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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

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I recently read Alan Waren's book and the following text caught my attention on pg. 125:

There is also a two seater JF-17 on the drawing board. At present the requirement for the two seater along with its design are being finalised by the PAF.


"AVM Farhat Hussain Khan, JF-17 Cheif Project Director (CPD) says: "We would expect the two seater to fly around three years later"

So now i am wondering if JF-17 two seater will fly near 2012?

yeah that is what they said nut I dont think it will be there by 2012. I highly doubt that.
in the same book says that we were offered the avionics of j-10 in 2000 but PAF declined. that is what disturbs me a lot because on one side we are talking about inducting J-10 on the other side we declined to use the same avionics for JF-17.
at the end we are using the smaller version of the same avionics.
I dont know may be they have improved the avionics of J-10 now. But I cant get the logic behind all this.
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While surfing the Internet i had punch keywords lca vs jf-17 and site listing came up. I clicked one particular site. and found some hilarious posts.
Surprising jagjittnat pdf member is also registered there found his post being a senior member and after 139 pages on JF-17 multirole fighter..jagittnat you still have to upgrade you information as well inform your friends over there. Perhaps if not all a lil had to be upgraded.
Here we go and enjoy the post of mr. jagittnat

jagittnat says.....
Let compare them fairly.
The engine used in JF-17 is RD93, a modification of RD33, the same engine used in older Mig29. The engine though powerful enough is known to be lazy and not good at acceleration. Also the engine is very old and newer Migs use a newer variant RD33MK of the engine.

The thrust provided by the engine is around 49.4KN without the use of afterburners. With the afterburners, the thrust is 84.4KN. Also its worth mentioning here that this old Russian engine like its counterparts is known to have problems sustaining its afterburner for longer duration of time, which suggests that most of the time the aircraft would be flying without its afterburners on. So the important thrust specification here is the 49.4KN, which by today's standards and the weight of the aircraft is quite low.

The thrust to weight ration comes out to be 0.78 for an empty aircraft and 0.55 for a loaded aircraft which is a SERIOUS drawback. Its the biggest problem with the current batch of JF-17 aircraft. Even with the afterburners on the aircraft fails to exceed a ratio of 0.94 for a loaded aircraft, which is poor to say the least.

The airframe of the aircraft seems to be good enough. The stabilizers are good enough and shaped perfectly. The nose is also carved nicely to direct air to enter the engines. The intakes are also nicely shaped to hide engine blades from radar waves. The airframe is good enough and nothing seems wrong with it.

The only problem with the airframe is the material. The airframe is made completely from metal and a little use of some alloys. There has been no use of composites at all. This increases the weight as well as the rcs of the plane.

This is another field JF-17 is lacking in. The chinese avionics are just not enough. Although PAF is negotiating with France and now even Italy for an avionics upgrade, nothing is surfacing as of yet. The radar in use now is KLJ-7 which is a scaled down version of the KLJ-10 radar used in the J-10 of Chinese Air Force.

The range of the radar is 75 kms in look-up mode and 35 km for look-down mode for a target of rcs 3 square meters. Also the radar can monitor upto 10 targets in TWS(Track While Scan) mode and engage two in BVR mode.

The radar is obsolete by today's standards and it would need serious backing by AWACS in order to put up a fight. Also the missile that the plane will use for its BVR engagements would be SD-10 which is a chinese missile with a range of 90-100 kms. But as the radar is limited to 75 km for 3 square meter rcs target, the extra range of the missile won't come in handy.

The newer aircraft coming up have rcs of 1 square meter or below. The KLJ-7 would not be able to detect these targets at ranges beyond 30-40 km. In combat with these aircraft, the JF-17 would be shot down even before it can detect what hit it.

It is only after an avionics upgrade that we can analyze the true capabilities of the aircraft.

The only BVR missile compatible with JF-17 for now is the SD-10 missile. As of now, not much information is available about the missile. Even the range is speculative at best. Wouldn't want to comment on it.

LCA - Tejas

The engine in use for the first batch of aircraft will be GE F404IN, which is a modified F404 engine, being used on F18. The engine has a max thrust of 85KN with afterburners on and 50-55 KN without afterburners. The engine is not powerful enough to allow Tejas to carry out combat maneuvers with its full load. This is the reason a new engine is being evaluated for Tejas. The new engine will have a thrust of 100KN with afterburner and 60KN without afterburner.

That would make it powerful enough and would increase the thrust to weight ratio from 0.95 with afterburner at full load to 1.07 with afterburner at full load and 0.64 at full load without afterburners.

Add to that an unstable delta wing configuration and that makes Tejas a really good maneuverable machine. The fly by wire does a great job at making it agile at high speeds. Speaking of speeds, the new engine might also enable supercruise for LCA. Also TVC can be seen if EJ200 is selected.

