USA's current stand on Kashmir...at least support our Govenment of USA's stand on this.......also a request put your real flags up!...I am a citizen of this great country...(USA).. holding a PIO card....and I support USA stand on this issue.
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Keep dreaming ...... hopefully at least in dreams you will get Kashmir ... who is stopping you to do nuclear war start it and Indian economy is far better then yours so better mind your own economy
That is just hallucination. If the Kashmir is not solved, the whole economy will go into the drains as a nuclear war is very much possible before 2020.
Additionally, if you follow the Kashmir issue, the Pakistanis challenge the accession. It was signed in accordance with Indian Independence Act of 1947, with same conditions as offered to Baluchistan by Jinnah. I am sure you can understand the link now. If not, let know, will spell it out.

Pakistan challenged the accession as the accession was predicated on violence and fraud, and it was signed by someone who had no authority to do so.

And You yourself made that accession controversial when you took the dispute to the UN in 1948. You accused Pakistan of aggression in Kashmir but the Security Council explicitly and by implications, rejected India's claim that Kashmir is legally Indian territory and it didn't declare Pakistan an aggressor state. The Security Council passed Resolutions that established self-determination as the governing principal for the settlement of the Kashmir dispute. You accepted those resolutions and this endorsed a binding agreement between India and Pakistan that a plebiscite would be held to decide the accession of Kashmir to India or Pakistan.

The UN position is that, while Maharajah's accession to India may not be invalid, it is incomplete. And it will be considered incomplete until and unless it is ratified by the People of Kashmir in a plebiscite held under UN auspices. And anyway, the Indian Representative, in his letter to the President of the Security Council, regarding the status of the State himself had stated that "its people would be free to decide their future by the recognized democratic method of a plebiscite or referendum which, in order to ensure complete impartiality, might be held under international auspices"

Therefore, the arrangement caused through the accession of 26 October 1947 has been taken over by the interests of 195 countries of the UN. And when it's the people of the state who have to decide the accession of Kashmir to India or Pakistan, the so called Instrument of Accession loses its importance and is not of slightest relevance in this regard.

Now please tell us how is it comparable to accession of Khanate of Kalat (not entire Baluchistan, as you like to portray) to Pakistan ?
Just FYI go through the bolden parts are the conditions before plebisite stick to it first , remove all PAkistanis including wannbe KAshmiris including Mirpuris first ,the remove every soldier from KAshmir :D my educated friend , you never fulfilled those conditions ....do them first oh by they way how can a country sell the part of a disputed territory to third country you sold Aksaichin to China

The below is the resolution
Resolution 47 (1948)
On the India-Pakistan question submitted jointly by the Representatives for
Belgium, Canada, China, Colombia, the United Kingdom and United States
of America and adopted by the Security Council at its 286th meeting held on
21 April, 1948.
(Document No. 5/726, dated the 21st April, 1948).

Having considered the complaint of the Government of India concerning the dispute over the State
of Jammu and Kashmir, having heard the representative of India in support of that complaint and the
reply and counter complaints of the representative of Pakistan. Being strongly of opinion that the
early restoration of peace and order in Jammu and Kashmir is essential and that India and Pakistan
should do their utmost to bring about cessation of all fighting. Noting with satisfaction that both India
and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan
should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite, Considering that
the continuation of the dispute is likely to endanger international peace and security,
Reaffirms its resolution 38 (1948) of 17 January 1948;

Resolves that the membership of the Commission established by its resolution 39 (1948) of 20
January 1948, shall be increased to five and shall include, in addition to the membership mentioned
in that Resolution, representatives of... and ..., and that if the membership of the Commission has not
been completed within ten days from the date the adoption of this resolution the President of the
Council may designate such other Member or Members of the United Nations as are required to
complete the membership of five;

Instructs the Commission to proceed at once to the Indian subcontinent and there place its good
offices and mediation at the disposal of the Governments of India and Pakistan with a view to
facilitating the taking of the necessary measures, both with respect to the restoration of peace and
order and to the holding of a plebiscite by the two (Governments, acting in co-operation with one
another and with the Commission, and further instructs the Commission to keep the Council
informed of the action taken under the resolution; and, to this end.

