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Kabul blames Pakistan for cross-border hits; ties strained

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We actually had Minister of foreign affairs LONG TIME before your ancestors were licking on British Imperial boots :sick:

I wasn’t going to answer your posts but taking into consideration the fact that you afghani pushtun people think of yourselves as the greatest people on the planet, I decided to show you your level.

British India only included 40% of south asia much of Pakistani territory was not part of british india but consisted of tens of dozens of princely states. Most of Balochistan consisted of 4 princely states that were not under the administration of british india. The Punjab province alone had 43 princely states not under british india. There were dozens of princely states in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. Jammu and Kashmir also was not part of British India.

Most of princely states had their own currency, army and language different from british india.

Now this is the truth about Afghanistan, Afghanistan was a country created by British not by Afghani themselves to act as a buffer state between two states. True that you people did defeat British in the 1st British-Afghan War which led to the withdrawal of Brits, the Sikhs were also able to defeat brits in number of battles, nothing fantastic about it.

Brits came back, Yaqub Khan relinquished control of Afghan foreign affairs to Britain. British representatives were installed in Kabul and other locations, British control was extended to the Khyber and Michni passes, and Afghanistan ceded various frontier areas and Quetta to Britain. The British Army then withdrew. After an uprising, British considered partitioning Afghanistan between multiple rulers but decided to install puppet Abdur Rahman Khan as emir instead.

After breaking Afghanistan (although it wasn’t called Afghanistan at that time) and installing it puppets and their representative and having achieved all their other objectives, the British withdrew. It wasn’t until 1919 that Afghanistan got its full independence.

I really don’t why you afghani people think Pakistani people admire you. This is how an average Pakistani feels about an afghani.

Right from the start of Al beruni in 11 th century to the british invasion in late 18th century afghani people have been known as savages throughout the subcontinent. UN sponsored study in 2001 found that for pushtuns having sex with boys was a matter of pride and status symbol. For british invaders whole of afghnanistan was known as a land of homosexuals. Richard burton a british soldier said afghans only rose up against british in 1841 because they were affronted by frantic debauchery of their women who overjoyed at meeting men who were not pederasts threw themselves at the british invaders.

This is what a Pakistani sindhi king Jallaludin Akbar born to a Pakistani sindhi mother had to say about Afghans and this is still embedded in the minds of millions of Pakistani.

“On no account were these(afghans/pushtuns) “brainless”, “turbulent” and “vagabond” people to be made governors”

And the name you are using, Ahmed shah’s only achievement was the defeat of Maratha army and more than half the soldiers (after he called for jihad) which defeated Marathas were from the region which is today Pakistan and some from Bharat.

Pakistanis don’t have to ape you afghani people. Pakistan is a 5000 year old country although as a nation it is only some 60 years old. Pakistan starting with Indus valley civilization who were 2000 year ahead of their time. We have the world’s oldest literature in the world. We gave the world chess, algebra, calculus and zero. A single shelf of Pakistani urdu language library is worth the whole native literature of Afghanistan. Pakistani culture is far far superior than you homosexual culture and there is not even a question of comparison.

Nothing fantastic about being afghani after looking at your sad history of subjugation and misery
That was history but then we had moenjodarro and harrapa before that, But hey lets talk about today. You have a bunch of retards running around in pyjamas following an uncivilised harsh perverted version of islam thats practice is resulting in hurting muslims everywhere. Tell me why are you so much into beating up women and putting them down, is that what makes you so tough and then blaming it on your religion. What you good for: talking crap, selling drugs and being used as a playground for weapon testing for the last 50 years.
Afghanistan alleged cross-border attacks from Pakistan in a foreign ministry statement on Friday.

Kabul said "such incidents (of cross-border attacks) could affect improving trust and cooperation".

"The ministry of foreign affairs of Afghanistan expresses its serious concern about the continuing Pakistani artillery shelling of Afghan villages in Kunar and Nangarhar provinces," it said.

Pakistan and Afghanistan have strained their ties over the issue of cross-border attacks as in recent weeks at least three attacks were carried out by Afghans inside Pakistani border villages, inviting criticism from Pakistan.

Ulta chor Kotwal ko daantay (Pot calling the Kettle black).

After literally hundreds of Taliban amassing and carrying out massive attacks on Pakistan, Kabul is bickering about the regular sneaky infiltration that it too is responsible for preventing.
Sure the gov of pakistan is the only country in the world which is independent, wake up son!!! Your gov will sell anything including your soil for the right price, it was US in the past now China pays better...
I am no brother of yours, we Afghans have gone through hell for the last 30 years because we always put our religion before our country, some morons might still think this way but the majority has learnt the lesson the hard way.We value our national interests and would consider even Martians our friends if it suits us.

