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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

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Hello guys,
I have recently joined this forum although reading it since long time.
Yes we cannot recognise the real capabilities of LCA, cause no one in this planet can pass the plane which is still on paper on 4.5 generation standard. If the paper plane are the one's which we are discussing then You better see the concept of future JF 17 II and third block. You will find it compareable to F 16 block 52.

Do you have a prototype of that flying?

If not, then its just a fanboy wish list.

LCA is getting its IOC this year and we have several prototypes flying, with weapons and full avionics. I know LCA is not inducted yet and its a drawback but its not a huge drawback, since JF-17 is also getting into its first squadron only, not to mention it needs an avionics upgrade.
LCA has no future everyone knows but now its turns into a ego problem for every Indians their strategy is to present LCA as a 4.5 generation fighter when HAL announce its cancellation they will say we wasted too much on LCA we have better aircrafts in MMRCA. :D
LCA has no future everyone knows but now its turns into a ego problem for every Indians their strategy is to present LCA as a 4.5 generation fighter when HAL announce its cancellation they will say we wasted too much on LCA we have better aircrafts in MMRCA. :D

LCA has already been ordered by Air Force as well as the Indian Navy.
Its scheduled to get its IOC this year and we can see it inducted next year or latest by 2012.

BTW, this is JF-17 thread. You have any questions about LCA, post it in LCA thread.
LCA has already been ordered by Air Force as well as the Indian Navy.

it's a joke

Do you have a prototype of that flying?(LCA-N)

How long does it take?

I think u need at least 3 yrs:coffee:
What is the joke here???
We've had 9 prototypes for the Air Force version and that's gonna be the first one to get inducted.

Before the naval LCA, we need an aircraft carrier, but that was too tough to guess, ha?
We will get Naval LCA for our indigenous ac which will get inducted sometime around 2015-2017, not before that.

BTW, the prototype for Naval LCA is under development.


MODS please delete all these LCA posts this thread again going to deain.:hitwall:
Rather than trolling, why don't you counter my statements?

Your arguments have been countered on numerous occasions, yet you choose to stick with the usual bashing JF-17 attitude. How about have a look in the mirror 1st, maybe you will realize who is trolling here:disagree:
MODS please delete all these LCA posts this thread again going to deain.:hitwall:

I agree

just leaves me wondering if some sad troll has multiple accounts and is getting the kicks by posting flame and answering himself from another computer or browser window
Why are we talking about LCA here uff ?
Why are we talking about LCA here uff ?
While surfing the Internet i had punch keywords lca vs jf-17 and site listing came up. I clicked one particular site. and found some hilarious posts.
Surprising jagjittnat pdf member is also registered there found his post being a senior member and after 139 pages on JF-17 multirole fighter..jagittnat you still have to upgrade you information as well inform your friends over there. Perhaps if not all a lil had to be upgraded.
Here we go and enjoy the post of mr. jagittnat

Here is your answer. Just a page back. Even mods joined this conversation.
Mods please take care of all the off-topic posts.

People please stop being silly---start using the gray matter for once----this plane has not even been integrated yet---this plane hasn't proved anything at the moment---. It has not been yet put into active field service yet.

Once it gets to the field and field technicians start working on it---a picture will start to emegre in due time.

Wait till it has been in service for 3---5 years at least---then the true picture would come out.

The plane has not even had a single full bloodied no hold barred operational contact yet---and you kids are jumping up and down like the game is done and over and our hero has won----.

You kids needs to understand that it is a small plane---modular in design so inherently it will be easier to work on as compared to a plane that has maybe twice as much equipment.

I would like the THINK TANK MEMBERS and specially the THINK TANK CHAIRPERSON to take charge of the discussions and set directions and give guidance to younger members instead of telling them MERGE THE THREADS and don't post here or there.