Recommends to the Governments of India and Pakistan the following measures as those which in the
opinion of the Council and appropriate to bring about a cessation of the lighting and to create proper
conditions for a free and impartial plebiscite to decide whether the State of Jammu and Kashmir is to
accede to India or Pakistan.


1. The Government of Pakistan should undertake to use its best endeavours:

(a) To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and
Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purposes
of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of
material aid to those fighting in the State;

(b) To make known to all concerned that the measures indicated in this and the following
paragraphs provide full freedom to all subjects of the State, regardless of creed, caste, or
party, to express their views and to vote on the question of the accession of the State, and
that therefore they should co-operate in the maintenance of peace and order.

2. The Government of India should:

(a) When it is established to the satisfaction of the Commission set up in accordance with the
Council's Resolution 39 (1948) that the tribesmen are withdrawing and that arrangements for
the cessation of the fighting have become effective, put into operation in consultation with the
Commission a plan for withdrawing their own forces from Jammu and Kashmir and reducing
them progressively to the minimum strength required for the support of the civil power in the
maintenance of law and order;

(b) Make known that the withdrawal is taking place in stages and announce the completion of
each stage; When the Indian forces shall have been reduced to the minimum strength
mentioned in (a) above, arrange in consultation with the Commission for the stationing of the
remaining forces to be carried out in accordance with the following principles:

(i) That the presence of troops should not afford any intimidation or appearance of
intimidation to the inhabitants of the State;
(ii) That as small a number as possible should be retained in forward areas;
(iii) That any reserve of troops which may be included in the total strength should be located
within their present base area.

3. The Government of India should agree that until such time as the plebiscite administration referred
to below finds it necessary to exercise the powers of direction and supervision over the State forces
and policy provided for in paragraph 8, they will be held in areas to be agreed upon with the
Plebiscite Administrator.

4. After the plan referred to in paragraph 2 (a) above has been put into operation, personnel
recruited locally in each district should so far as possible be utilised for the re-establishment and
maintenance of law and order with due regard to protection )t minorities, subject to such additional
requirements as may be specified by the Plebiscite Administration referred to in paragraph 7.

5. If these local forces should be found to be inadequate, the Commission, subject to the agreement
of both the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan, should arrange for the use of such
forces of either Dominion as it deems t(effective for the purpose of pacification.


6. The Government of India should undertake to ensure that the Government of the State invite the
major political groups to designate responsible representatives to share equitably and fully in the
conduct of the administration at the ministerial level, while the plebiscite is being prepared and
carried out.

7. The Government of India should undertake that there will be established in Jammu and Kashmir a
Plebiscite Administration to hold a Plebiscite as soon as possible ()n the question of the accession of
the State to India or Pakistan.

8. The Government of India should undertake that there will be delegated by the State to the
Plebiscite Administration such powers as the latter considers necessary for holding a fair and
impartial plebiscite including, for that purpose only, the direction and supervision of the State forces
and police.

9. The Government of India should at the request of the Plebiscite Administration, make available
from the Indian forces such assistance as the Plebiscite Administration may require for the
performance of its functions.

10. (a) The Government of India should agree that a nominee of the Secretary-General of the United
Nations will be appointed to be the Plebiscite Administrator. The Plebiscite Administrator, acting as
an officer of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, should have authority to nominate the assistants and
other subordinates and to draft regulations governing the Plebiscite. Such nominees should be
formally appointed and such draft regulations should be formally promulgated by the State of Jammu
and Kashmir.

The Government of India should undertake that the Government of Jammu and Kashmir will appoint
fully qualified persons nominated by the Plebiscite Administrator to act as special magistrates within
the State judicial system to hear cases which in the opinion of the Plebiscite Administrator have a
serious bearing on the preparation and the conduct of a free and impartial plebiscite. The terms of
service of the Administrator should form the subject of a separate negotiation between the
Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Government of India. The Administrator should fix
the terms of service for his assistants and subordinates.

