Well a country which is infested with religious fanatics.. extremists and killers in the name of blashphemy.. then why not normal humans (liberals) should not go aapay say bahar..! Pakistan will be destroyed by extremism.. india cannot mess with us.. we will finish ourselves.
The crux of the matter, if read in light of intellectual quest, one can validate the argument of not writing merry Christmas. Of course this ought to be discerned from the fact that Muslims rejoice in Jesus the Messiah sent by Allah.
Muslims ought to congratulate Christians that they recognized Jesus who is the Messiah sent by Allah to Banu Israeel. As it stands, the Christians were the ones who accepted Jesus the Messiah, not the Jews. This is critical juncture where Banu Israeel split and the Holy Quran makes this distinction known where it classifies the ones who rejected Jesus as "Yahud" and ones who accepted Jesus as "Nasaarah".
In Pakistan, as in the Muslim World, ought to educate themselves on the subject, as history will culminate at this very junction. Pakistanis ought to look to Egypt who have had respected Coptic Christians and have lived side by side in peace and harmony for centuries.
This subject is vast and requires careful study of the Holy Quran. Sadly nowadays Pakistanis have more time for politics of the primates and bollywood trash.
I can only hope and pray that Pakistanis stand up, to distinguish themselves as seekers of knowledge, not blinded by religious zealots who are clueless to the subjects disclosed in the Quran.
If Pakistanis do distinguish themselves in the quest for knowledge, they will have proven themselves as Muslims who weren't led astray by the devil.
So I celebrate the coming of Jesus the Messiah of Allah, the Son of the blessed Virgin Mary, Alaihi Salam. As Muslims we believe that Jesus was not killed by Romans at the behest of Jewish Rabbis, nor was He crucified.
Pakistan, extricate yourselves from ignorance and illiteracy. Become the bright start of knowledge in the Islamic World. Inshallah, Ameen!