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Journalist Saleem Shahzad Abducted and found dead.

Hmmm my source is insisting Saleem has been detained by the ISI to reveal his sources for the info he gets....

If this is true then it is sad because journalists should not be kidnapped and pressured to reveal their sources...

---------- Post added at 09:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 AM ----------

Your guys are really incredible, even when things are in such a great mess in your country, you guys still blame others for the rot that has set in inside Pakistan without recognising and accepting the real problem. All these problems are occurring because of the total Islamisation of your armed forces, bureaucracy, judiciary and your national polity. The strongest pillar of Pakistan is its Army and thanks to Zia-ul-Haq, the defence services are very deeply Islamised today. Whether it was the attacks on Musharraf or the GHQ attack or on the para military recruits a couple of weeks ago or the one on PNS Mehran, all were facilitated by radical insiders. Not Indians or Americans or Jews, all Pakistanis who had taken the oath to defend the country. The attacks on the Governor, the minorities minister or Benazir were not carried out by Indians or Americans. Even the educated civil society of Pakistan is highly either highly radicalised of totally cowed down by the radicals. The few isolated voices of reason that one get to hear from Pakistan are immediately drowned out either by being branded Indian agents or are threatened into submission or simply gunned down. Where do you think all this is leading? I think there is still time to rein in these radicals but a very concerted effort has to be made. But first the real problem has to be understood and accepted. Opportunists like ZA Bhutto and Zia are more to blame for Pakistan's troubles than the WOT.

This is not a troll or an attempt to belittle Pakistan, just my analysis of the situation.

This is a classic troll... Get a life
the initial investigations suggest that the american contracts were involved in the attack on naval base...

Wo dont want to sound like someone who sees things with his eyes closed... but this is exactly what I said after the attacks... Any reference to this Leader?
I'm with Mukherjee on this, this is absolutely INCREDIBLE! Normally people see the assistance of LEA, but this story suggests that Pakistanis seek relief from LEA --

It's really curious, if ISI wanted to talk to Mr. Shahzad, why not a meeting at the office or at a hotel - why abduction??
Ok then... let me tell you who is saying its the ISI...

Saleem's own brother in law... who is also a journalist...

ISI cant even handle a single gora scumbag like Raymond Davis... when it has an American stooge at the top like Pasha, you think ISI will work according to some rules and law?
Journalist Saleem Shahzad found dead near Islamabad

ISLAMABAD: Journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad’s body was found in Sarai Alamgir, nearly 200 kilometres from Islamabad on Tuesday.

Shahzad was the Pakistan bureau chief of Asia Times Online. He went missing from Islamabad on Sunday evening.

Earlier it had been reported that Shahzad’s car had been found in Sarai Alamgir and a body had also been discovered nearby. However, it had not been identified at the time. Reports now claim that it has been confirmed that his body has been identified and showed signs of torture.

Days before his disappearance, Shahzad had authored an article that alleged links between navy officials and al Qaeda.
Is this true?!!!

Inna lilalhi wa inna ilahi rajioon
(Indeed we come from Him and to Him we return)

He was a good journalist, it will be a very sad day if this is true.

Someone wanted to cut off his voice. This proves the pen is mightier than the sword!!
News Channels are reporting he is found dead near Mandi Bahauddin.

RIP he was a talented journalist

It is believed that He constantly received Threat calls and was taken to ISI custody .

It is believed that he was kidnapped by ISI

Missing Pak journalist in ISI custody?
Body found with car of missing Pakistani journalist

Islamabad: An unidentified body was found along with the car of a missing journalist near the central Pakistani city of Jhelum today, police said.

The car belonged to Syed Saleem Shahzad, a journalist with Asia Times Online, who has been missing since Sunday evening, police and his relatives said.

The car was found at Sarai Alamghir near Jhelum city this afternoon.

Reports said the identity cards of two persons, including Shahzad, were found inside the vehicle.
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Shahzad's family left for Jhelum on being informed by police about the car being found in the area.

Reports quoted Shahzad's relatives as saying that initial descriptions did not indicate that the body was that of the missing journalist.

Rights groups like the Human Rights Watch have said they believe Shahzad is in the custody of Pakistani intelligence agencies.

Shahzad, who is the Pakistan bureau chief of Asia Times Online, went missing days after authoring an article in which he contended that Al Qaeda attacked a naval airbase in Karachi after failed talks with the navy to release some arrested persons.

He had left his house in Islamabad to participate in a television programme on Sunday but did not reach the TV station

Body found with car of missing Pakistani journalist
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