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Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

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If memory serves me right,

The initial Kargil plans were made in 80s by Brigadier Musharraf.

That time was just ripe to cut and severely hamper Indian operations.

Pakistan Air Force had the edge, Kashmir struggle on ground was in force, and Indian Punjab was a blaze.

Tell me, the plan was anything short of brilliant !

We can speculate all day long, think about what could have happened and droll over things that never happened. The reality is what has happened and where we stand today.
For those living in oblivion....No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in Washington” by former US National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Dr Condoleezza Rice......is there for you to enlighten the dark corridors. !!

can we now quote, petraeus, Richard Clark, Stanley McChrystal, Owen Bennett etc... cos there is a lot of it against pakistan out there, or are we to cherry pick just stuff that weakens Indian stand?
Surprise surprise!!!! Pakistan won Kargil War!!!!!!!
We have already built Mega bridges for this reason. Within 15 yrs, water blocking won't be an issue for Bangladesh. Padma Bridge is about to be constructed. So I don't think we are that much upset but we are really angry about this and we will never forget it. We will use it in Politics. By the way, I have heard that, India's major rivers are rooted to China. Didn't Bangladesh say them anything! I think I need to make a nice thread about this,specially to Chinese ones. 僕が出来るよ。

think before saying any crap...hahahahaha..seems some jamati or razakaar told you that India's major rivers rooted from china......except brahmaputra river which flows through assam and arunachal pradesh only.........atleast get your facts right....hahahaha.....but we can surely dry you out...hehe..and again would you elaborate how will your padma bridge will tackle the water problem. I think that's just a bridge and not some dam. Think with your mind not with something else.
Verbal Diarrhoea ......is indeed your speciality.
Nah,But you hold a Phd in Brain Farts:
If memory serves me right,

The initial Kargil plans were made in 80s by Brigadier Musharraf.

That time was just ripe to cut and severely hamper Indian operations.

Pakistan Air Force had the edge, Kashmir struggle on ground was in force, and Indian Punjab was a blaze.

Tell me, the plan was anything short of brilliant !

All your plans are brilliant. All that you execute on the ground backfires. Something is seriously wrong mate. Btw bhutto vetoed that briliant plan of yours in the 80s, wonder why!

Another example of short sighted and screwed decision making.
What I find wonderfully amusing among pakistani posters, windjammer one of prime examples of the bunch is , quoting and standing firm by western observers (with selective amnesia), when it comes to any negative observation against India, it must be carved in stone, but when comes to AQ/Taliban/loosing-wars against India/Nuke--proliferation etc, then western observers are all evil... Selective Amnesia at its best. :woot:
What I find wonderfully amusing among pakistani posters, windjammer one of prime examples of the bunch is , quoting and standing firm by western observers (with selective amnesia), when it comes to any negative observation against India, it must be carved in stone, but when comes to AQ/Taliban/loosing-wars against India/Nuke--proliferation etc, then western observers are all evil... Selective Amnesia at its best. :woot:
On the contrary, what an ex-CIA says floats your boat yet when a former State secretary discloses is hard to digest since it bursts the bubble.....a prime example of cherry picking by a senior member....more so by digressing elsewhere is an ideal way of escaping the argument at hand......Isn't it ironic that rather than what some Indian Generals or the likes of Tehlka have exposed, it's what some politically motivated Pakistani General said....puts the wind in your sails.
How true and to the point is Brian Cloughly in his opening lines. !!!!
On the contrary, what an ex-CIA says floats your boat yet when a former State secretary discloses is hard to digest since it bursts the bubble.....a prime example of cherry picking by a senior member....more so by digressing elsewhere is an ideal way of escaping the argument at hand......Isn't it ironic that rather than what some Indian Generals or the likes of Tehlka have exposed, it's what some politically motivated Pakistani General said....puts the wind in your sails.
How true and to the point is Brian Cloughly in his opening lines. !!!!

Oh I do put a lot of faith in western media/experts and none in conspiracy theories... and none especially on your interpretations of them.
as far as miss rice's opinions are concerned although O.T digest a few of the following:

on pakistan chickening out on pranabs rhetoric "worse than brejesh mishra i might add"
Post-26/11, Mukherjee's words rattled Pakistan: Condoleezza Rice - Times Of India
On pakistan and extremism
I worry about Pakistan: Condoleezza Rice - Indian Express
On pakistan and OBL
Condoleezza Rice: Pakistan Has Some Tough Questions It Needs to Ask Itself | Fox News Insider
on pakistan and Aid
Rice: U.S. aid provided to Pakistan at risk - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan | NBC News
rice's real perspective on pakistan
COVER STORY: The Pakistan Rice brings to book | DAWN.COM

P.S. Brian Cloughly is a nobody.... couple of book paid by P.A few articles in pakistani newspapers and some articles in western ones...
What I find wonderfully amusing among pakistani posters, windjammer one of prime examples of the bunch is , quoting and standing firm by western observers (with selective amnesia), when it comes to any negative observation against India, it must be carved in stone, but when comes to AQ/Taliban/loosing-wars against India/Nuke--proliferation etc, then western observers are all evil... Selective Amnesia at its best. :woot:

We may also call it as Living in Denial
Oh I do put a lot of faith in western media/experts and none in conspiracy theories... and none especially on your interpretations of them.
as far as miss rice's opinions are concerned although O.T digest a few of the following:

on pakistan chickening out on pranabs rhetoric "worse than brejesh mishra i might add"
Post-26/11, Mukherjee's words rattled Pakistan: Condoleezza Rice - Times Of India
On pakistan and extremism
I worry about Pakistan: Condoleezza Rice - Indian Express
On pakistan and OBL
Condoleezza Rice: Pakistan Has Some Tough Questions It Needs to Ask Itself | Fox News Insider
on pakistan and Aid
Rice: U.S. aid provided to Pakistan at risk - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan | NBC News
rice's real perspective on pakistan
COVER STORY: The Pakistan Rice brings to book | DAWN.COM

P.S. Brian Cloughly is a nobody.... couple of book paid by P.A few articles in pakistani newspapers and some articles in western ones...

Speaks volumes about your claims and knowledge ability.
Brian Cloughly has spent time both in India and Pakistan as a military attache......but obviously for your sake he's currently no body compared to say.....Gen. Majid Malik. :lol:
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