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Kabul should address Pakistan’s concerns on India

ISI love Talibunnie's

I guess reasons are much more than that, Nothern Alliance are also Muslims So
I thought they may be considered as friends however I have noticed in every forum that there is a distinctive hatred towards them. (Pakistan perspective).
I am saying this because I could sense growing hatred towards Taliban, Pakistan military is also distancing away from them unlike in 2002 when PA set up a meeting with Taliban to avoid bombardment by UN Allies. (Read US)
Afghanistan is definitly anti-pakistan, that is not because of India, they have their own reasons for that. Soviets, Americans, Afghans and more importantly Pakistan is responsible for turning Afghanistan into Medival land it is now. Pakistan's Strategic buffer strategy has cost the world and afghans especially, very vey much.

The Afghanis themselves turned Afghanistan into the "Medival" land it is now. They're the ones that fought amongst themselves when the Soviet Army withdrew. Now the Tajiks don't like Pakistan for supporting the Pashtuns. I would limit the anti Pak sentiment to Afghan-Tajiks and a couple of Indians pretending to be Afghans/brainwshed hormonal Western raised kids.

As is always said in these circumstances. Introspection is required. And the Afghanis have to blame themselves for ruining their own country in the wake of the Soviet withdrawal. The question I have is whether Afghanistan would have been better off under Soviet rule anyway. It would just have been a puppet state, but it would have been more secure than it is today.

Understand, your principle works both ways!!!!!
Why Pakistan doesnt like NA, is more complex than what you have just said, It has ethnic, political and various other reasons why ISI dont like NA. NA works for Afghanistan, while Tailbunnie's works for some medival crap and ISI wanted their thousands cut policy and strategic buffer strategy to work, it has cost Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and the world at large a lot of trouble. But then again you can blame Israel, india and USA..

Some of the biggest Islamic radicals work for the NA. OBL was invited into Afghanistan by the NA as a matter of fact.
Sir you are an elder hence no need to call me Madam :)

And for your question, Yes India involved but not in the level of that you are accusing it off, it simply is not. You are over-estimating India when it comes to this situation, and that same under-estimating in various other fields,

:) After reading the article in media your use of the phrase Pakistani mentality looking for conspiracies is nothing new.
These are realities stemed from the conspiracies wolrd powers had been hatching since so many decades to get own self empowered on the other.
You also know that now its another matter that some people all their life can see only one side of the coin.

Afghanistan is definitly anti-pakistan, that is not because of India, they have their own reasons for that.
Afghanistan is a large country hence you can not call a bunch of Northern Alliance as entire Afghanitsan and anti-Pakistan.
Afghanistan is not anti-Pakistan and depsite those "own reasons" never in the past the majority Pashtun Population had ever granted India so much free hand to use their Soil Against Pakistan, nor those "own reasons" had ever forced the Afghans to bomb Pakistan.

Soviets, Americans, Afghans and more importantly Pakistan is responsible for turning Afghanistan into Medival land it is now. Pakistan's Strategic buffer strategy has cost the world and afghans especially, very vey much.

Make it this way More Importantly the US is responsible for truning Afghanistan into Medival land dear Sir.
Despite Pakistan being a strategic buffer zone, its the US and other powers those are using and pressurizing Pakistan.

Due to their porxy wars we are in mess otherwise it was not that worse.

ISI love Talibunnie's

Wow with a western or American ID Mark Thomas and with an Indian flag you have a scant memory that US also loves Talibunnie's (BTW your use of Talibunnie's clealry reminds me of Indian mentality on one of their forum where they use this word with massively).
As if you forgot it was CIA that had funded Muhjahideen and present day Taliban.

As if you forgot that Osama Bin Ladin was treated for Kidnies problem in USA under CIA.

As if you forgot that US immense love for Talibanies when UNICOAL was hand in gloves with Taliban in Afghanistan.
The Afghanis themselves turned Afghanistan into the "Medival" land it is now. They're the ones that fought amongst themselves when the Soviet Army withdrew. Now the Tajiks don't like Pakistan for supporting the Pashtuns. I would limit the anti Pak sentiment to Afghan-Tajiks and a couple of Indians pretending to be Afghans/brainwshed hormonal Western raised kids.

As is always said in these circumstances. Introspection is required. And the Afghanis have to blame themselves for ruining their own country in the wake of the Soviet withdrawal. The question I have is whether Afghanistan would have been better off under Soviet rule anyway. It would just have been a puppet state, but it would have been more secure than it is today.

