Because he is emblematic of the core issue plaguing Indian Muslims...
They continue to bash Pakistan in the misconceived hope that it will endear them to their hindu compatriots...instead of standing up for their rights on their own merits and strength.
BTW, where are Indian Muslim men, why are they so conspicuously missing from the protest and resistance, as someone mentioned above this is biggest example of a whole population been collectively emasculated without any resistance, perhaps the worst case in history.
I always compare the Indian Muslims' plight and their resistance or lack thereof to that African Americans, who constitute a similar proportion to the overall population and have arguably been subjected a more brutal and systematic subjugation and yet they resisted without fear of death. Even to this day, Black people standup to authority in the US when they are wronged even knowing that just meekly surrendering will most likely result in their being unharmed, yet at a tremendous risk to their lives and in many cases they fight back against abuse by Police.
I just wish Indian Muslims can replicate even a fraction of courage of African Americans.