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Kargil : Indian Army's operation "Vijay" was ineffective

understand the tragedy of Indian narrative here. you need the Pakistani political opponents of the current Government in Pakistan to use it to prove your point. the quoted Guy deliberately made a vague statement about the foreign minister Qureshi and the Pak army general and his claim itself is so ridiculous that both needed his (and his party's) approval to get out of the conflict of Feb 19 where Pakistan had banged India in the broad day light shot down its jets and the throbbing was so dry and deep that it forced India to even shoot down its own Search and rescue helicopter to pick up downed SU 30 crew .

yea sure, you should go with the narrative of our opposition party although PAF outclassed the IAF.
I did not expect this atleast from you,as I always say Pakistan can match and in some cases out perform India when the conflict is limited to certain area,the problem for Pakistan starts when the conflict spreads to other areas and the lager the area the conflict spreads the more the Pakistani forces will be in a mess.
Don’t get angry on me. That was the assessment made by that guy in the video. In fact quite a lot of international sources think the same. And I agree with them.
Which international sources? Brainless Indians? I gave you examples of how Indians are dying in Pak obsession in all their domains – domestic politics and policies, foreign policy, media outlets, military deals, you name it. Tell me one example where Pakistanis seem to be obsessed with India.
Right now foam seems to be coming out of your mouth. So just relax. This is not a TV debate. You can put across your point so do I. No need to get overtly excited.
I am writing my comments being relaxed, composed, and focused but in firm tone that Indians really deserve. I know you feel deeply hurt and you smoking like a dud rocket. But truth is indeed hurtful for liars. For seeing mad dogs with literally foam coming out of their mouth, you need to look any Indian TV talk show, for example, the one of defamed Arnab Goswami. You'll see the host and most of his guests acting like mad dogs. You can find many other similar shows which are running and making business selling hate as their commodity.
You know how many times your leaders held a press conference after 26 Feb to declare that India is about to attack Pakistan based on a false flag? You know what used to be main agenda of IK whenever he went abroad anywhere? India, India and India.
Recently he realised that Modi is ignoring him and has stopped mentioning India.
As expected, you seem to be a typical Indian with dysfunctional brain. Issuing warnings to international community about evil Indian plan of aggression against Pakistan is not called obsession. And IK's judgement indeed proved 100% correct. Sick minded Modi indeed committed aggression against Pakistan on 26th of Feb. And then how Pakistan humiliated India the very next day is a part of history now.

Give me one example where IK seemed obsessed about India during his state visits abroad. Talking about the Kashmir dispute is not obsession with India. Domestically, as opposed to Indians, Pakistanis don't find is worth talking about Indians in our domestic politics. As opposed to cry-baby Indians, we don't always keep making hue and cry when you purchase foreign weapons systems. That shows which nation has a self-confidence and dignity.

Indians always start begging whenever we sign a deal for getting any weapon system. Yes, I agree with you that no one likes beggars in this world. So, you see the result. No one in world really cares if Indians are crying and begging. We still get whatever we deem fits our needs. And the proof is the severe beating and humiliation that PAF gave to Indians.

And let me tell you one more thing because I know your partially functional brain will lead you later towards that. A geostrategic location is a very valuable asset for any country. If deemed correctly, it brings in strategic benefits to the nation. Pakistan is lucky to have a strategic location. And we have cashed it to our benefit. Indians lack that. While we can get foreign weapon systems at discounted price while leveraging our geostrategic location, Indians are worthless without money and so they have to pay in full, often inflated, price for getting foreign weapon systems. I am not sure if you can really follow this point though.
This thread has been created to spread a lie. Which I can’t allow.
Unlike some of your countrymen who only make bombastic statements and lie all the time without any evidence, I have put up humongous amount of sources that confirm that Pakistan lost Kargil quite badly.
What a shame! One of the liar Indians is blaming others of spreading lies. Haan, did you forget the humiliation that you Indians got twice just recently for getting caught pants down while running world’s biggest networks of fake news, lies, deception, and falsehood. Just Google for fake news and you'll find Indians on the top twenty listings. Here are just a few examples for you.
The dead professor and the vast pro-India disinformation...
The staggering scale of India's anti-Pakistan propaganda...
Pro-Indian 'fake websites targeted decision makers in Europe...

And another huge network of fake news being run by Indians was busted last week. You compulsive liar Indians have no shame at all. Well it's well known fact.

So, you're claiming to be here on PDF because you cannot allow lies be spread on here? No dude, no. You're here because many Indian networks of fake news for spreading lies globally were busted just recently. So, you got jobless. Now you are spreading your sh!t here at PDF from your filthy slum. When you remove the cover of a gutter, numerous cockroaches get exposed and start running here and there. After Indian Chronicles was busted, these low-souls got exposed. They started running here and there. One happens to appear at the PDF too ( and who knows how many more of these compulsive liars are active here) .
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And here you go again. Screeching about something else. Avoiding the truth. The questions.
It’s more applicable to you than anyone else.
A nation trying to turn around a defeat into victory by finding one Parweev Sawhney.
If wars could be won like this than they would change hands every few years.

Luckily it doesn’t happen like this in the real world.