That is minus Taliban right !!! Perhaps as you said Afgans would have been more secure under Najibullah (Soviet supported). But who were supporting Taliban then ?

But its a mess now.

Understand, your principle works both ways!!!!!
Why Pakistan doesnt like NA, is more complex than what you have just said, It has ethnic, political and various other reasons why ISI dont like NA. NA works for Afghanistan, while Tailbunnie's works for some medival crap and ISI wanted their thousands cut policy and strategic buffer strategy to work, it has cost Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and the world at large a lot of trouble.

Strategic buffer strategy will work. Pakistan will get it back. It will cost India, you're right, Afghanistan I think was an improvement, at least security-wise under the Taliban compared to the Rabbani rule before them.

But then again you can blame Israel, india and USA..

"Israel, India, the USA" :enjoy: Before that self-categorization, stop terrorizing the Kashmiri people who haven't done anything to you.
That is minus Taliban right !!! Perhaps as you said Afgans would have been more secure under Najibullah (Soviet supported). But who were supporting Taliban then ?

But its a mess now.

It is a mess now. And Pakistan supported the Mujahideen (who were the Taliban) against the Soviets. However, the whole of Afghanistan supported the Mujahideen. You can't now turn around and act all innocent like a child and say, why did you support the Mujahideen? The people of Afghanistan supported the Mujahideen, and so did Pakistan. It was universal, and what most of Afghanistan wanted.
Right, But India never supported Mujahideen, India did support Afgan Govt then it even supports Karzai now, It was more of Diplomatic support then and even now however India does provide Aid to Afganisthan government as it needs to do as a regional player. India is building roads hospitals in Afganisthan. India has around six consulates in Afganisthan and this is resented by Pakistan.
Mind you India needs to access Afganisthan through Pakistan or Iran and Now Afganistah is under US and NATO forces so its activities are very much in open.
Yes Northern Alliance works for Afghanistan in shape of killing Pashtuns, and working for Afghanistan in shape of indulging in Drugs trade and corruption.

Good point. That's true actually.
NA is not pashtoon, they care two hoots about pakistan, and they are not modernist islamic people compared to talibunnie's

all the more reason for india to support the NA. case closed!
Right, But India never supported Mujahideen, India did support Afgan Govt then it even supports Karzai now, It was more of Diplomatic support then and even now however India does provide Aid to Afganisthan government as it needs to do as a regional player. India is building roads hospitals in Afganisthan. India has around six consulates in Afganisthan and this is resented by Pakistan.
Mind you India needs to access Afganisthan through Pakistan or Iran and Now Afganistah is under US and NATO forces so its activities are very much in open.

:) why would India support Mujahideen in the first place ??
As Mujahideen were never against Pakistan.
India only supports anti-Pakistan elements. as far your consulates these are eight and in such areas where these are not at all required with no government or dimplomatic activity in place.

These Indian consulates are involved in carrying terrorist activities inside Pakistan and it was also clear from this statment of Interferth that US should address Pakistan concerns in this regard.

And as far activities being in the open, its a biggest concern we expressed that US is looking away from the sinister activities of India in Afghanistan.
Before the Taliban became a United force (vs the splintered Mujahideen commanders), the NA was no innocent when it came to pillaging and massacres. To suggest that the same warlords are now "working for Afghanistan" is stretching the truth a bit - they are supporting NATO as much as it suits their interests to defeat a common enemy and retain power, not that different from their attitudes after the Soviet invasion and pre Taliban.

While India did not support the Mujahideen, India did support the Northern Alliance (many of whose leaders were also "Mujahideen"), as did Iran, Russia and some of the CAR's, during the civil strife in the wake of the Soviet retreat, so India's hands are not exactly clean in this either, though its help in reconstruction now is commendable.
yes Kabul is helping out those elements which are harming our interests. This i a fact which no Pakistani cant deny.

Now the ground reality is that Indians has supported the anti Pakistan insurgency in Balochistan for which there are some geneuine evedance.
Pakistan has developed counter measures If Afghanistan or India triggered any insurgency in its territory.
India has faced mujahideen on the Kashmir front plus there is a new front opening up in Sirilanka and Bangladesh .
We also have the option of pulling out of war on terror . For this option US is pretty much concerned.
Now both sides are sitting in bunkers waiting for anyone to play the first move

my dear friend
your avtar is in bad taste! pls change it!
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