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Kandahar Hijack episode - Ur response..?

Kandhahar type Hijack - Ur response ??

  • Release the terrorists as the safety of the citizens is paramount

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • No negotiation with terrorists

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • Agree to some kind of ransom money rather than terrorists

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • undertake a SF mission to release the hostages

    Votes: 26 65.0%
  • Others - Specify

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
guys pls dont respond to jana. she is a instigator, she will surely derail the thread. thanks

Why not she has raised some interesting and valid questions?
I'm particularly interested to know why the aircraft was allowed to leave Indian airspace?

@ Jana[/COLOR]

yes it was our crime to let that dogs fly away..

but the discussion here is how to avoid doing that crime again.

Karthic your Indians are making comments and we are replying them. There is nothing off topic here so far. All about that hijacking.

Some of the comments made by your countrymen suggesting India should bomb Afghanistan in such a case, so such comments do demand responding for how It can be feasible for a country like India that has no boundary with Afghanistan where the hijackers landed
Stupid thinking. You should have shoot it or bomb it at Amritsar

And one wonders how your suggestion of bombing Afghanistan is feasible for India???????

How you suppose to fly your jets through airspace of Pakistan or Iran or China for that matter even if you think most wildly ??/

Firstly,if we would have bombed the plane how would have it been called rescue mission?The lack of proper Commondo force like NSG capable of doing anti-hijacking operations was the only reason why no action was taken in Amritsar.

Secondly,my suggestion of bombing Afghanistan is feasible as it would act like a psycological weapon that if you terrorists try to do this again we can go to any extent to save our civilians and most importantly we would have taken revenge for capturing our plane.

Thirdly,we dont need to fly over your country to reach to Afghanistan coz you would have read about a sea called Arabian sea and talking about the range our mid-air refuellers are more than capable of handling such missions.

Lastly,IAF is recently practising these type of missions...in a recent excercise IAF SU-30 jets flew from Agra and Pune and bombed a uninhabited island in Andaman & Nicobar after doing mid-air refuelling.
our biggest mistake was to let them go from amristsar. we were totally suprised by the that and we caught wrong footed. basically we were not prepared for anything like this.
Why not she has raised some interesting and valid questions?
I'm particularly interested to know why the aircraft was allowed to leave Indian airspace?

This is according to the book of JN Dixit who was National Security Advisor for the then prime minister AB Vajpayee. He knew everything that happened during the hijacking as he is the most powerful bureaucrat in the whole establishment.

It was running short of fuel, so the hijackers agreed to the plane landing at Amritsar. It arrived at Amritsar at 1900 hrs. The hijackers demanded immediate refuelling. In the meantime, the Government of India activated institutional and operational arrangements to deal with the crisis. The Crisis Management Group, chaired by the cabinet secretary, was convened immediately. The National Security Guards (NSG) were placed on full alert. Procedures were commenced for the NSG’s counter-hijacking unit to proceed to wherever the plane was supposed to land. A full Cabinet meeting was followed by a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security, which was to meet every evening till the hijacking ended seven days later, on 31 December 1999.

Instructions to authorities at Amritsar were to prevent the plane from taking off and to delay the refuelling till the counter-hijacking team arrived. The hijackers sensed that the plane was being deliberately delayed as they saw some heavy trucks and buses moving towards the runway to prevent takeoff. They abruptly decided not to refuel the plane and ordered the pilot at gunpoint to take off for Pakistan. The plane took off at 1949 hrs. without refuelling, and without permission from the Air Traffic Control at Amritsar.

Source: India Pakistan in War & Peace -by JN Dixit
Karthic your Indians are making comments and we are replying them. There is nothing off topic here so far. All about that hijacking.

Fine I requested to all.Dont dicuss wat happened ..discuss wat ought to happen.


Some of the comments made by your countrymen suggesting India should bomb Afghanistan in such a case, so such comments do demand responding for how It can be feasible for a country like India that has no boundary with Afghanistan where the hijackers landed

Read post # 48..he substantiated on how it can be achieved.
Another comment without knowing about the incident.

The plane took off from Kathmandu and landed at Amritsar for refuelling.The plane was denied refuelling and NSG were contacted...as NSG was not in Amritsar so it took some time and the plane took off without refuelling and had to refuel in Pakistan.

Sorry mate however your description is not correct either.....I would say read Brijesh Mishra comments on this particular episode(read Devil's Advocate show)....It is our pathetic system and lack of direction which caused us one of the most embarrasing situation in our history....

When plane landed on Amritsar you will not wait for NSG to reach there from Delhi and then act...this is plane stupid...Don't you think so???

Actually our command and control is not adequate which is pretty clear from the Mumbai saga as well....Police reform is a must and needed badly.....As far as that particulat event this is what happened

- Plane was low on fuel so terrorist had no option but to re-fuel at Amritsar
- Clear orders were given to arrange for snipers and puncture Aircraft tyres.. This way plane could not have taken off..
- Suckers(read people in charge) could not arrange for a sniper on time....This has nothing to do with NSG.....NSG job was after sniper operation...because plane is in your land and now special forces like NSG can plan our their strategy and act....
- To make up for the time they delayed the re-fuelling which was supposed to be a bait till snipers arrive...
- Terrorist got the hint and forced the Pilot to take off without re-fuelling...
- Plane landed in Pakistan almost empty tank for re-fuelling...
- Now fukcing authorities were left scratching b***s and watching India bending her knees in front of pigs whose real worth is shot in the head......
I believe negotiation with terrorist is always a bad idea....Once you show that you are weak be ready to be black-mailed again and again....Yes, it was utmost important to save our people at that time however if we look closely that move of ours have killed more Indians then what it saved....

