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Karzai: I'll send troops to Pakistan

Some one here needs a reality check. Dude you forgot that it was not the afghans but the tailban that fought the russians with the backing of pakistan and the US. And tailban originated from where, i do not need to tell you that. We can send this Karzai straight back to hell at any given day, the problem is our political setup. Just read the statement given by our PM in response to this, it sucks, a guy is threatning our nation and what do we come out with, we need good relationships with afghanistan, what bloody hell.:angry:

The last thing your country neeeds is a confrontation in your Western borders. Why do you forget, the enemy is no longer beyond Pakistan's borders, it is inside Pakistan.

By the way, "boasting" that the Taliban originated from Pakistan is is really a wonderful act.

Further, read the two posts by Salim and cactuslily58 to realize how off-topic this thread has gone.
Some one here needs a reality check. Dude you forgot that it was not the afghans but the tailban that fought the russians with the backing of pakistan and the US. And tailban originated from where, i do not need to tell you that. We can send this Karzai straight back to hell at any given day, the problem is our political setup. Just read the statement given by our PM in response to this, it sucks, a guy is threatning our nation and what do we come out with, we need good relationships with afghanistan, what bloody hell.:angry:

I thought Taliban was formed after the Russians had already been driven out and the "Mujahideen" had started fighting among themselves and looting the ordinary Afghans.


The Taliban initially had enormous goodwill from Afghans weary of the corruption, brutality and incessant fighting of Mujahideen warlords. Two contrasting narratives of the beginnings of the Taliban[13] are that the rape and murder of boys and girls from a family traveling to Kandahar or a similar outrage by Mujahideen bandits sparked Mullah Omar and his students to vow to rid Afghanistan of these criminals.[14] The other is that the Pakistan-based truck shipping mafia known as the "Afghanistan Transit Trade" and their allies in the Pakistan government, trained, armed and financed the Taliban to clear the southern road across Afghanistan to the Central Asian Republics of extortionate bandit gangs.[15]

Though there is no evidence that the CIA directly supported the Taliban or Al Qaeda, some basis for military support of the Taliban was provided when, in the early 1980s, the CIA and the ISI (Pakistan's Interservices Intelligence Agency) provided arms to Afghans resisting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and the ISI assisted the process of gathering radical Muslims from around the world to fight against the Soviets. Osama Bin Laden was one of the key players in organizing training camps for the foreign Muslim volunteers. The U.S. poured funds and arms into Afghanistan and "by 1987, 65,000 tons of U.S.-made weapons and ammunition a year were entering the war".[16]

The Taliban were based in the Helmand, Kandahar and Uruzgan regions, and were overwhelmingly ethnic Pashtuns and predominantly Durrani Pashtuns. They received training and arms from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia as well as other Middle Eastern countries who had been recruited by the U.S. to thwart the Soviet invasion of this region.

The first major military activity of the Taliban was in October-November 1994 when they marched from Maiwand in southern Afghanistan to capture Kandahar City and the surrounding provinces, losing only a few dozen men.[17] Starting with the capture of a border crossing and a huge ammunition dump from warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a few weeks later they freed "a convoy trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to Central Asia" from another group of warlords attempting to extort money.[18] In the next three months this hitherto "unknown force" took control of twelve of Afghanistan's 34 provinces, with Mujahideen warlords often surrendering to them without a fight and the "heavily armed population" giving up their weapons.[19] By September 1996 they captured Afghanistan's capital, Kabul.

Taliban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The only people Taliban has fought are fellow Afghans!
Here we go the reason for puppet Karzai's statement guess what


Today while addressing a press conference along with UK PM, Bush has said US fully endorses Karzai's statment.
We don’t want confrontation but these statements can’t be tolerated. Well let’s wait for the cowards and from now on I think we need to answer all the attacks.
Karzai threatens to send troops into Pakistan to hunt Taliban

Great warning Mr Hamid Puppet Karzai…., So you except us to clear this mess that was created by you and your cronies in the first place. Everyone says that Pakistan has to stop the Taliban from entering into Afghanistan, my question is that why doesn't the US, NATO and Afghans stop them when they get into the Afghanistan. :azn: The answer is very simple; the border is very long and rugged mountainous region. US can't handle all the illegal aliens coming from Mexico and they want us to stop the Taliban from entering or exiting Pakistan. Get real pal!!!! The Taliban are a threat to everyone, not just Americans. They do not wear a uniform. No one can tell who is a Taliban.

As for Mr Finger-puppet Karzai , Sir , you need to reconsider and rephrase you words next time you decide to speak something about your neighbours who are already fed up with you. And as you have been president for last few years, may be its time to learn some diplomatic jargon…
^^^x_man, we all know that the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is virtually non-existent. It might as well not be there.