Mushahid Hussain, Lt Gen Shahid Aziz, Lt Gen Majid Malik and Nazam Sethi have a bigger standing than your sorry a**.
Which international sources? Brainless Indians? I gave you examples of how Indians are dying in Pak obsession in all their domains – domestic politics and policies, foreign policy, media outlets, military deals, you name it. Tell me one example where Pakistanis seem to be obsessed with India.
It was from the video I had posted. If you search online most of the expert speak the same about your country.

I am writing my comments being relaxed, composed, and focused but in firm tone that Indians really deserve. I know you feel deeply hurt and you smoking like a dud rocket. But truth is indeed hurtful for liars. For seeing mad dogs with literally foam coming out of their mouth, you need to look any Indian TV talk show, for example, the one of defamed Arnab Goswami. You'll see the host and most of his guests acting like mad dogs. You can find many other similar shows which are running and making business selling hate as their commodity.
You waste a lot of bandwidth to convey few words. If you don’t like Arnab don’t watch his channel. I don’t like him and do the same. Choice is yours. Don’t blame me for that.
What a shame! One of the liar Indians is blaming others of spreading lies. Haan, did you forget the humiliation that you Indians got twice just recently for getting caught pants down while running world’s biggest webs of fake news and lies. Just Google for fake news and you'll find Indians on the top twenty listings. Here are just a few examples for you.
The dead professor and the vast pro-India disinformation...
The staggering scale of India's anti-Pakistan propaganda...
Pro-Indian 'fake websites targeted decision makers in Europe...
Remain on topic. If you have to talk something other than the thread than create one and post your views there. Try to remain in topic. Till now whatever you have posted, has been lot of English with very little meaningful thoughts.
You are derailing this thread.
So, you're claiming to be here on PDF because you cannot allow lies be spread on here? No dude, no. You're here because many Indian networks of fake news for spreading lies globally were busted just recently. So, you got jobless. Now you are spreading your sh!t here at PDF from your filthy slum. When you remove the cover of a gutter, numerous cockroaches get exposed and start running here and there. One (and who knows how many more) happen to appear at the PDF too.
Another load of meaningless gibberish.
Read your post again and see if you have contributed anything to this thread.
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It’s more applicable to you than anyone else.
A nation trying to turn around a defeat into victory by finding one Parweev Sawhney.
If wars could be won like this than they would change hands every few years.

Luckily it doesn’t happen like this in the real world.

Mushahid Hussain, Lt Gen Shahid Aziz, Lt Gen Majid Malik and Nazam Sethi have a bigger standing than your sorry a**.

It was from the video I had posted. If you search online most of the expert speak the same about your country.

You waste a lot of bandwidth to convey few words. If you don’t like Arnab don’t watch his channel. I don’t like him and do the same. Choice is yours. Don’t blame me for that.

Remain on topic. If you have to talk something other than the tread than create one and post your views there.
You are derailing this thread.

Another load of meaningless gibberish.
Read your post again and see if you have contributed anything to this thread.
So if you know the truth, refute the points then...
So if you know the truth, refute the points then...
Have done it already.

It is you who has not spoken a word about what is said by Mushahid Hussain, Lt Gen Shahid Aziz, Lt Gen Majid Malik and Nazam Sethi.

Have done it already.

It is you who has not spoken a word about what is said by Mushahid Hussain, Lt Gen Shahid Aziz, Lt Gen Majid Malik and Nazam Sethi.
Lol. Poor guy didn't even know that Pak had captured more 100 peaks in Kargil (between 120-140). "But what about Peak XYZ and Ridge ABC?"
Lol. Poor guy didn't even know that Pak had captured more 100 peaks in Kargil (between 120-140). "But what about Peak XYZ and Ridge ABC?"
Ok you won all wars against Pakistan, now happy, Jay HYPER POWER OF THE UNIVERSE lol
Ok you won all wars against Pakistan, now happy, Jay HYPER POWER OF THE UNIVERSE lol
Don’t take it to your heart dude. Aap to naraz ho gaye.

We are fine as a normal power. Hyper power suits your dear friend China. Not us.
Don’t take it to your heart dude. Aap to naraz ho gaye.

We are fine as a normal power. Hyper power suits your dear friend China. Not us.
They are not claiming to be superpower but you're always claiming that you're become superpower in 2012, 2020 and now 2025 lol, they are saying they are still developing country lol
1. You lost kashmir. Kashmir terrorism which till then, was viewed internationally as some sort of indigenous struggle till, became to viewed Pakistani cross border terrorism, just because Pakistani army chose blame it's on infiltration on "Mujahideens"

2. You lost all respect internationally because army was caught in bare faced lie...when India released those Musharaf tapes. Even your closest friends refused to come to your rescue.

3. Prime minister of your country was humiliated by US president, when he went begging there for a ceasefire.

4. You lost your elected government and were ruled by a dictator for next 10 years. A dictator which eventually got you involved in US WOT .. which led to you loosing 70,000 of your civilians and 10,000 of your armed forces personnel.

5. You lost more men than Indian army ,(as per your own ruling government of the time), despite holding much higher ground.