The Administrator should have the right to communicate directly, with the Government of the State
and with the Commission of the Security Council and, through the Commission, with the Security
Council, with the Governments of India and Pakistan and with their representatives with the
Commission. It would be his duty to bring to the notice of any or all of the foregoing (as he in his
discretion may decide) any circumstances arising which may tend, in his opinion, to interfere with the
freedom of the Plebiscite.

11. The Government of India should undertake to prevent to give full support to the Administrator
and his staff in preventing any threat, coercion or intimidation, bribery or other undue influence on the
voters in the plebiscite, and the Government of India should publicly announce and should cause the
Government of the State to announce this undertaking as an international obligation binding on all
public authorities and officials in Jammu and Kashmir.

12. The Government of India should themselves and through the Government of the State declare
and make known that all subjects of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, regardless of creed, caste or
party, will be safe and free in expressing their views and in voting on the question of the accession of
the State and that there will be freedom of the Press, speech and assembly and freedom of travel in
the State, including freedom of lawful entry and exit.

13. The Government of India should use and should ensure that the Government of the State also
use their best endeavour to effect the withdrawal from the State of all Indian nationals other than
those who are normally resident therein or who on or since 15th August 1947 have entered it for a
lawful purpose.

14. The Government of India should ensure that the Government of the State releases all political
prisoners and take all possible steps so that:

(a) all citizens of the State who have left it on account of disturbances are invited and are free
to return to their homes and to exercise their rights as such citizens;
(b) there is no victimisation; minorities in all parts of the State are accorded adequate

15. The Commission of the Security Council should at the end of the plebiscite certify to the Council
whether the plebiscite has or has not been really free and impartial.


16. The Governments of India and Pakistan should each be invited to nominate a representative to
be attached to the Commission for such assistance as it may require in the performance of its task.

17. The Commission should establish in Jammu and Kashmir such observers as it may require of any
of the proceedings in pursuance of the measures indicated in the foregoing paragraphs.

18. The Security Council Commission should carry out the tasks assigned to it herein.

The Security Council voted on this Resolution on 21-41948 with the following result:
In favour: Argentina, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Syria, U.K. and U.S.A.
Against: None
Abstaining: Belgium, Colombia, Ukrainian S.S.R. and U.S.S.R.


Pakistan challenged the accession as the accession was predicated on violence and fraud, and it was signed by someone who had no authority to do so.

And You yourself made that accession controversial when you took the dispute to the UN in 1948. You accused Pakistan of aggression in Kashmir but the Security Council explicitly and by implications, rejected India's claim that Kashmir is legally Indian territory and it didn't declare Pakistan an aggressor state. The Security Council passed Resolutions that established self-determination as the governing principal for the settlement of the Kashmir dispute. You accepted those resolutions and this endorsed a binding agreement between India and Pakistan that a plebiscite would be held to decide the accession of Kashmir to India or Pakistan.

The UN position is that, while Maharajah's accession to India may not be invalid, it is incomplete. And it will be considered incomplete until and unless it is ratified by the People of Kashmir in a plebiscite held under UN auspices. And anyway, the Indian Representative, in his letter to the President of the Security Council, regarding the status of the State himself had stated that "its people would be free to decide their future by the recognized democratic method of a plebiscite or referendum which, in order to ensure complete impartiality, might be held under international auspices"

Therefore, the arrangement caused through the accession of 26 October 1947 has been taken over by the interests of 195 countries of the UN. And when it's the people of the state who have to decide the accession of Kashmir to India or Pakistan, the so called Instrument of Accession loses its importance and is not of slightest relevance in this regard.

Now please tell us how is it comparable to accession of Khanate of Kalat (not entire Baluchistan, as you like to portray) to Pakistan ?
The analogy of vodka et al? Use CAGE. And come back. Will give you prescription for disulfiram. Be sure to step into an ER before using it though.