Stop talking bollocks I dont believe you are afghani. And yea you done a lot for religion. Which religion the jews?
I remember an incident where 8 ANA suvs and 8 bikes crossed Pak bordered and fired rpgs at our FC Baluchistan post.
You really don't get tired of your 'seen' and 'heard' stories do you?

to be honest, i have never heard or seen Pak army attacking Afg villages. But i have heard and seen Afg's attacking Pak border posts.
Same news has been coming out from Pak border side as well. That's why I am wondering, why would ANA attack Pak borders? Why would Pak army attack Afghan borders? Why would Taliban from either side cross over just to kill dozens of women and children? All this really doesn't make ANY sense to me, whatsoever. Instead of counting which side killed how many women and children, how about both of us seriously consider and find out why these attacks happen and by whom?

Your country has become the center of international terror, the best thing pakistan can do is cleaning its house up rather than worry about attacks from Afghanistan.
Same can be said about Afghanistan, today even the once peaceful North is getting more and more concerned with insecurity problems. Let's focus on that one. And regarding selling one's soil for money, we are not in the times of Hotaki, or Abdali, or Khan, or Shah. Today we are as dependent on foreign aid as is Pakistan, there's nothing to cheer about nor worry about it. It's a fact which needs to accepted and rectified ASAP.

what do u people think of urself. u afghan thugs. pakistan is still feeding ur millions of refugees. where was foreign minster when ussr came upon u to kill u. i think he ran to our govt licking our boots. who saved you from ussr
Some people are really obsessed with history aren't they? Let's not bring in Afghan-USSR war into this because by now entire of Pakistan might have realized that Pak government's involvement with Afghan-USSR affairs wasn't a help but rather a big mistake. Let history rest in peace.

Now this is the truth about Afghanistan, Afghanistan was a country created by British not by Afghani themselves to act as a buffer state between two states.
Very interesting statement. Please tell me more about it, how was Abdali installed by the British and eventually created by the British?

After an uprising, British considered partitioning Afghanistan between multiple rulers but decided to install puppet Abdur Rahman Khan as emir instead.
No defence here for Abdur Rahman, he was a merciless dog indeed.

After breaking Afghanistan and installing it puppets and their representative and having achieved all their other objectives, the British withdrew. It wasn’t until 1919 that Afghanistan got its full independence.
Their only puppet getting full recognition was Kalakani who didn't last for longer than a year. And the independence was won over interference of British policy, NOT over colonisation (which never was the case). Nonetheless, the British never really stopped interfering, thus the support for Kalakani.

Right from the start of Al beruni in 11 th century to the british invasion in late 18th century afghani people have been known as savages throughout the subcontinent.
By whom? By the invaders? And it were these very same savages Pakistan named their missiles after, so much for being a savage.

UN sponsored study in 2001 found that for pushtuns having sex with boys was a matter of pride and status symbol. For british invaders whole of afghnanistan was known as a land of homosexuals.
Of course, since Taliban contains mainly of Pashtuns the UN has to find one excuse or the other. And don't forget that 30 million Pak Pashtuns have been a part of Afghanistan as well and you will only ridicule yourself by stating the homosexuals remained in Afghanistan while others moved to Pakhtunkhwa. And for British invaders whole of their colonised sub-continent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etcetera) was known as uncivilized snake worshippers. They truly and utterly believe they brought culture and civilisation to the sub-continent, are you relying on statements of THOSE Britons? Really?

Richard burton a british soldier said afghans only rose up against british in 1841 because they were affronted by frantic debauchery of their women who overjoyed at meeting men who were not pederasts threw themselves at the british invaders.
Yes, a BRITISH soldier whose men were ousted from Kabul with their bases being destroyed. That's like saying India and Pakistan only rose up against British colonialist after their women got involved with British men. Don't be ridiculous now.

This is what a Pakistani sindhi king Jallaludin Akbar born to a Pakistani sindhi mother had to say about Afghans and this is still embedded in the minds of millions of Pakistani.
LOL, Jalaluddin Akbar? What did this man know about Pashtuns except that Pashtuns are the biggest threat to his empire? How far and how long has he been in Afghanistan? And I won't be surprised if millions of Pakistanis indeed got his statement in mind, no wonder there are uncountable number of SMS-jokes about a 'Pathan's homosexuality'.

Pakistani culture is far far superior than you homosexual culture and there is not even a question of comparison.
Pakistan itself got influenced by Persian, Arabic and Turkish culture as much as parts of Afghanistan did. What superiority are you on about? And the homosexuals you see in Pashtuns, 30 million of them reside in Pakistan. Does it mean 10-15% of your country follows culture of homosexuality? And as far as literature and culture is concerned, Persian is one of the oldest civilisation and has one of the oldest literature in world of which Tajiks of Afghanistan are a part of. And Pashtunwali is thousands of years old code followed by Pashtuns even today, the only reason why it didn't leave influence anywhere else is because Pashtunwali has always remained personal only within Pashtuns. If you criticize ANY culture in the future, make sure at least you know what you are talking about.

