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same missile but different flight path with evasive tactics....may be sum software changes..u know we are good at soft'wear'

i dont understand how...can somebody explain?


the missile only has one set of fins on first stage....after the first stage separates the missile has little or no manoeuvrability

Agni 2 ...well it has fins on the warhead assembly and can possibly do some evasive manoeuvres at terminal phase... But i cant understand how a fin less missile K-15 can do that??

i dont understand how...can somebody explain?


the missile only has one set of fins on first stage....after the first stage separates the missile has little or no manoeuvrability

Agni 2 ...well it has fins on the warhead assembly and can possibly do some evasive manoeuvres at terminal phase...


thrust vectoring.
Another thing is that Arihant Class submarine is said to have 4 Silos carrying 12 K-15 or four K-4..
That means there will be vertical launching tube inserted in each silo with 3 K-15 missiles each...
Is there any evidence of any such vertical launch assembly?

Here is an example of Ohio class missile with Tomahawks crammed in the Ballistic missile silo..
Probably for trident,at Diameter of 1.7 meter...

K-4 missile has a reported dia of 1.4 meters,that means the silo will be about 1.5 - 1.6 meter in dia...

How many Brahmos (Dia 0.6 m) or Nirbhay (Dia 0.52 m) can fit in a circle of this dia?

Any mathematicians here?
K-4 missile has a reported dia of 1.4 meters,that means the silo will be about 1.5 - 1.6 meter in dia...

How many Brahmos (Dia 0.6 m) or Nirbhay (Dia 0.52 m) can fit in a circle of this dia?

Any mathematicians here?

less than (1.5 / 0.6) ^2
K-4 missile has a reported dia of 1.4 meters,that means the silo will be about 1.5 - 1.6 meter in dia...

How many Brahmos (Dia 0.6 m) or Nirbhay (Dia 0.52 m) can fit in a circle of this dia?

Any mathematicians here?

I guess around 5 Brahmos or 7 Nirbhay
A missile with 750 km range....doesnt go above 20km... Apperantly enters a level flight at that altitude..then enters a controlled descent..
Without wings..


Lets see what Ajay Shukla says...

U sound as if other than fins there are no known way a missile can have a leveled flight without violating physics laws and with fins on a missile the challenge of a levelled flight within atmosphere is a cakewalk.

0.8?? .......
Doesn't make sense

atleast 7 nirbhays or 4 brahmos. ?

I guess around 5 Brahmos or 7 Nirbhay

plz do tell how you think 5 brahmos can be fitted.. ? its dia is just under half the diameter of K15 !!
U sound as if other than fins there are no known way a missile can have a leveled flight without violating physics laws and with fins on a missile the challenge of a levelled flight within atmosphere is a cakewalk.

explain how?
How can a missile attain levelled flight without big fins?
Not detracting the OP but yes, I too need to be educated on how a missile can attain (sustained) level flight w/o big fins. Can anyone explain this to laypersons like me too.

explain how?
How can a missile attain levelled flight without big fins?
The Sagarika project has many names, K-15, B-05, PJ-08 etc. etc.

Here's what Prasun Sengupta says -

What was tested today was a 10-metre long K-15/B-05 solid-fuelled SLBM with a 700km-range. Its R & D had begun in 1998 by an Indian Navy-led team, since at that time the DRDO has only some 200 missile scientists & engineers, none of whom had any experience in developing solid-fuelled rockets. The R & D project, known as Sagarika/PJ-08, saw the development of various sub-systems of the K-15 that were tried out between 2004 & November 2008 in 10 different test-firings at various shore-based establishments off Balasore. The first fully-integrated test-firing of the 10-tonne K-15/B-05 was conducted in January 2010 followed by another one in January 2011, another one in January 2012 & today’s test-firing, in all totalling 4 test-firings of a fully functional SLBM from an underwater pontoon. Two more test-firings are due in future, these being conducted from the Arihant SSBN sometime next year. Today’s test-firing saw the K-15’s first-stage solid-fuel rocket booster being ignited inside a pontoon-based silo 20 metres under water & being lifted up to an altitude of 7km. Then the second-stage solid-fuel rocket ignited & lifted the K-15 to an altitude of 40km, following which the K-15 adopted a depressed trajectory flight-path.
Being developed now is the follow-on 20-tonne 10-metre long K-4 SLBM which will have a 3,500km-range. This will be followed by an enhanced 12-metre-long version of the K-4 SLBM with a 5,000km-range.

The K-15 is a quasi-ballistic missile that can reach altitudes of 40-50km when needed and then make a hypersonic
dive at the target at a speed close to Mach 10. Each Arihant silo contains 3 K-15s for cold-launch.
Not detracting the OP but yes, I too need to be educated on how a missile can attain (sustained) level flight w/o big fins. Can anyone explain this to laypersons like me too.

The joys of PDF :)

I think i found out what India is up to...

Read this if you are interested..

http://www.aerospaceindia.org/Issue... - Longer Reach and Enabling More Options.pdf

Its "Depressed Trajectory SLBM" or DT SLBM :what:

Materials need to be extra tough as the missile does not need wings and flies a depressed parabolic path to the target..Reducing flight time..consuming more fuel and at risk of breaking apart due to heat and aerodynamic stresses..
Giving less time to enemy radars and ABM systems...But cannot deploy decoys.
Very effective way of First strike...But will need much research into missile's material and Guidance system as it will remain in dense atmosphere all the time.
One thing is sure..If this missile gets deployed on INS Arihant...Pakistan and China will need Second strike capability as DT SLBM are well known method of launching surprise attack to take out enemy Nuclear assets in the first strike scenario...
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