The bold and underlined parts? Your isolating an issue and refusal to see it in the broader perspective of international affairs highlights the credibility of your claims in aforementioned field. or post a source for figure of killed. The naievity displayed seriously makes me wonder, forgive me for the same.

As for your quip of 'millions have been killed' suggest get sober and get online. Really you are coming out as plain dumb and another person high on infactualities.

Lastly, '.....one human life should be ignored', first replicate it to your foreign and domestic policy and then teach it to others.

Since you have gone into a domain which I have not even mentioned in brief, let me answer you knowing that you may not be in a position to comprehend.

You certainly are appearing increasingly as a 'dim' chap! My apologies for engaging you in a subject which you clearly are not in a position to appreciate for whatever reasons.

I certainly do have a respect for US and my counterparts in your country.

The second portion? Under Bill Clinton the effort of US was to contain and put pressure on India. Sanctions were placed on India in the wake of nuclear tests. Till 2001, you were not only opposing us, but actively working against Indian interests. This was the decade wherein weapons satin of Pakistani nuclear program indigenously was achieved. I can go on but this should suffice.

What changed was the French refusing to toe American line in the aftermath of nuclear tests and entering India in a big way. Your companies complained about sanctions precluding them a share of market in India, pragmatism drove you, not your condescending philanthropy.

The mere fact that you know jack about the Indo-US relationship in past two decades shows me the veracity of your claims of being in international politics. If any case of content being an equivalence of human biological waste was to be exemplified your posts so far would be apt.

The bold portion - read my post. I care a damn for any claims or lack thereof. I have not said anything about it. Quote the member you want to engage not one who has nothing to do with it. Get sober, you are really embarrassing yourself now.

As for the portion highlighted in red, I share your sentiment, but get a grip on your language. Also go pontify to your police forces and the increasingly divided society you have. Stop bothering us, we know our ills and danger of sectarian divisions in our society, and are more than capable of dealing with it.

Lastly, read every UN resolution serially, not in isolation. Read the history of J&k pre independence and then talk to me. In the same breath we will discuss confederacy and Texas along with Louisiana. Study and come.

Waiting for you.

@Joe Shearer you were missing sir. A gem here we have

Nope won't happen. We won't fire a single shot.

I am sorry.

After last night's unsatisfactory exchange with an opinionated Indian member who was extremely poorly versed in the fundamentals of what he wanted to discuss, and wanted me to attack the JNU, or wanted to attack me for being pro-JNU (which one it was that motivated him I neither know nor care), I've had it to the back teeth with engaging with idiots who know nothing and will not learn either. Indian, Pakistani, Murricain, they're all the same bloody set of pinheads.

I've decided that I will engage only with those whom I've found to make sense, with at least the education and knowledge to make it worthwhile.

The rest can go hang.
Just FYI go through the bolden parts are the conditions before plebisite stick to it first , remove all PAkistanis including wannbe KAshmiris including Mirpuris first ,the remove every soldier from KAshmir :D my educated friend , you never fulfilled those conditions ....do them first oh by they way how can a country sell the part of a disputed territory to third country you sold Aksaichin to China

The below is the resolution
Resolution 47 (1948)
On the India-Pakistan question submitted jointly by the Representatives for
Belgium, Canada, China, Colombia, the United Kingdom and United States
of America and adopted by the Security Council at its 286th meeting held on
21 April, 1948.
(Document No. 5/726, dated the 21st April, 1948).