Nothing fantastic about being afghani after looking at your sad history of subjugation and misery
What has been so great about Pak history so far? Just like how Afghanistan has kept dealing with wars, Pakistan kept dealing with colonisations. Go and find me any country which hasn't even dealt with colonisations, wars, conflicts, etcetera. What are you planning to compare here?
Afghan Defence Ministry is ready to retaliate against Pakistan's missile attacks in the best possible way, a senior Afghan military official said on Wednesday.

At a press conference Defence Ministry Spokesman Gen. Zaher Azimi said around 150 missiles fired from Pakistan have landed in different regions in eastern Kunar province in the past week.

Gen. Azimi said the Pakistani missile attacks are not justifiable.

He said Afghan Defence Ministry is waiting for a decision from politicians and the House of Representatives.

"The National Army is prepared to retaliate with a suitable response if we are permitted by Afghan politicians," Gen. Azimi said. "Not only the National Army, Kunar residents would be able to give an appropriate response to such an act."

"We are making efforts to resolve the issue through diplomatic approaches."

Twenty civilians have lost their lives and some have been wounded in the attacks, according to the Defence Ministry.

Pakistan keeping up its missile attacks against Afghanistan would deteriorate relations between the two nations, Gen. Azimi said.

The Defence Ministry says it was shocked to hear about the attacks.

"I see no reason for such an attack from Pakistan. There hasn't been any attack by our troops. Without any apparent reason, they have started to fire heavy arms and most of those killed in the attacks have been civilians," Gen. Azimi said.

This is not the first time that Pakistan is targeting provinces located close to long and porous borders.

Yesterday the Afghan House of Representatives strongly criticised government's silence towards the Pakistani attacks.

Afghans Ready to Retaliate Against Pakistan Missile Attacks

i think your id is 'sher malang' some where ;)
Heavily mine the Afghan border.

Shoot to kill anyone crossing the border.

We shouldn't give a rat's arse about kabul. Just wait 3 more years when US leaves.

F*** you Kabul Thugs.

Now where are Bangladeshi members and Bangladeshi supportive Pakistani memebers.... :no::no:
Afghan border police target Pakistani checkpoints
by Abdul Mueed Hashami on 23 June, 2011 - 12:42

JALALABAD (PAN): Afghan border police attacked checkpoints in Pakistan Wednesday night in response to recent artillery attacks from the other side of the border, an official said.

According to Eastern Zone Border Police Commander Brig. Gen. Aminullah Amarkhel, Pakistani troops have fired 15 artillery shells across the Afghan border in recent days in an effort to enforce the Durand Line, the contested border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

As a result of those recent shellings, more than 700 Afghan families fled the area, Amarkel said.

In retaliation, Afghan border police targeted Pakistani checkpoints across the border Wednesday night, Amarkhel said.

He said thousands of the people in Kunar province and Goashta district of Nangarhar province had agitated for the retaliatory attack.

In the last few years, approximately 50 meters of Afghan soil have been controlled by Pakistani troops in Goashta district, the police commander said.

He urged president Karzai and the Wolesi Jirga to work with the eastern zone border police to ensure independence from occupation by Pakistani soldiers.

He suggested that with their continuous attacks on Afghan soil, Pakistan is trying to draw the attention of the United Nation's to the contested border issue, in order to ultimately force Afghanistan to accept the Durand line.

Afghan border police target Pakistani checkpoints | Pajhwok Afghan News

Looks like not everybody in the Afghan Government is willing to deal with it in a diplomatic way, Good Job by Afghan Border Police give them hell whoever attacks us be it Taliban or our neighbours

If the Afghani government doesn’t recognize the border then neither do we recognize it and we are free to setup our check posts where ever we want and attack whoever is making attacks on Pakistan

Since you people have failed to stop the infiltration into Pakistan , we will bomb attack and kill whoever is supporting terrorists and making attack inside Pakistan , you go dig up the bones of who ever you wan to , be it Daud Khan or Pista Khan and bring him over to join the fight

If you don’t learn to behave , we will stop recognizing your right to even exist so lay off the naswar and see your reality that your pip squeak of a country has been and is being used by forginers as a base for many many years for their own interests you have been bloody pawns in the game.

Lear it not and like I said we will refuse to recognize your right to even exist.
Kabul is barking up the wrong tree.
PA should Fence and mine the border.
Kill any ANA/Taliban that dares to cross into Pakistan. :sniper:

You have the support of the people
we don't give damn what afghanistan thinks you can't do anything to us and you have always lost when you've tried.Well despite afghanistan's hostility we are still gracious enough to look after 2+ million afghans heck karzai's own family lived in the pakistani capital lol sorry but you afghans can't say jack to us rather you should be grateful we are looking after so many of your people.
I heard a news like PA is gonna fence and mining some area. Afghanistan should do the same to all along the border.

They are the main opposers of fencing and mining, as their economy will collapse bcaz 40% of their drugs smuggling will be in danger.

Pakistan should ignore karzai blabbering and should keep sending terrorists to hell whenever they try to cross the border.

Further all the afghan refugees to be shown afghanistan gate.
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