So why don't we just stop pretending, and let the militaries of all 3 nations - US, Pakistan and Afghanistan work together with no hindrances?
I thought Taliban was formed after the Russians had already been driven out and the "Mujahideen" had started fighting among themselves and looting the ordinary Afghans.
The only people Taliban has fought are fellow Afghans!

vinod first of all your comment was out of proportion for reason that you said "that if Russia could not defeat the Afghans how can PA defeat them right ? "

The question is IF The Afghans are threatening Pakistan OR Hamid Karzai ???

And Hamid Karzai not at all representing the entire Afghans. currently the Afghan Army is drawn from loyalists of the warlords whome the common Afghans are fed up of due to their brutalities which they are still carrying out.
^^^x_man, we all know that the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is virtually non-existent. It might as well not be there.

So why don't we just stop pretending, and let the militaries of all 3 nations - US, Pakistan and Afghanistan work together with no hindrances?

What are thousands of NATO troops doing there if they can not stop attacks inside Afghanistan despite having modern tech and weapons ???

Its time they should accept their failur instead of balming others for that.
What are thousands of NATO troops doing there if they can not stop attacks inside Afghanistan despite having modern tech and weapons ???

Its time they should accept their failur instead of balming others for that.

Right...they should accept their "failure" and do what? Drink beer while the militia destroy whatever is left of Afghanistan and then go for Pakistan?

There is a reason why the US keeps attacking Pakistani territory: Taliban insurgents escape and hide there.
So why not let them do their job, or better yet, help them out?

Think this over - instead of this "finih them off" stuff, because after all, if it was possible, all these "coalition" troops and equipment would have done it - maybe we need to look at the situaltion with new eyes.

If there can be no accomodation, no reasonable process, no hope, then it can be a disaster - and no on ecan afford this - the rest of the world is not the US with it's appetite for war and destruction.

One cannot reasonably think that the problem is not US policy, after all what the heck kind of policy is war and endless war - play dead or we will have war - that kind of stuff does not work, it's time to look for solutions beyond just war.
Right...they should accept their "failure" and do what? Drink beer while the militia destroy whatever is left of Afghanistan and then go for Pakistan?

There is a reason why the US keeps attacking Pakistani territory: Taliban insurgents escape and hide there.
So why not let them do their job, or better yet, help them out?

Pakistan is already helping in war against terrorism there is no point in saying that we are not helping however we cannot allow them to operate in our territory.
I think the war has to be fought. Peace deals will not solve the root of the problem - the ideology.

If a status-quo is reached with the Taliban, we will have a huge buffer-zone in which extremists will thrive and create instability all over the world, including Pakistan.
this is getting serious

Karzai threat seen as pressure tactic in Pakistan ISLAMABAD, June 16 (Reuters) Afghan President Hamid Karzai's threat of a cross-border pursuit of militants is more of a tactic to build pressure on Pakistan than a signal of real intent, analysts said Monday. “When communication breaks down, opinions get fertilized,” said Afrasiab Khattak, a senior leader of Awami National Party. “I think it's high time for them to open communication to avoid any further escalation,” said Khattak. Analysts said Karzai's threat was a repeat of what some U.S. and NATO officials had suggested in the past, and the Afghan army couldn't act independently of U.S. and NATO military command on such a matter. “Now he has spoken their language,” said Rustam Shah Mohmand, a former ambassador of Pakistan to Kabul. The former envoy suspected Karzai was seeking to divert criticism, after getting back from an international donors conference in Paris last week. While donors pledged $20 billion in aid to Afghanistan they said Karzai must fight corruption and improve governance. Analysts said they did not expect any let up in selective air strikes, nor did they foresee U.S. ground forces being let off the leash in Pakistan. Another analyst said Karzai's warning was linked to U.S. efforts to discourage Pakistan from making peace with militants. (Posted @ 16:54 PST)

- DAWN - Latest Stories; June 16, 2008
Afghan protesters back Karzai's Pakistan threat KHOST, Afghanistan, June 16 (AFP) More than 2,000 Afghan tribesmen gathered in Afghanistan’s Paktika province Monday to voice support for President Hamid Karzai's threat to target militant leaders in Pakistan, provincial government spokesman Ghamai Khan Mohammadyar said. About 1,500 people including tribal elders and pro-government religious leaders gathered in the provincial capital Sharan to back Karzai, Mohammadyar said. “About 1,500 people were gathered in a hall in Sharan and several hundreds of others in the town of Urgun…to express their support for the president's statement,” Mohammadyar told AFP. He quoted the tribal elders as saying: “We are ready to fight the Pakistani Taliban with our own weapons and money.” Tribal chief Amin Jan told AFP from Sharan: “We support Karzai. Pakistanis are coming to Afghanistan and we have evidence.” The gathering in Urgun comprised around 600 people including tribal chiefs, clerics and residents, Mohammadyar said. (Posted @ 14:58 PST)

- DAWN - Latest Stories; June 16, 2008
Mr Karzai, take this!



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