Sier... If Jf-17 is the subject matter than we are informed that it has been duly tested against much integrated F-16 and results were in favor of JF-17!
It is a reason to be optimistic and in the PAF ranks who know things in and out have put their trust on it, more than F-16.
I don't understand, why the maintenece of JF-17 should be an issue while it is being manufactured and designed in Kamra!
Going back to basics this A/C integrates most advance technologies i.e. LERX, DSI, FBW, HOTAS, HUD, MFD, DAS, RWR, MAW, smaller RCS, DayNight laser targeting pod, FLIR, data link, DEEC, modular engine design, modular AC design and future it will get an AESA radar, IFR, IRST, improved engine etc. etc..
Please, tell me if any of those specs. i mentioned are fake?
I even heard much more specs. are kept secret, as many insiders kept claiming on very same thread!

Hardly any regional airforce have A/C matchin gabove specs. and in generation classification it is 4.5 generation....

This A/C has potential to take on any A/C with matching specs.
With due respect, I would like to correct you.
Sier... If Jf-17 is the subject matter than we are informed that it has been duly tested against much integrated F-16 and results were in favor of JF-17!
It has not been tested against F16. It has just cleared the trials and completed the operational clearance. Its first squadron is not even complete.
Only an exercise or a war would be a true test of its capabilities.
It is a reason to be optimistic and in the PAF ranks who know things in and out have put their trust on it, more than F-16.
F-16 is still the top dog and it reflects when PAF is buying more F-16s despite the fear of sanctions. JF-17 is good as a replacement of older Mirages but can not be compared to F-16.
I don't understand, why the maintenece of JF-17 should be an issue while it is being manufactured and designed in Kamra!
It is being assembled in Kamra and not being manufactured. The engine is bought as it is from China, which bought it from Russia. Even the avionics package is completely manufactured in China, just assembled in Kamra. Missiles and countermeasures too are bought.
So in case something goes wrong with the engine, it will need to be sent to China. Even other parts would be serviced by China.
Going back to basics this A/C integrates most advance technologies i.e. LERX, DSI,FBW, HOTAS, HUD, MFD, DAS, RWR, MAW, smaller RCS, DayNight laser targeting pod, FLIR, data link, DEEC, modular engine design, modular AC design
LERX are the wing extensions on the fuselage.
DSI is a fancy name for divertless intakes, means it doesn't need to slow down the air before entering the intakes.
FBW is fly by wire - this is a good step forward.
HOTAS means that pilots gets all controls on joystick
HUD is the heads up display. every aircraft in the world has this.
MFD is the screen
DAS is fancy name for the countermeasure systems
RWR is radar warning receiver, every combat aircraft has this.
MAW is just like RWR, but a missile approach warning, present in all combat aircraft, even mig 21s.
smaller rcs - this is a debatable claim. Nothing on the JF suggests this.
DN Laser targeting pod, can be installed on any aircraft.
FLIR is not present on JF.
datalink is present in all modern aircraft
DEEC is present because of FBW controls.
RD33 is not a modular engine design.
modular aircraft design, again debatable.

As you see, all these things are basic avionics with some fancy names. Nothing earth shattering.
and future it will get an AESA radar, IFR, IRST, improved engine etc. etc..
AESA is not coming at least in the next 15 years, since PAF is looking for a PESA first.
IFR and IRST too would require structural changes unless they are deployed on an external pod.
Please, tell me if any of those specs. i mentioned are fake?
I even heard much more specs. are kept secret, as many insiders kept claiming on very same thread!
None of them are fake sir. Just that they are a little in accurate.
People tend to hype things up and these rumors confuse more people about the true aircraft.
Hardly any regional airforce have A/C matchin gabove specs. and in generation classification it is 4.5 generation....
JF-17 will get an upgraded radar soon, it will then be eligible to be called a 4th gen. For a 4.5 gen aircraft a whole lot more needs to be done, which unfortunately can not be done on this aircraft, at least not now. But I am sure PAF has found the F-16 more than enough for now, and yes, even F16 block 52 is a 4th gen fighter and not a 4.5 gen

The United States Government defines 4.5 generation fighter aircraft as fourth generation jet fighters that have been upgraded with AESA radar, high capacity data-link, enhanced avionics, and "the ability to deploy current and reasonably foreseeable advanced armaments..
@Storm Force

Stop derailing the thread.
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