Having considered the complaint of the Government of India concerning the dispute over the State
of Jammu and Kashmir, having heard the representative of India in support of that complaint and the
reply and counter complaints of the representative of Pakistan. Being strongly of opinion that the
early restoration of peace and order in Jammu and Kashmir is essential and that India and Pakistan
should do their utmost to bring about cessation of all fighting. Noting with satisfaction that both India
and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan
should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite, Considering that
the continuation of the dispute is likely to endanger international peace and security,
Reaffirms its resolution 38 (1948) of 17 January 1948;

Resolves that the membership of the Commission established by its resolution 39 (1948) of 20
January 1948, shall be increased to five and shall include, in addition to the membership mentioned
in that Resolution, representatives of... and ..., and that if the membership of the Commission has not
been completed within ten days from the date the adoption of this resolution the President of the
Council may designate such other Member or Members of the United Nations as are required to
complete the membership of five;

Instructs the Commission to proceed at once to the Indian subcontinent and there place its good
offices and mediation at the disposal of the Governments of India and Pakistan with a view to
facilitating the taking of the necessary measures, both with respect to the restoration of peace and
order and to the holding of a plebiscite by the two (Governments, acting in co-operation with one
another and with the Commission, and further instructs the Commission to keep the Council
informed of the action taken under the resolution; and, to this end.

Recommends to the Governments of India and Pakistan the following measures as those which in the
opinion of the Council and appropriate to bring about a cessation of the lighting and to create proper
conditions for a free and impartial plebiscite to decide whether the State of Jammu and Kashmir is to
accede to India or Pakistan.


1. The Government of Pakistan should undertake to use its best endeavours:

(a) To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and
Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purposes
of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of
material aid to those fighting in the State;

(b) To make known to all concerned that the measures indicated in this and the following
paragraphs provide full freedom to all subjects of the State, regardless of creed, caste, or
party, to express their views and to vote on the question of the accession of the State, and
that therefore they should co-operate in the maintenance of peace and order.

2. The Government of India should:

(a) When it is established to the satisfaction of the Commission set up in accordance with the
Council's Resolution 39 (1948) that the tribesmen are withdrawing and that arrangements for
the cessation of the fighting have become effective, put into operation in consultation with the
Commission a plan for withdrawing their own forces from Jammu and Kashmir and reducing
them progressively to the minimum strength required for the support of the civil power in the
maintenance of law and order;

(b) Make known that the withdrawal is taking place in stages and announce the completion of
each stage; When the Indian forces shall have been reduced to the minimum strength
mentioned in (a) above, arrange in consultation with the Commission for the stationing of the
remaining forces to be carried out in accordance with the following principles:

(i) That the presence of troops should not afford any intimidation or appearance of
intimidation to the inhabitants of the State;
(ii) That as small a number as possible should be retained in forward areas;
(iii) That any reserve of troops which may be included in the total strength should be located
within their present base area.

3. The Government of India should agree that until such time as the plebiscite administration referred
to below finds it necessary to exercise the powers of direction and supervision over the State forces
and policy provided for in paragraph 8, they will be held in areas to be agreed upon with the
Plebiscite Administrator.

4. After the plan referred to in paragraph 2 (a) above has been put into operation, personnel
recruited locally in each district should so far as possible be utilised for the re-establishment and
maintenance of law and order with due regard to protection )t minorities, subject to such additional
requirements as may be specified by the Plebiscite Administration referred to in paragraph 7.

5. If these local forces should be found to be inadequate, the Commission, subject to the agreement
of both the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan, should arrange for the use of such
forces of either Dominion as it deems t(effective for the purpose of pacification.


6. The Government of India should undertake to ensure that the Government of the State invite the
major political groups to designate responsible representatives to share equitably and fully in the
conduct of the administration at the ministerial level, while the plebiscite is being prepared and
carried out.

7. The Government of India should undertake that there will be established in Jammu and Kashmir a
Plebiscite Administration to hold a Plebiscite as soon as possible ()n the question of the accession of
the State to India or Pakistan.

8. The Government of India should undertake that there will be delegated by the State to the
Plebiscite Administration such powers as the latter considers necessary for holding a fair and
impartial plebiscite including, for that purpose only, the direction and supervision of the State forces
and police.

9. The Government of India should at the request of the Plebiscite Administration, make available
from the Indian forces such assistance as the Plebiscite Administration may require for the
performance of its functions.

