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Jordan King Abdullah`s Visit to Ankara and His tears

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did the western masters allow this staged drama ?

Or perhaps, the "king" thinks he's next in the so -called Arab Spring

I pity these Arab leaders

I don't think he will be next in the "Arab spring"*, as he's pro-West. But you can never know what USA might do. USA's foreign policy equals hypocrisy.

* I do not see this, "Arab Spring", as a liberation to Arabs at all. In fact, I think it has caused them a bigger damage.

Thank you,
You don't need to quot anybody, let's keep it on topic, because it seems that some people don't only bother others with their smell and look in real life but also ruin every place on internet, better not to quot them. Thanx

I'm interested in the opinion of a Jordanian. Do you support your king?
I'm interested in the opinion of a Jordanian. Do you support your king?

Off course, I support him. Not only me::enjoy:

I am so sorry for Turkish brothers here. It turned out that he was not crying but cold weather and wind made his eyes leak according to Jordanian official sources. I myself was stumped the moment I saw his tears, because never seen them not even on his own father's death. So, why would he cry over Atatork? I didn't understand it and was looking for an explanation. His tears over Atatork doesn't make sense at all. I know nothing about Atatork except that he was the founder of Turkey and was pro-secular.


I am so sorry for Turkish brothers here. It turned out that he was not crying but cold weather and wind made his eyes leak according to Jordanian official sources. I myself was stumped the moment I saw his tears, because never seen them not even on his own father's death. So, why would he cry over Atatork? I didn't understand it and was looking for an explanation. His tears over Atatork doesn't make sense at all. I know nothing about Atatork except that he was the founder of Turkey and was pro-secular.



It is Ataturk.
It is Ataturk.

I hated that it wasn't crying, but it really wasn't, and doubted it from the beginning. And that's why I waited for an official explanation. I didn't expressed my doubts so you guys don't hate me or think I am anti Turk or sth.:cry:
I hated that it wasn't crying, but it really wasn't, and doubted it from the beginning. And that's why I waited for an official explanation. I didn't expressed my doubts so you guys don't hate me or think I am anti Turk or sth.:cry:

Well, i believe most of us here are not familiar with the guy and his ideology as much as you do, so apparently you were right with your doubts. What i was saying is, it is Ataturk not Atatork. Thanks for the information though.
I hated that it wasn't crying, but it really wasn't, and doubted it from the beginning. And that's why I waited for an official explanation. I didn't expressed my doubts so you guys don't hate me or think I am anti Turk or sth.:cry:

You ruined our mood :D
Anyhow thanks for clarification, now we will have to concentrate on his TAI visit
How is GCC leadership any better? Give any country oil for 75 years and they would conquer the entire solar system.

Plans, plans, Plans and mostly foreign assemblers only!
Still no homegrown innovation based industry. Even Indians are ahead in this game.

It looks like the new fashion in ME diplomacy these days!





Slaves always think that the others are just like them. You little guy keep glorifying your masters,our figures. So just pity yourself.

Thank you,
You don't need to quot anybody, let's keep it on topic, because it seems that some people don't only bother others with their smell and look in real life but also ruin every place on internet, better not to quot them. Thanx

looks like someone has a little man's complex... your "leaders" glorify no one but their masters

a new way to fool the sheeple ... lol! only arabs can fall for this
Well, most of us here are not familiar with the guy and his ideology as you do, so apparently you were right with your doubts. What i was saying is, it is Ataturk not Atatork. Thanks for the information though.

You ruined our mood :D
Anyhow thanks for clarification, now we will have to concentrate on his TAI visit
Thanx for your understanding..
Your reactions were great and lovely, and I liked the mood of friendship here, but I didn't like it to be based on sth not true. However, Jordan and Turkey moved on long time ago, and we forged strong and friendly alliance.

Relations between Turkey and Jordan

The Friendship Agreement signed in 1947 constitutes the basis of formal relations between the Republic of Turkey and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The relations are developing in all fields of common interests for the benefit of both parties within the strategic partnership.

More than 40 agreements and memoranda of understanding having been signed until now, which lay the foundations of relations.

Signing of the Free Trade Agreement and mutual cancellation of visa restrictions added new horizons to the already deep and strong relations. The Free Trade Agreement entered into force on March 2011.

Both countries see regional issues from the same perspective. In this respect, solidarity and cooperation stand on the highest levels at the international fora.

Economic and trade relations between the two countries are ever strengthening. The trade volume reached 615 million USD in 2010. Turkish investors have direct investments in Jordan the total amount of which exceeded 200 million USD. Also, since 2000, Turkish contractors have undertaken a number of projects in Jordan worth more than 2.4 billion USD.
i think that the americans are trying to make an anti iranian bloc comprising the non iranians like turkey, arabs, the iranians are trying to make their influence by supporting hizbullah, the shias of behrain and ofcourse syria and the entire point of muslims in middle east uniting against israel is now long time gone, so israel will dominate from this situation

the peace in middle east lies in iranians and the turks and arabs trying to stop the arms race and try to create peace, other wise israel will gain from this american tactics

so in my view its the americans pulling all the strings here
i think that the americans are trying to make an anti iranian bloc comprising the non iranians like turkey, arabs, the iranians are trying to make their influence by supporting hizbullah, the shias of behrain and ofcourse syria and the entire point of muslims in middle east uniting against israel is now long time gone, so israel will dominate from this situation

the peace in middle east lies in iranians and the turks and arabs trying to stop the arms race and try to create peace, other wise israel will gain from this american tactics

so in my view its the americans pulling all the strings here

no one can stop iran....
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