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Congratulations on another peaceful missile test !! :D

Good thing is no body raises eyebrows when India test missiles!! Must say, that is something amazing to achieve just going by the number of missile test India is conducting these days.. A clear Indication everyone respects India's needs to develop these for responsible self defense considering the kind of threats it poses in the region..
Just imagine India's capabilities in 20 years. People can hate on the initial start up like they did with ISRO. But India's defense industry will grab people's respect in the future. I mean India's doing all this and yet a 3rd world nation. Imagine it's capabilities when it's industry gets to 1st world status.
Congratulations on another peaceful missile test !! :D

Good thing is no body raises eyebrows when India test missiles!! Must say, that is something amazing to achieve if we go by the number of missile test India is conducting these days.. A clear Indication everyone respects India's needs to develop these for responsible self defense considering the kind of threats it poses in the region..

Good post,

1.2 billion people do not need to give a squat what world has to say about them. We are 1/7th of humanity and can not be subservient of anyone; friends or enemy may be.
Poor journo again. Its K15 not K5

K5 will have a range of 5k-8k kms...

K-5 Missile
See also: K-5 (Agni-VI SLBM)
K-5 missile is reportedly the SLBM version of AGNI-VI (ICBM) that is under development by DRDO.[10] It will arm the future variants of Arihant class submarines of the Indian Navy. DRDO revealed in 2011 that it is also in the process of developing a variant of Agni missiles which will be a submarine-launched solid fuel missile with a maximum range of 6,000 kilometers and a payload of one tonne. However, there is strong opacity regarding the existence of such a project.[5]

K Missile family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kya Ch**ya bana rahe hain..? Just look at what TOIlet is reporting..

Moving a step closer to completing its nuclear triad, India today successfully test-fired a ballistic missile, with a strike range of around 1500 kilometres, from an underwater platform in Bay of Bengal.

"The medium range K-5 ballistic missile was test-fired successfully today from an underwater pontoon and all parameters of the test firing were met," DRDO chief VK Saraswat told PTI from the undisclosed test area.

Nuclear triad is the ability to fire nuclear-tipped missiles from land, air and sea.

Saraswat said that the development phase of the K-5 missile, which is a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), was over and it was now ready for deployment on various platforms including the indigenous nuclear submarine INS Arihant which is under development.

K-5 is part of the family of underwater missiles being developed by Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) for the Indian strategic forces' underwater platforms.

This missile will help India to achieve the capability of launching nuclear warheads from underwater facilities. This is the first missile in the underwater category to have been developed by India. So far, India had the capability of delivering nuclear weapons from land and aerial platforms only.

India has a no-first-use policy for nuclear weapons and the development of an SLBM boosts its retaliatory strike capability, experts said.

India is also developing two more underwater missiles including K-15 and Brahmos with strike ranges of 750 kilometres and 290 kilometres respectively.

India has for some time possessed the Agni series of ballistic missiles as well as fighter-bomber aircraft to constitute the land and air-based legs of the nuclear triad.

India had on April 19, last year made a giant stride when it test-fired nuclear-capable Agni-V intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that has brought China within its reach with a strike range of over 5,000 km. This missile also gives India the capability to hit targets in eastern Europe, east Africa and the Australian coast.

K-5 ballistic missile, which is also known as BO5, has been developed by DRDO's Hyderabad-based Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL).

Officials said more than 10 trials of the missile have been performed earlier. Today's was the last development trial of K-5. Only a select few nations including the US, France, Russia and China have this type of missile capability.

Anyone having any idea about this ..?
Am I missing someone here??

So this one isnt a re-entry missile and altitude of 20 km isnt enough for deploying MIRV either,so single warhead.

May be they are doing 'step by step' testing..
Right now testing the vertical launch system and some missile perimeters...not the full capability.

Its a hypersonic cruise missile. A ballistic missile with 750 km range that does not go beyond 20 km altitude!!! Its a breathtaking tech.
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