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Karachi to Peshawar Bullet train: News & Updates

On the brink of what, yes we do have issues, and yes we have to fix them. But please for the love of what ever you believe in, stop watching your chitty news channels. Look at the real world, and your own mess of a country. Dont yall have issues, heck rape is like more famous then cricket in your country these days. So please stating the obvious is one thing, exaggerating fact, and trying to look concern in just stupid. More then half the time, your country is involved in derailing Pakistan. Can you accept that reality.

i am sorry maybe i misheard your own news channels....something about many thousands dying to Drone strikes and bomb blasts... i wouldn't simply call that 'issues'.
derailing ones country works both ways, it wasn't just us who tried to derail your country, you guys did it too. going beyond that, in recent times i have not seen anybody hold India accountable to destabilizing your country (except you guys obviously), same cannot be said for your country though.
i am sorry maybe i misheard your own news channels....something about many thousands dying to Drone strikes and bomb blasts... i wouldn't simply call that 'issues'.
derailing ones country works both ways, it wasn't just us who tried to derail your country, you guys did it too. going beyond that, in recent times i have not seen anybody hold India accountable to destabilizing your country (except you guys obviously), same cannot be said for your country though.

You dont see that because the politicians dont want to talk about that. You see people dying because of the incompetence of the Gov. But still the so called brink of yours is not there yet. But alas you would want to believe it differently. And please your country that so openly helped an organization to split my county. Now what ever way you want to twist is your call, but thats a fact. You got a chance then you did it, what makes you think that your country is not doing it now. And please as I said worry about the pedophiles of your country. We will deal with our idiots our selves.
You dont see that because the politicians dont want to talk about that. You see people dying because of the incompetence of the Gov. But still the so called brink of yours is not there yet. But alas you would want to believe it differently. And please your country that so openly helped an organization to split my county. Now what ever way you want to twist is your call, but thats a fact. You got a chance then you did it, what makes you think that your country is not doing it now. And please as I said worry about the pedophiles of your country. We will deal with our idiots our selves.

i will not drag this any further, only time will tell :)
Another thing to keep check of is that this doesn't get constructed in the last 6 months of his tenure like Metro bus and all other projects.

They always do this at the end so it is recent iin the mind of the people.
Another thing to keep check of is that this doesn't get constructed in the last 6 months of his tenure like Metro bus and all other projects.

They always do this at the end so it is recent iin the mind of the people.

Actually all politicians the world over do this for extracting maximum political advantage wherever possible.
I don't support this idea. Rather I would say that GoP should restructure the whole Railways from Scratch and sell those lands at good price which can be used for AGRICULTURE purposes.
I don't support this idea. Rather I would say that GoP should restructure the whole Railways from Scratch and sell those lands at good price which can be used for AGRICULTURE purposes.

i think you guys can build no of rail projects with the cost of Maglev project.... i guess dumb idea....
What do you people expect from a moron who can`t introduce a decent Local Transit Bus services all across Punjab in his 5 time rule previous and twice Federally. That moron wasted 82 billion rupees on Metro Bus limited Areas services where as he should have introduced Punjab wide Transit Bus for less then 15 billion rupees, he preferred to import metro buses while the contract should have been given accordingly after proper tender.

Pakistan don`t not need bullet trains right now we need stable good Train service decent reliable locomotive passenger trains and better Railways infact complete overhaul Railway services.

I am glad nawaz is throwing in big lies now he`ll have to fulfill them and bankrupt Pakistan next time jaddah might not be his destination but Attock Jail.
Bullet train will cost more then our entire budget.
Just thing about it.

thousands of schools could be built with thousands of teachers employed.
In a country like Pakistan a bullet train is overkill.

Daft promise, this time, I hope he doesn't deliver on it.
What a waste of money and time.
ISLAMABAD (Online) - PML-Q president Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain alleged Tuesday that Mian Nawaz Sharif speech influenced the transparent elections and electoral results were changed after his speech.
“Mian Nawaz Sharif speech influenced the transparent elections. Results of only a few constituencies had been announced when Mian Nawaz Sharif speech spread across the country through media. Following his speech, the DPOs and DCOs turned their eyes and the results were entirely changed.

The results were complied keeping in view his speech. We are concerned over it and we have presented out stance to election commission in this respect”, he said this while talking to the journalists after filing complaint with election commission on polls rigging Tuesday.

He went on to say that Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) tried to hold transparent election in view of prevailing situation in the country and it succeeded in it to some extent But in few constituencies irregularities were committed which should be probed into, he demanded.

“My brother and PML-Q candidate for national assembly seat was contesting election from Gujarat and he was defeated through rigging. We have filed complaints of rigging with election commission what we have received from any constituency apart from Gujarat,” he held.
PML-Q Secretary General Mushahid Hussain Syed said completion of electoral process in the situation what was prevailing in the country was a good omen. The elections led to strengthen not only federation but they also fortified Balochistan. Peace will prevail in Balochistan following the stabilization of democratic process in Balochistan.

He said rigging took place in a few constituencies and it dented transparency therein. But on the whole elections were held in fair manner.

“Reconciliation is the need of hour. Politics of accommodation and reconciliation should move ahead”, he urged. A mixed mandate had come as a result of elections, he added.

Underscoring the need for coalition governments in the provinces he said it would further strengthen electoral process in the country.

Nawaz Shareef and Shahbaz Shareef VICTORY Speech

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