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Kabul blames Pakistan for cross-border hits; ties strained

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Brothers are we grown up and mature. Can't we control our emotions and think reasonably. Why?
1. Are you sure that the person appearing is 'Ahmed Shah Abdali' in reality an Afghan?
2. Have you seriously gone thru his mails and tried to assess that the language and level of response being given by a Paktia Province (As Claimed) resident. Frankly I seriously doubt it.
3. Even if he is from Afghanistan we can argue with sound reasoning without using harsh language since what message are you conveying to the rest of the world that we as a nation have no controls over our emotions. Bhai we all are loyal to Pakistan (May be you might be much better than I am but being a muslim is it correct to act in such a manner). We should be careful in this time of turmoil and sensitivities and must build healthy relationship (if we can) atleast with our muslim brothers to counter and reduce the no. of anti-pak forces as much as we can rather than inviting others to quickly join the anti-pak forces since our enemies dearly wants this thing to happen and sadly we are paving way for this way but acting with emotions rather than using brains.

Do excuse me if I have hurt any ones feelings but our first priority is Islam & Pakistan.

I was just thinking what the hell are we getting excited about how can a country which is occcupied and has a puppet regime in place be representing afghanis. The guy earlier that came on and made derogotory comments is probably american or a israeli trying to get us to fight our brothers. I am punjabi and my wife is patan. Patans on either side of the border are same people. Go to islamabad and there are loads of afghanis/patans and we treat each other as same people.
The Afghan regime is prestigious in whining on a constant basis, and its starting to get repetitive and boring. This sad excuse of a country has no honour, instead it complain's and has played the victim card for too long. Its biggest omission is that it talks, too much and does less action, but this does not come as a surprise as the Taliban are running a rogue around most of the country. My question is why don't they grow some balls and look at there own failures.
The Afghan regime is prestigious in whining on a constant basis, and its starting to get repetitive and boring. This sad excuse of a country has no honour, instead it complain's and has played the victim card for too long. Its biggest omission is that it talks, too much and does less action, but this does not come as a surprise as the Taliban are running a rogue around most of the country. My question is why don't they grow some balls and look at there own failures.

But the point is that we should pay no notice to these puppets they are not afghani government they have been put there by americans so thats whose views they represent.
The guy earlier that came on and made derogotory comments is probably american or a israeli trying to get us to fight our brothers.

In my opinion Afghan's are a bunch of ungrateful people, who don't have the privilage of being called are brothers. Pashtun's are a great people, in fact even my ancestors who fought against them said that these people fight like lions, however that comparison does not fit the Afghan people in general. Look at Karzai the person stayed in Pakistan during the Soviet invasion, and now he has the audastity to bad mouth Pakistan. Furthermore the Afghan refugees are known to cause problems within Pakistan, such as narcostics.
But the point is that we should pay no notice to these puppets they are not afghani government they have been put there by americans so thats whose views they represent.

I have met a number of Afghans in the UK, and let me tell you, they hate Pakistani's, therefore we should not consider them as our brothers.
I think the people of KPK are enough to take care of ANA :lol:
They must be mad to challenge PA.
I have met a number of Afghans in the UK, and let me tell you, they hate Pakistani's, therefore we should not consider them as our brothers.

Very true.
From the Afghans I've met, they all hate us.

In-fact I seem to recall a guy I used to know who visited Afghanistan, he took a photo with him and an AK-47.
the caption read 'Just gone over the border to kill us some Pakistanis'
that was the caption, I kid you not^^^

PA should shell them b@st@rds!!!
Steady on - Boot licking is ancient Afghan quality that many in Pakistan share - but for you to lose your cool here - well, you know, it won't get you far - please offer more information so that we can all be on the same page - you may not know this but there have been several large attacks by persons claiming to to be Talib, from Afghan territory into Pakistani territory -- now it may be exactly as you say that this is an attempt by Talib to take attention away from themselves, alternately, and I don't know if you are aware of this, but there is some suggestion that Afghans trained and paid for by US OGA are being used to set up a precedence that will allow US forces to conduct operations in NWA - again, this may be an attempt to take attention away from the Talib -- What's should be more important is that innocents have been killed on both sides and it's best for Afghan government officials to refrain from chest thumping, it has never turned out well for them.

