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kalboshan won't be hanged:informative column by javed choudary

Not really. Time is not ripe. That's all. We first need to get all the juice out of it before pushing the lever down.
He shows a sense of remorse and disgruntlement with Indian RAW. He also seems to be an important cog within a larger machinery. Ultimately what led to him being captured was being disgruntled, over-confident and speaking in marathi( which is the most funniest).
I agree, He shouldnt be hanged . He is more useful alive than dead.

Then execute him then. Why the backtracking?

You want him to be executed? On the other hand indian government is begging Pak to release? I think its good to keep india busy and keep Jadev alive for a while. He ll be executed whenever Pakistan feels like.
I'd say we should not Hang him, not until we torture Indians a little more .. their Pitho is in our Custody we can extract more information contacts from him , killing him will be easy justice but extracting names of his terror network and contacts will be much better justice to those whom lost their lives by this Arsehole.
I'd say we should not Hang him, not until we torture Indians a little more .. their Pitho is in our Custody we can extract more information contacts from him , killing him will be easy justice but extracting names of his terror network and contacts will be much better justice to those whom lost their lives by this Arsehole.

I do not think Yadov's life or death is important for India. They wanted to kill him during this meeting but Pakistani's outsmart them. so crying a river.

What is more humiliating for wanna be super power is, he is alive and cooperating and speaking Pakistani language. If he is dead India will be happy. his continuous suite change and admission of crimes and RAW's involvement is working as freshly grinned mirchi in Bharti pithwara.

:pop: hang him already, doctored videos, and cheap brownie point scoring is not going show you guys as saints!
Backtracking? Did Pak govt indicate to let the terrorist Indian Navel Commander go without hanging him? It's all speculations, comments, opinions, and rumors. You call it backtracking? I can expected that from an Indian. Good job man.
not back tracking. the article gives complete details of his crimes and how Pakistan will use him for next few years to highlight Indian state sponsor terrorism.

Backtracking? Did Pak govt indicate to let the terrorist Indian Navel Commander go without hanging him? It's all speculations, comments, opinions, and rumors. You call it backtracking? I can expected that from an Indian. Good job man.
not back tracking. the article gives complete details of his crimes and how Pakistan will use him for next few years to highlight Indian state sponsor terrorism.

hanging before ICJ give the verdict.
you are taking it out of context.
any government back tracking will lose the power forever. its now a people issue. every want him dead and his supporters will be remembered as traitors.
I completely agree that killing him would be contrary to our best interests. A very commendable approach adopted by Pakistan authorities. Masha Allah. Keep it up.
He would be hanged Javed is not telling what army will do he is telling his personal wish. These days he is busy in pleasing Nawaz
Its not worth killing him.........keep alive, he will produce more info with the passage of time.. He is serving military person with valid contacts with terrorist.
He was a RAW agent for sure. Now let's see how far you can go in proving that or eventually executing him.

Statements under police / military custody are not considered valid in court
It's probably true. We're cowards.

Talk of yourself only. You are not representing Nation here. I am a member of Proud country and an equally proud Nation. A brave Nation which has defeated terrorism and has stood all odd despite filthy leadership. Its the strength of my Nation that we are standing today and marching towards a prosperous future. We are brave and so I am.
Its not worth killing him.........keep alive, he will produce more info with the passage of time.. He is serving military person with valid contacts with terrorist.
I knew this was coming.
You guys are best at making excuses.
You must go through all events of this case for a reminder.
These are not too old events.
Your army had been already convicted him and gave punishment of death.
Your army was desperately ready to hang him.
But suddenly India filed a case against the Pakistan's army court. And all your so called proofs went in vein through hearing in ICJ and hold the death stance.
You were forced to change your decision.
I am in a favour of using him till he die his natural death. His hanging will not bring us any strategic benefits. Alive KY is a punching bag we can use whenever we like against India. He is a living proof of Indian state sponsored terrorism. Trust me, Indian establishment want him dead then anyone else. He is a big liability to them to such extent that current RAW chief Anil Kumar stand exposed, as he was the one who KY was directly reporting.

One thing we need to improve on is the frequency of facts made to public about crimes he committed against the citizens of Pakistan on behalf of India and his high ups within RAW. The information flow must improve to further humiliate India.
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