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Kalabagh Dam Project

Kala Bagh Dam should be built, any one opposing it should be Assasinated...

Experts were saying the next war will be because of Water.
and i say if we keep wasting water like this, there will be a War. Poor Indians.
For the sake of India built the g**damn DAM already.
Any dam can be built now a days in 36 months (48 max. )...When we can build it ..anyone can especially if china is there to help...
Start it now and finish before the next election..
Financials of Kala Bagh dam, we can still save over 232Billions Rs annualy from KB dam.

Also the location of KB dam is ideal to control flood waters of Indus river that can avoid floods from mianwali region till it merge into the Arabian sea. see how much land we could have saved alone.

Indus River 01/08/2009

Flood as of 31/07/2010

see the ultra high resolution picture herehttp://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/44000/44991/pakistan_tmo_2010212_lrg.jpg

those who oppose such projects of national interest are indeed TRAITORS.
Who is going to throw some sense into ANP donkeys who only have one way communication. :angry:
ANP people are bloody idiots.These people can't recognize their head from their ***.I think KP should be cut off electricity wise!We should give maximum load shedding to NWFP Province as ANP represents NWFP.
ANP people are bloody idiots.These people can't recognize their head from their ***.I think KP should be cut off electricity wise!We should give maximum load shedding to NWFP Province as ANP represents NWFP.

ANP is not the only political party who oppose KB dam, MQM, a part of PPP and some Sindhi Nationalist parties are also standing by them :hitwall:
ANP people are bloody idiots.These people can't recognize their head from their ***.I think KP should be cut off electricity wise!We should give maximum load shedding to NWFP Province as ANP represents NWFP.

For the Love of God if u cant think good , dont advise for bad ........

These people are already in very much troubles.We need to help them in this hour of need than by cutting off electricity and creating more problems for them ......

We should convince them ............If they are not convinced give them Practical demo , Build a dam and let people see wht benefits it brings to Pakistan and its People...........................

I have a question Y cant we just go ahead with all the dams Once and for all .
People which are being displaced should be given big benefits and they should be settled at sum place near to there old ones ............and Let people decide it no these freaking morons politicians which are using these issues for doing politics.

See how much sindhi have suffered due to water ,if Kalabagh was there many could have been saved ..............and billion rupees could be saved tooo......
PM Gilani's statement about KB dam is significant: Although the PM is from Punjab--a province which has most pro-KB dam stance--but PM's powerbase is through PPP which is Sindh-based.
After this flood, I am convinced that Pakistan can certainly manage the water it has better before going off to fight India over water. Lining up of canals, dams, efficient water usage (drip irrigation etc), desalination plants etc should be looked into along 'war footings' as @Agno says above.
With so many millions of young, energetic, unemployed poor in Pakistan I think a lot of employment can be generated by initiating such projects rapidly.

Zardari can play the most important role in this: Bring Sindhi politicians (some of them, notably Pir Pagara, already support KB dam). So, Mr. President Zardari: Why not mobilize your party to do something like building projects for water management and earn your place in Pakistan's history?
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PPP & MQM oppose the DAM because they feel punjab will STOP thier water!!! ANP feels the DAM will sink Nowshera! Baloch parties oppose the DAM because they say WHY AREN'T WE ASKED OF OUR OPINION!

so basically the only parties not opposing the dam are Punjab parties! PML
Make artificial lakes in Sind to save water before it goes to the sea near Karachi and More small Dams on upstream.

Then play with the water of those artificial lakes near Karachi :hitwall::hitwall:

Sir we need water for irrigation. Kalabagh will irrigate many areas of NWFP and provide water to sindh also when water level in Indus river will decrease.
Kalabagh Dam may have caused more damage: Hoti
Says reopening of KKH top priority
Thursday, August 12, 2010
By our correspondent

MANSEHRA: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ameer Haider Hoti Wednesday said that had Kalabagh Dam been built it might have caused 10 times more damages than the current losses due to floods.

He was talking to the flood-affected people in Battagram and Pattan tehsil of Kohistan district. Senior ministers Bashir Ahmad Bilour, Rahimdad Khan and Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain were also accompanying him.

Hoti said that instead criticising federal and provincial governments, the opposition parties should extend support to the government to cope with such a large-scale devastation caused by the flash floods.

“The ruling and opposition parties should unite and show national spirit and patriotism to cope with the tragedy as the government alone cannot cope with the devastation,” the chief minister said. He added that reopening of the Karakoram Highway and restoration of electricity supply infrastructure in Kohistan was top priority of government.

He said criticising the government was easy but serving the humanity selflessly within limited resources was an uphill task and the government was making all-out efforts to serve the flood victims.

Hoti said the compensation amount to the families of flood victims and injured would be paid soon. He said the stranded people in the province would not be left at the mercy of weather. “We are working on war footing to open the blocked roads and supply the food by helicopter service,” he said.

The flood affectees apprised the chief minister of their miseries caused by continued blockade of the Karakoram Highway. They said there was severe shortage of food and stranded people were still at the mercy of the inclement weather. They asked the chief minister to order immediate reopening of the KKH.

Kalabagh Dam may have caused more damage: Hoti
but Mr Hoti did not gave any explanation to back him claim. 10 times more flood in what sense?

Is he only presuming that the dams would already have been filled up when this disaster is taken place? Come on Mr Hoti, if the dams were there, they would have been very helpful to tackle with this flood crisis. Dams are to protect flooding and not other way round
Chapal utar ki sar per marni chahiye ....

Who says that Kalabag dam would not have protected Billions in lost infrastructure in whole country that will take Billions now ...

Just becasue some villages and old mud cities were going to be effected by kalabagh

Indus river continously PROVIDES WATER... the damn cannot hold all water , initially there will be shortages when dam is being filled after that , the water authorities will coordinate

NOW ... MILLIONS of gallons of FRESH WATER went down the DRAIN !!!!

if we had a dam we could have irrigated Pakistani lands for 4-5 years and also produced electricity too

A unpar GAWAR leader can't understand importance of water preservations

As for ppl in Sindh , well FOR THE bird brains , where will Indus river fall into ??

Is there a alternative route for all the released water??

I would really like to know .... SO IS THE WATER going to mysteriously disppear MILLIONs and millions gallon of water ? will disappear what none sense

Right now 90% of Pakistan fresh water is going down the Drain into Pakistan Ocean


Kalabagh protected water flow + Rain = No FLOOD

YES initially when the damn will be build some ppl will HAVE TO move out .... like ppl moved out in CHINA ... or else where ....NATION comes first ...

Also if we have control over DAM , we can build cannals and move some water in to balochistan as well its so common sense -

This is exactly why I say we need a dictator for 50 years !!! democracy does not works with unpar ganwar politicians with dung houses
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