10. (a) The Government of India should agree that a nominee of the Secretary-General of the United
Nations will be appointed to be the Plebiscite Administrator. The Plebiscite Administrator, acting as
an officer of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, should have authority to nominate the assistants and
other subordinates and to draft regulations governing the Plebiscite. Such nominees should be
formally appointed and such draft regulations should be formally promulgated by the State of Jammu
and Kashmir.

The Government of India should undertake that the Government of Jammu and Kashmir will appoint
fully qualified persons nominated by the Plebiscite Administrator to act as special magistrates within
the State judicial system to hear cases which in the opinion of the Plebiscite Administrator have a
serious bearing on the preparation and the conduct of a free and impartial plebiscite. The terms of
service of the Administrator should form the subject of a separate negotiation between the
Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Government of India. The Administrator should fix
the terms of service for his assistants and subordinates.

The Administrator should have the right to communicate directly, with the Government of the State
and with the Commission of the Security Council and, through the Commission, with the Security
Council, with the Governments of India and Pakistan and with their representatives with the
Commission. It would be his duty to bring to the notice of any or all of the foregoing (as he in his
discretion may decide) any circumstances arising which may tend, in his opinion, to interfere with the
freedom of the Plebiscite.

11. The Government of India should undertake to prevent to give full support to the Administrator
and his staff in preventing any threat, coercion or intimidation, bribery or other undue influence on the
voters in the plebiscite, and the Government of India should publicly announce and should cause the
Government of the State to announce this undertaking as an international obligation binding on all
public authorities and officials in Jammu and Kashmir.

12. The Government of India should themselves and through the Government of the State declare
and make known that all subjects of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, regardless of creed, caste or
party, will be safe and free in expressing their views and in voting on the question of the accession of
the State and that there will be freedom of the Press, speech and assembly and freedom of travel in
the State, including freedom of lawful entry and exit.

13. The Government of India should use and should ensure that the Government of the State also
use their best endeavour to effect the withdrawal from the State of all Indian nationals other than
those who are normally resident therein or who on or since 15th August 1947 have entered it for a
lawful purpose.

14. The Government of India should ensure that the Government of the State releases all political
prisoners and take all possible steps so that:

(a) all citizens of the State who have left it on account of disturbances are invited and are free
to return to their homes and to exercise their rights as such citizens;
(b) there is no victimisation; minorities in all parts of the State are accorded adequate

15. The Commission of the Security Council should at the end of the plebiscite certify to the Council
whether the plebiscite has or has not been really free and impartial.


16. The Governments of India and Pakistan should each be invited to nominate a representative to
be attached to the Commission for such assistance as it may require in the performance of its task.

17. The Commission should establish in Jammu and Kashmir such observers as it may require of any
of the proceedings in pursuance of the measures indicated in the foregoing paragraphs.

18. The Security Council Commission should carry out the tasks assigned to it herein.

The Security Council voted on this Resolution on 21-41948 with the following result:
In favour: Argentina, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Syria, U.K. and U.S.A.
Against: None
Abstaining: Belgium, Colombia, Ukrainian S.S.R. and U.S.S.R.


Just FYI go through the bolden parts are the conditions before plebisite stick to it first , remove all PAkistanis including wannbe KAshmiris including Mirpuris first ,the remove every soldier from KAshmir :D my educated friend , you never fulfilled those conditions ....do them first oh by they way how can a country sell the part of a disputed territory to third country you sold Aksaichin to China

The below is the resolution
Resolution 47 (1948)
On the India-Pakistan question submitted jointly by the Representatives for
Belgium, Canada, China, Colombia, the United Kingdom and United States
of America and adopted by the Security Council at its 286th meeting held on
21 April, 1948.
(Document No. 5/726, dated the 21st April, 1948).

