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Jinnah, And Pakistan, Were Culmination Of Ten Centuries Of Muslim Empire

10 Centuries = 1000 years but muslim's never ruled more than 800 years so where did the extra 200 years come from?

Is this what they teach in Pakistani school's these days? like the Nazi's 1000 year reich lol
Hail the Grammar Nazi!! :azn: still , which work are we talking about. If all the congressis were in Jail who were actually running the government

I wonder whether you have the attention span of a fly. It was the British who were running India from 1940-1945 with the help of the Muslim League

By the way...
which work are we talking about
Which should be capitalized and there should be a question mark instead of full stop



all the
all of


Question mark at end...
So we would have:
If all of congress was in jail, who was actually running the government?

And by the way, answer given
I wonder whether you have the attention span of a fly. It was the British who were running India from 1940-1945 with the help of the Muslim League

By the way...
which work are we talking about
Which should be capitalized and there should be a question mark instead of full stop



all the
all of


Question mark at end...
So we would have:
If all of congress was in jail, who was actually running the government?

And by the way, answer given

Pardon me , Dear Sir, for I have offended thee.
However, the veracity of your claims is still questionable,
How did the Muslim League contribute to Indian Independence?

If they were hands in gloves with British , then weren't they traitors to the cause of freedom ?

The verisimilitude of what is written in Pakistani books is open to question.
How is Pakistan a culmination Of Ten Centuries Of Muslim Empire ? Seriously when will Pakistanis stop living in this dream world ? I thought the younger generation might look through all this but they seem to be even more delusional, I recommend you do some digging into history before you make such tall claims, wake up and stop living in the past as your future is getting more and more bleak because of that.
Pardon me , Dear Sir, for I have offended thee.
However, the veracity of your claims is still questionable,
How did the Muslim League contribute to Indian Independence?

If they were hands in gloves with British , then weren't they traitors to the cause of freedom ?

The verisimilitude of what is written in Pakistani books is open to question.

Dear should not be capitalized. It's a comma, not a full stop. Also, it should be hands in glove with the British, you forgot the 'the'. Not to mention that there should be a full stop after questionable. If you had to use comma, then how should not have been capitalized.

Muslim League were not allied with the British. They were quite clear that they wanted independence. The reason they did not support Congress in protest is clear. In the words of Jinnah, Muslims wanted to be free of both the British and the Hindus.
Congress was always in jail, it was ML who did half the work

ML did nothing for the freedom of India or Pakistan, it was the congress that did all the talking and the doing while the ML was busy trying to win sympathy votes on the basis of religion. It is a well documented fact that the British saw the ML as a easy means to break India and slow down the freedom movement, which they eventually did. I recommend you look beyond your Pakistani textbooks for the real facts.

---------- Post added at 12:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 AM ----------

Dear should not be capitalized. It's a comma, not a full stop. Also, it should be hands in glove with the British, you forgot the 'with'. Not to mention that there should be a full stop after questionable. If you had to use comma, then how should not have been capitalized

Muslim League were not allied with the British. They were quite clear that they wanted independence. The reason they did not support Congress in protest is clear. In the words of Jinnah, Muslims wanted to be free of both the British and the Hindus.

That show you know nothing about the ML, they were very much allied with the congress even untill the partition, the only differentiated in regards to the outcome of the partition. Please do some research before you say anything.
That show you know nothing about the ML, they were very much allied with the congress even untill the partition, the only differentiated in regards to the outcome of the partition. Please do some research before you say anything.

It should be 'shows'. It should be 'they' instead of 'the'.

Factually, you're wrong. They were not allied. In fact, the Muslim League celebrated a Day of Deliverance when the Congress resigned.
Dear should not be capitalized. It's a comma, not a full stop. Also, it should be hands in glove with the British, you forgot the 'the'. Not to mention that there should be a full stop after questionable. If you had to use comma, then how should not have been capitalized.

Muslim League were not allied with the British. They were quite clear that they wanted independence. The reason they did not support Congress in protest is clear. In the words of Jinnah, Muslims wanted to be free of both the British and the Hindus.

Dear will be capitalized.
It is a form of address, Even if it does not follows a comma .

You don't need to put a . after a question mark unless that question mark is a part of sentence in quotes.And no there is no need of a question mark after the questionable.

You did not used quotes when quoting Jinnah.

Now on topic,

Muslim League was nothing but an opportunistic organization , as a result it got marginalized after independence in both India and Pakistan.
Looks like Partition is still haunting Indians.Indian dream of akhand bhaRAT will continue till the cows come home... In other words you can say "rasi jaal gai per bal nahin gaea" The destruction of akhand bhaRAT after having their *** ruled for 1000 years is something that will continue to haunt them till eternity..In other words folks, who gives a sh!t what Indians thinks what matters is what we are and where we are heading.We should all vote for PTI to implement true vision of Muhammad Ali Jinnah.We cannot thank him enough for providing us this homeland.
It should be 'shows'. It should be 'they' instead of 'the'.

Factually, you're wrong. They were not allied. In fact, the Muslim League celebrated a Day of Deliverance when the Congress resigned.

It should be The Day of Deliverance, not a , If you are using a , then don't capitalize Day.
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