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JF-17B - EW 'Growler'

correct; shielding plus all the electronics need to be re-tested in worse case scenario; in one of the EW pod testings, we were finding birdies all over the place which caused havoc in the navigation and comms.
Frankly the engineering base to produce a dedicated aircraft like the J-16EW or Growler doesn’t exist but enough does to produce something halfway. The South Koreans were or have sent a pod or two over but as such the process of taking a Chinese base then inviting experts from different countries to add onto it works for the PAF. One has to walk into Kamra to truly see the visiting faces; one sees a mix of eastern european languages incl Romanian, Afrikaans along with Chinese all thrown about in the consultants coming and going.
Just because one doesn’t see the hotel bills and payslips doesn’t mean a LOT isn’t going on behind the scenes.
EW solutions for jft were bought from two European sources.
The Indra unit has some offensive capability as well apparently

There is another from Electronica. The order was placed when the ESM systems were bought for ATRs.

The Indra unit has some offensive capability as well apparently

The ALQ-500P is proving to be an excellent solution, can be used in offensive jamming if needed.
to prior member's post... not mk's reply.
no..... for a dedicated EW, you just cannot convert it; there is an entire issue of shielding; power etc that needs to be taken into account; if not, the pilots will fry from inside.


The JH7A already has an EW platform---.

The more the tech advances---the more dependence would be on heavy strike aircraft that can deliver weapons from standoff distances---.

The enemy won't put up a teeter totter type aircraft for its EW aircraft---.
I think the forum should ban anyone who further mentions that the PAF should buy the J-16.

Good idea, mods?

The JH7A already has an EW platform---.

The more the tech advances---the more dependence would be on heavy strike aircraft that can deliver weapons from standoff distances---.

The enemy won't put up a teeter totter type aircraft for its EW aircraft---.
yes. we both agree; jh-7 is the most ideal aircraft for deep strike and many SOW platform; many members dont see the point yet :(.
there is no such project under going at CAC, EW fighter is very expensive, there is no such thing called "cheaper" EW fighter, as EW's sole role is to sucessfully jam enemy's electronic signal, while ensuring it's own side enjoys asymmetirc battle awareness`````
there is no such project under going at CAC, EW fighter is very expensive, there is no such thing called "cheaper" EW fighter, as EW's sole role is to sucessfully jam enemy's electronic signal, while ensuring it's own side enjoys asymmetirc battle awareness`````
what mad```?
That therebis EW fighter project running in CAC are you a CEO of CAC or what???
endurance and payload will not allow it in this role unless major changes happen in line of Gripen NG

new engine, more fuel and may be more hardpoints/CFT to relieve more hardpoints

Well said but it will do good for formations it will fly with, but still multirole CFTs will be needed along with EW in spine.
That therebis EW fighter project running in CAC are you a CEO of CAC or what???
dig more of my posts, dont make fool out of yourself kiddo````
dig more of my posts, dont make fool out of yourself kiddo````
Well kiddo the modified jf-17 for EW role will not be a cheap like f-15 strike eagle developed from original f15.
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