Having considered the complaint of the Government of India concerning the dispute over the State
of Jammu and Kashmir, having heard the representative of India in support of that complaint and the
reply and counter complaints of the representative of Pakistan. Being strongly of opinion that the
early restoration of peace and order in Jammu and Kashmir is essential and that India and Pakistan
should do their utmost to bring about cessation of all fighting. Noting with satisfaction that both India
and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan
should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite, Considering that
the continuation of the dispute is likely to endanger international peace and security,
Reaffirms its resolution 38 (1948) of 17 January 1948;

Resolves that the membership of the Commission established by its resolution 39 (1948) of 20
January 1948, shall be increased to five and shall include, in addition to the membership mentioned
in that Resolution, representatives of... and ..., and that if the membership of the Commission has not
been completed within ten days from the date the adoption of this resolution the President of the
Council may designate such other Member or Members of the United Nations as are required to
complete the membership of five;

Instructs the Commission to proceed at once to the Indian subcontinent and there place its good
offices and mediation at the disposal of the Governments of India and Pakistan with a view to
facilitating the taking of the necessary measures, both with respect to the restoration of peace and
order and to the holding of a plebiscite by the two (Governments, acting in co-operation with one
another and with the Commission, and further instructs the Commission to keep the Council
informed of the action taken under the resolution; and, to this end.

Recommends to the Governments of India and Pakistan the following measures as those which in the
opinion of the Council and appropriate to bring about a cessation of the lighting and to create proper
conditions for a free and impartial plebiscite to decide whether the State of Jammu and Kashmir is to
accede to India or Pakistan.


1. The Government of Pakistan should undertake to use its best endeavours:

(a) To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and
Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purposes
of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of
material aid to those fighting in the State;

(b) To make known to all concerned that the measures indicated in this and the following
paragraphs provide full freedom to all subjects of the State, regardless of creed, caste, or
party, to express their views and to vote on the question of the accession of the State, and
that therefore they should co-operate in the maintenance of peace and order.

2. The Government of India should:

(a) When it is established to the satisfaction of the Commission set up in accordance with the
Council's Resolution 39 (1948) that the tribesmen are withdrawing and that arrangements for
the cessation of the fighting have become effective, put into operation in consultation with the
Commission a plan for withdrawing their own forces from Jammu and Kashmir and reducing
them progressively to the minimum strength required for the support of the civil power in the
maintenance of law and order;

(b) Make known that the withdrawal is taking place in stages and announce the completion of
each stage; When the Indian forces shall have been reduced to the minimum strength
mentioned in (a) above, arrange in consultation with the Commission for the stationing of the
remaining forces to be carried out in accordance with the following principles:

(i) That the presence of troops should not afford any intimidation or appearance of
intimidation to the inhabitants of the State;
(ii) That as small a number as possible should be retained in forward areas;
(iii) That any reserve of troops which may be included in the total strength should be located
within their present base area.

3. The Government of India should agree that until such time as the plebiscite administration referred
to below finds it necessary to exercise the powers of direction and supervision over the State forces
and policy provided for in paragraph 8, they will be held in areas to be agreed upon with the
Plebiscite Administrator.

4. After the plan referred to in paragraph 2 (a) above has been put into operation, personnel
recruited locally in each district should so far as possible be utilised for the re-establishment and
maintenance of law and order with due regard to protection )t minorities, subject to such additional
requirements as may be specified by the Plebiscite Administration referred to in paragraph 7.

5. If these local forces should be found to be inadequate, the Commission, subject to the agreement
of both the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan, should arrange for the use of such
forces of either Dominion as it deems t(effective for the purpose of pacification.


6. The Government of India should undertake to ensure that the Government of the State invite the
major political groups to designate responsible representatives to share equitably and fully in the
conduct of the administration at the ministerial level, while the plebiscite is being prepared and
carried out.

7. The Government of India should undertake that there will be established in Jammu and Kashmir a
Plebiscite Administration to hold a Plebiscite as soon as possible ()n the question of the accession of
the State to India or Pakistan.

8. The Government of India should undertake that there will be delegated by the State to the
Plebiscite Administration such powers as the latter considers necessary for holding a fair and
impartial plebiscite including, for that purpose only, the direction and supervision of the State forces
and police.