If boot licking would have been an Afghan quality we would have had the same kind of infrastructure that former colonies possess, BTW it was only a reply to Safriz's earlier post.
Back to topic this news regarding the shelling of Afghan villages has been circulating in Afghan media for the last one week,initially there was no reaction from the Afghan gov, later they conveyed the msg to the pakistani ambassador and after pressure from the Parliament the Defence Ministry had to express their opinion regarding the issue at hand and only yesterday there was a report of Afghan Border Police of having attacked some Pakistani checkposts. I believe the Pakistani gov had more than enough time to eliminate any suspicions by releasing a statement, they did not do that.The afghan gov is in no mood to have tension with Pakistan esp when the talks with Taliban is going on and Pakistan could play a role there.

The fact that AQ could have been the author of these attacks is very plausible as they will do anything in order to divert attention.They almost succeded in igniting a war between Indian and Pakistan so they are ofcourse a suspect but the Pakistani gov hasn't done anything to address the increasingly explosive situation.
Pakistani gov hasn't done anything to address the increasingly explosive situation.

Pakistan Government should not address this explosive situation, as we are replying in kind to the offences that was perpetrated by your troops within the last couple of weeks.
Very true.
From the Afghans I've met, they all hate us.

In-fact I seem to recall a guy I used to know who visited Afghanistan, he took a photo with him and an AK-47.
the caption read 'Just gone over the border to kill us some Pakistanis'
that was the caption, I kid you not^^^

PA should shell them b@st@rds!!!

@Ahmad Shah Abdali , can you elaborate on the above, why you hate us so much after all we provide food and water, cement to build homes, gave refuge to millions of you people for 30 yrs and still on????

what if we stop all this food and water can you survive on poppy??
I wasn’t going to answer your posts but taking into consideration the fact that you afghani pushtun people think of yourselves as the greatest people on the planet, I decided to show you your level.

British India only included 40% of south asia much of Pakistani territory was not part of british india but consisted of tens of dozens of princely states. Most of Balochistan consisted of 4 princely states that were not under the administration of british india. The Punjab province alone had 43 princely states not under british india. There were dozens of princely states in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. Jammu and Kashmir also was not part of British India.

Most of princely states had their own currency, army and language different from british india.

Ahh the good old Stantrun we meet again :pop:

Just one answer:

Now this is the truth about Afghanistan, Afghanistan was a country created by British not by Afghani themselves to act as a buffer state between two states. True that you people did defeat British in the 1st British-Afghan War which led to the withdrawal of Brits, the Sikhs were also able to defeat brits in number of battles, nothing fantastic about it.

Do you actually read something before posting here? Since when did Ahmad Shah Abdali become British? :lol:
Read more about Afghan History son it would help you from embarassing yourself. :disagree:

Brits came back, Yaqub Khan relinquished control of Afghan foreign affairs to Britain. British representatives were installed in Kabul and other locations, British control was extended to the Khyber and Michni passes, and Afghanistan ceded various frontier areas and Quetta to Britain. The British Army then withdrew. After an uprising, British considered partitioning Afghanistan between multiple rulers but decided to install puppet Abdur Rahman Khan as emir instead.

After breaking Afghanistan (although it wasn’t called Afghanistan at that time) and installing it puppets and their representative and having achieved all their other objectives, the British withdrew. It wasn’t until 1919 that Afghanistan got its full independence.

The fact of that matter is that we never became colonised like you, we kicked their A$$ in three wars, is there any doubt about that?