That Pig Mazood Azhar made JEM a very potent organization and many says is as dangerous as LET if not more...Finally they struck and gave us another embarrasment by attacking our Parliament....Scores of lives(civilians and armed forces) have been lost after this saga(read Kandahar episode)....

I know it is very easy to lecture and i would have very different views had any of my relative was in that plane but then state should make decisions on logic and not on emotions, no???....Many people have given ideas of bombing out other country and what not.....I would say that would be like killing the symptoms and not the disease(though we don't posses such capability either)...IMHO our problem is lethargic and ill-trained security aparatus coupled with slow, lethagic judiciary system...Now consider the Kandahar Episode...

- How difficult should have been for Authorities in Amritsar to arrange for a sniper???
- Why the hell we could not prosecute that pig Mazood Azhar languishing in our Jails for years and eating out from my(read our) tax money???
- Why the hell a plane highjacked in Kathmandu was able to reach all the way to Amritsar without getting intercepted anywhere in between and then later on went all the way to Pakistan??? What happened to fourth largest Air force of the world???
- Why the hell our fighter jets did not swung into action immediately???
- After 9/11 Americans created a new strategy of how to handle such incidents in future....How about us??? Do we have a strategy in place about how to handle it?? I hope we do and god forbids if need to, but when applied should be applied on logic only....

Our biggest problem is seamless operations between different authorities even in emergency situation...Just see how fukced up we were during Mumbai Saga :hitwall::hitwall:...NSG got delayed because we could not arrange a bloody plane fo r them...this is when we were facing the most deadly terrorist attack on our soil....The world saw how ill-equipped our police force is/was/will....Hope will from my last sentence get knocked out soon....
The bigger question was not why the plane was allowed to fly away from Amritsar but how did the terrorists get on the plane this easily. In fact if the world had not ignored the glaring signs in this episode, especially in terms of aviation security and Afghanistan's and Pakistan's role in this incident, there may not have been a 9-11.

If aviation security was increased, if countries payed more attention to the Afghan-Pakistan collaboration, a lot of incidents could have been stalled.
The bigger question was not why the plane was allowed to fly away from Amritsar but how did the terrorists get on the plane this easily. In fact if the world had not ignored the glaring signs in this episode, especially in terms of aviation security and Afghanistan's and Pakistan's role in this incident, there may not have been a 9-11.

If aviation security was increased, if countries payed more attention to the Afghan-Pakistan collaboration, a lot of incidents could have been stalled.

Bolded part is flawed to such an extent that i don't know how to respond.....No matter what you do there will always be terrorist who would like to harm you.....I am sure you are aware that 9/11 terrorist had no connection to Pakistan at all....You first need to ensure you are capable enough to deal with thugs before you go out to wipe them off, no???

This is what US did...and that's the reason there are no more 9/11's here....However we got our taste just couple of years ago....
MUMBAI: Two Pakistanis, who served eight years in prison for aiding a bank robbery to fund the 1999 Kandahar hijack of an Indian Airlines flight, will finally be deported tomorrow, two-and-a-half-years after being set free.

Haji Iqbal and Mohammed Asif could not be sent back to Pakistan earlier because of delay in completing the complex formalities.

The duo was taken to Wagah border by a police team from Mumbai last Thursday and would be deported to Pakistan tomorrow after completing the formalities, police sources said.

After their release from Nashik Jail in February 2008, Iqbal and Asif were staying at Borivli police station as they were not allowed to live at a place of their choice given their record and the pending deportation exercise.

The Bombay High Court had ordered their deportation in 2008, but delays by the Pakistani High Commission in completing the formalities led to their prolonged stay at the police station, Senior Police Inspector at Borivli Bhagwan Chate said.

"After procuring a government order, a police team accompanying the duo left the city for Amritsar on August 12 and they have now reached Wagah border from where both would be deported to Pakistan tomorrow," he said.

According to police, Iqbal and Asif were convicted of looting a bank in Borivli and transferring the funds to the masterminds of the hijack.

The Crime Branch had arrested them with three others on the basis of telephone intercepts involving one of the accused and the hijackers.

During their questioning, it was discovered that the two had helped three others to rob Rs 7.35 lakh from Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank branch in Borivli, Chate said.

Iqbal and Asif had been sentenced to eight years' imprisonment after they pleaded guilty before the court last year. However, since they had already served the sentence during the trial, they were ordered to be released and deported to Pakistan.

Indian Airlines' flight IC 814 to Delhi from Kathmandu with 174 passengers and 11 crew was hijacked by Pakistani militants on December 24, 1999 and taken to Kandahar.

The hostage drama had lasted for seven days and ended with the release of three militants including Maulana Masood Azhar, founder of Jaish-e-Mohammed.

Read more: Pakistanis who funded Kandahar hijack to be deported tomorrow - India - The Times of India
People what do you think , 8 years term for funding hijack ? Is justice done? Do you support the deporting of these Terrorists to Pakistan?
People who say Pakistan was involved tell me ONE incident that Omar Saeed Sheikh and Azhar Masood did in India...

Then count all the bombings and high profile cases against them in Pakistan. Omar Saeed Sheikh was basically a british Intelligence agent - by some counts a total James Bond. Pakistan security forces were literally panicking when he'd make a threat against them.

He made multiple attempts to kill Musharraf.

He shot Pakistan's name on the terrorism forefront by beheading Daniel Pearl

If anything Pakistan should doubt India that it successfully penetrated a vicious monster into Pakistan. Only one passenger died that too because he must've intervened and tried to become a hero. Everything other than that was beneficial for India. What are you guys crying about, only one guy killed. Hundreds killed in Pakistan.
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