9. The Government of India should at the request of the Plebiscite Administration, make available
from the Indian forces such assistance as the Plebiscite Administration may require for the
performance of its functions.

10. (a) The Government of India should agree that a nominee of the Secretary-General of the United
Nations will be appointed to be the Plebiscite Administrator. The Plebiscite Administrator, acting as
an officer of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, should have authority to nominate the assistants and
other subordinates and to draft regulations governing the Plebiscite. Such nominees should be
formally appointed and such draft regulations should be formally promulgated by the State of Jammu
and Kashmir.

The Government of India should undertake that the Government of Jammu and Kashmir will appoint
fully qualified persons nominated by the Plebiscite Administrator to act as special magistrates within
the State judicial system to hear cases which in the opinion of the Plebiscite Administrator have a
serious bearing on the preparation and the conduct of a free and impartial plebiscite. The terms of
service of the Administrator should form the subject of a separate negotiation between the
Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Government of India. The Administrator should fix
the terms of service for his assistants and subordinates.

The Administrator should have the right to communicate directly, with the Government of the State
and with the Commission of the Security Council and, through the Commission, with the Security
Council, with the Governments of India and Pakistan and with their representatives with the
Commission. It would be his duty to bring to the notice of any or all of the foregoing (as he in his
discretion may decide) any circumstances arising which may tend, in his opinion, to interfere with the
freedom of the Plebiscite.

11. The Government of India should undertake to prevent to give full support to the Administrator
and his staff in preventing any threat, coercion or intimidation, bribery or other undue influence on the
voters in the plebiscite, and the Government of India should publicly announce and should cause the
Government of the State to announce this undertaking as an international obligation binding on all
public authorities and officials in Jammu and Kashmir.

12. The Government of India should themselves and through the Government of the State declare
and make known that all subjects of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, regardless of creed, caste or
party, will be safe and free in expressing their views and in voting on the question of the accession of
the State and that there will be freedom of the Press, speech and assembly and freedom of travel in
the State, including freedom of lawful entry and exit.

13. The Government of India should use and should ensure that the Government of the State also
use their best endeavour to effect the withdrawal from the State of all Indian nationals other than
those who are normally resident therein or who on or since 15th August 1947 have entered it for a
lawful purpose.

14. The Government of India should ensure that the Government of the State releases all political
prisoners and take all possible steps so that:

(a) all citizens of the State who have left it on account of disturbances are invited and are free
to return to their homes and to exercise their rights as such citizens;
(b) there is no victimisation; minorities in all parts of the State are accorded adequate

15. The Commission of the Security Council should at the end of the plebiscite certify to the Council
whether the plebiscite has or has not been really free and impartial.


16. The Governments of India and Pakistan should each be invited to nominate a representative to
be attached to the Commission for such assistance as it may require in the performance of its task.

17. The Commission should establish in Jammu and Kashmir such observers as it may require of any
of the proceedings in pursuance of the measures indicated in the foregoing paragraphs.

18. The Security Council Commission should carry out the tasks assigned to it herein.

The Security Council voted on this Resolution on 21-41948 with the following result:
In favour: Argentina, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Syria, U.K. and U.S.A.
Against: None
Abstaining: Belgium, Colombia, Ukrainian S.S.R. and U.S.S.R.


You are trying to convert those who know, but who deliberately distort and twist facts, because it does not fit their paradigm.

A waste of time.
They are trying to educate me actually :D :D you are right I agree with you ...but thanks god I never though Indians are so agressive for Kashmir keep it up ..if we have youth like this then what ever will be situation they can do nothing :)
You are trying to convert those who know, but who deliberately distort and twist facts, because it does not fit their paradigm.

A waste of time.
. .
What an idotic and immature country India is!!! It just baffling. Kashmir is an internationally recognized dispute. Its people dont want to live with India. That too is a known fact. And they are talking Azad Kashmir!

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