6. You army was getting bombed 24/7 by IAF, where as your airforce could not do zilch about it.

7. Pakistan captured 140 peaks, now you hold but one. Compare Kargil to when India captured Siachen. India captured 80,000 square kilometres of area and Pakistan has not been able recapture even an inch.

8. Soon after your lost Martine patrol aircraft to Indian airforce with 16 navy personnels.

9. An army which initially even refuses to recognise and accept the dead bodies of its own soldiers, who died in service to the nation.. just because they don't want their lies to get caught(which they did get caught eventually), can you imagine, what kind of rotten institution it must be?

Is that enough, or do you want know more.

You keep capturing inches every month... because that's all you are capable off against India...but when we go on an offensive, we capture entire nations in one go..or entire glaciers at the least.
We dont care of bad press if we get Kashmir in return. .the world doesnt care about kashmir so we dont care about the world.
Our PM was ther to avoid getting incarcerated the same way he ran now... he was fearing a take over back then,,it was really about any plead.. he very well knew indians are doing enough lobbying with US to get back to status quo like u folks are doing these days with china..

I personally dont like both .i hate musharraf for letting my elected PM fly away and escape punishment.

.. if we were getting bombed 24/7 then it means you were really poor at hitting targets. Our PAF didnt even jump in since you didnt cross loc,we shot your 2 jets and a heli..please now humble down and accept it the way it was..

140 peaks?
do you know how much are140 peaks?
And how do u even go outside kargil(topic of this thread) to bring something like siachen to defend urself..
Siachin was not demarcated..there is nothing between point nj9842 to karakoram pass..you folks just jumped into an unmanned area and broke the shimla agreement.. is that really heroic or victory by any means? similar case with your other ' heroic' performances capturing no value vacant peaks ,point 5310, no highway not nothing nearby..yet it was done to avenge point 5353 a YEAR later well outside the kargil war timeline. Your operation thunderbolt for point 5770 also happened in siachin outside the the kargil dras sector but its called part of operation vijay to cover the shortcomings and bad memories of operation vijay ..

Then later you shot a non combat jet flying close by the border to extinguis ur anger for losing so many peaks at kargil.
Sqd Ldr Bundela who shot the Atlantic, three years later crashed his Mig-21 and got paralyzed neck down; eventually succumbed to death. Now that raises a question what really happened.

we only refused to take bodies during the conflict. It was conveyed that the body exchange can happen once this is over.

My friend you can take back bilal post you can sit there and keep dying... cold and avalaches are doing 10 x what we could do to you.. .There was a good reason it was demilitarized...Now this question is raised every time bodies are received by your own papers, why we went there?
Kargil destroyed the reputation of Pakistan completely. It was a diplomatic fiasco too. A PM went running to US to help him save his nations face.

Read this account to know what it did to Pakistan.

I wonder which nation would like to face this every month?
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The actual war
Kargil was technically not even a 'war' since it was fought on LoC not International border,.In academic language its called Kargil Conflict.
Besides, you would never understand the real objectives behind the whole thing.
Ok you won all wars against Pakistan, now happy, Jay HYPER POWER OF THE UNIVERSE lol
Winning all those wars doesn't make India a hyper power. It's along expected lines.
Kargil was technically not even a 'war' since it was fought on LoC not International border,.In academic language its called Kargil Conflict.
Besides, you would never understand the real objectives behind the whole thing.
There is no prerequisite to war having to be fought only along International Borders for the term "war" to be used. American North and American South fought within the borders of the US - it's called the American Civil War, not the American Civil Conflict. Look up the academic language.

Yes, I was explained the strategic objective by one of the Pak posters here - apparently it was to bomb NH1. And I thought it was to cut off the supply to Siachen and force India on the negotiating table.

Let's hear yours too.
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Winning all those wars doesn't make India a hyper power. It's along expected lines.
Hyperpower of the universe and you won't won a single war against Pakistan, in fact both countries haven't won any wars, they attacked each other and all wars had been ended without any win or lose
Own people? India is a nation of more than 1.2 billion. Anyone can find someone stating something that meets his narrative.

Shall I post videos of Arif Ajaika and Tarik Fatah? Both Pakistanis and known for critical analysis of your nation.

Parveen Sawhney may be your favourite source because he meets your narrative.
The sources I have quoted and you are avoiding are all highly placed ones with intimate knowledge of what transpired in Kargil.
Your avoiding them wouldn’t change how world sees it.
You are trying to glean one glimmer of positive by creating a narrative out of a very clear situation. A situation cast in stone.

Kargil was a complete fiasco for Pakistan and Pakistan lost comprehensively because India won.

You don’t have to say that Pakistan is a superpower.
I am giving that status to you, because only a superpower can convert a defeat into victory after 22 years.
This thread is a proof that Pakistan is indeed a superpower.

india's population is in fact over 1.4
billion. Do you have ANY evidence or proof to confirm your alleged "facts" ? IF you are not lying then remember to post the links here.
You indians seem obsessed with this narrative. Tell me how did Syria maintain it's civil war? How did Taliban fund 20 year war against the Americans?

For starters they are willing to eat grass
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