I really don’t why you afghani people think Pakistani people admire you. This is how an average Pakistani feels about an afghani.

Right from the start of Al beruni in 11 th century to the british invasion in late 18th century afghani people have been known as savages throughout the subcontinent. UN sponsored study in 2001 found that for pushtuns having sex with boys was a matter of pride and status symbol. For british invaders whole of afghnanistan was known as a land of homosexuals. Richard burton a british soldier said afghans only rose up against british in 1841 because they were affronted by frantic debauchery of their women who overjoyed at meeting men who were not pederasts threw themselves at the british invaders.

Do you honestly think we care what you think of us? Apparently you do admire us having named your strategic weapons as Afghan warriors :)
Well despite afghanistan's hostility we are still gracious enough to look after 2+ million afghans heck karzai's own family lived in the pakistani capital lol sorry but you afghans can't say jack to us rather you should be grateful we are looking after so many of your people.
And how do you know that those people who took refuge in Pakistan are the ones badmouthing Pakistan? Leaving Karzai out, since he has joined the 'dirty world' called politics. Nonetheless people of Pakhtunkhwa have been extremely generous and not for even a day made us, Pashtuns of Afghanistan, feel like we are refugees or immigrants. To them, Pakhtunkhwa and Afghanistan both belong to Pashtuns. But as far as the political tension goes, that's nothing new nor will it eliminate soon. The people of Pakistan kept helping the refugees as much as they could, while the money they needed for it was given to Pak government. I personally will never forget the favour of Pakistani CIVILIANS, but I don't agree that for that reason there shouldn't be any political discussions from either side.

They are the main opposers of fencing and mining, as their economy will collapse bcaz 40% of their drugs smuggling will be in danger.
Before the NATO invasion drugs wasn't this popularly traded, nor is the 'Afghan wish' the reason why Pak government isn't fencing the borders. Pak government has got it's own reasons for not fencing it and if it was just moaning of Afghans then I am sure this wouldn't even have been considered an ISSUE.

This sad excuse of a country has no honour, instead it complain's and has played the victim card for too long. Its biggest omission is that it talks, too much and does less action,
Same could be said about Pak government, mate. It doesn't matter how much Afghan politicians moan, first of all at least half of the politicians are non-Pashtuns who don't even care about the border. Moreover, if the Pak government finally put their plans into action and THEN Afghan government interferes in a unpleasant way, then at least it will be clear that that was the reason for not fencing the borders all those while.

Pashtun's are a great people, in fact even my ancestors who fought against them said that these people fight like lions, however that comparison does not fit the Afghan people in general.
That's because that term goes for Pashtuns, not for entire Afghan nation. Kandahar is one of those Pashtun provinces which is known to have excellent fighters, I just wish we were stronger in thinking rather than fighting.

I have met a number of Afghans in the UK, and let me tell you, they hate Pakistani's, therefore we should not consider them as our brothers.
Considering an entire nation as your brothers just for the sake of it is ridiculous anyway. But just like how you claim to have met Afghans who got nothing but hate for you, there are others who claim others. Matter of brotherhood is very personal for each individual, you can't apply it to your entire nation on BEHALF of your entire nation.

In-fact I seem to recall a guy I used to know who visited Afghanistan, he took a photo with him and an AK-47.
the caption read 'Just gone over the border to kill us some Pakistanis'
that was the caption, I kid you not^^
If nothing else then out of fear for the same Allah SWT we both believe in, don't spread such ridiculous and horrendous lies. Just for your own good, nothing else.

The fact that AQ could have been the author of these attacks is very plausible as they will do anything in order to divert attention.They almost succeded in igniting a war between Indian and Pakistan so they are ofcourse a suspect but the Pakistani gov hasn't done anything to address the increasingly explosive situation.
Let us be responsible for our own borders and handle the attacks happening on our soil, let Pakistanis do the same regarding their own borders and own soils. No need to interfere.
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