The LCA has a delta wing configuration without horizontal stabilizers which makes its configuration unstable. This means that it would require powerful computers and fly by wire controls to make it stable in its flight. Without these computers, it would be impossible to control the plane.
The airframe is inspired from Mirage 2000 and is a proven one. The huge wing span will add to the maneuverability. The Y-shaped intakes guarantee reduced rcs and there is nothing spectacularly contributing to the rcs of the plane.

The LCA uses a lot of composites to reduce the weight and radar detection of the plane. The size of the plane is another factor that contributes to its low rcs. This leads me to believe the rcs of LCA would be a lot less than that of JF-17.

The radar in use for the first batch will be a PESA multi mode radar ELTA EL/2032 radar. The air to air mode of 2032 radar has a range of upto 150 km for 5 square meter rcs and in air to sea mode has a range of 300 kms.
The missiles that this radar support are currently R77 and R73. The R77 has a range of upto 90 kms and it believed to be extremely maneuverable.

Also Astra Missile can be supported with the ELTA radar. DRDO believes its indigenous radar would be ready in a couple of years and its supposed to be better than 2032 radar.

So all in all, its Tejas which is more advanced and capable, but its not ready yet. In future, if JF-17 wants to match up to Tejas, an avionics upgrade is desperately required.
hahahahaahhahahaha, whats the surprise in there.

This is what has been written again and again by our Indian counterparts on every forum of the earth.

LCA is from Mars and is alien technology, while JF-17 has been made by some poor 3rd world countries out of scrap metal after scrapping oil tins.
lol taimikhan jagittnat is a hit on that site lol..all the friends on a picnic party flying lca 4.5 gen vs thunder 3rd gen..:lol:jagittnat hope you don't say thunder is made up of electric steel poles..
lol taimikhan jagittnat is a hit on that site lol..all the friends on a picnic party flying lca 4.5 gen vs thunder 3rd gen..:lol:jagittnat hope you don't say thunder is made up of electric steel poles..

Electric steel poles are still stronger. JF-17 has been made from tin cans, oil tin cans after they were scrapped, sheet from these tin cans were made and put into the 3rd Gen JF-17.

If you scrap the paint of JF-17, below it you will see Dalda Ghee or Sunflower Oil, Habib Oil and God knows how many other oil company names written.

by the way jagittnat ttp stole all those american oil tins in tribal through to afghanistan made its way to india for lca very stealth lol.
if they will not sell their equipments than we go to Canada,Italy or Germany.Germans are best option for us
lol taimikhan jagittnat is a hit on that site lol..all the friends on a picnic party flying lca 4.5 gen vs thunder 3rd gen..:lol:jagittnat hope you don't say thunder is made up of electric steel poles..


i have a question to ask that what are the prospects of integrating Israeli equipment on JF-17 Thunders ?
i have a question to ask that what are the prospects of integrating Israeli equipment on JF-17 Thunders ?

Realistically speaking none. And I hope that they dont go that route either. Now the only option is through China, but then again they will be putting allot on stake if they provide it to the Chinese. And also the Israelis view Pakistan as an enemy they will never let that happen. And they stand to lose the Indian business if they do, plus the US will not allow it either. So the odds of cows flying are higher then the Israeli equipment on the JF.
hahahahaahhahahaha, whats the surprise in there.

This is what has been written again and again by our Indian counterparts on every forum of the earth.

LCA is from Mars and is alien technology, while JF-17 has been made by some poor 3rd world countries out of scrap metal after scrapping oil tins.

lol taimikhan jagittnat is a hit on that site lol..all the friends on a picnic party flying lca 4.5 gen vs thunder 3rd gen..:lol:jagittnat hope you don't say thunder is made up of electric steel poles..

Electric steel poles are still stronger. JF-17 has been made from tin cans, oil tin cans after they were scrapped, sheet from these tin cans were made and put into the 3rd Gen JF-17.

If you scrap the paint of JF-17, below it you will see Dalda Ghee or Sunflower Oil, Habib Oil and God knows how many other oil company names written.


by the way jagittnat ttp stole all those american oil tins in tribal through to afghanistan made its way to india for lca very stealth lol.

Rather than trolling, why don't you counter my statements?

Tell me where I am wrong, and I shall accept it provided you backup your claim from a neutral credible source.

I didn't expect this behavior from a mod, but anyways, counter me and that's discussion, joke around, that would be stupidity.
Rather than trolling, why don't you counter my statements?

Tell me where I am wrong, and I shall accept it provided you backup your claim from a neutral credible source.

I didn't expect this behavior from a mod, but anyways, counter me and that's discussion, joke around, that would be stupidity.

I just have one question for you, what was your neutral credible source that you gathered all of your information from. You take a plane that is not yet completely inducted and make it into something supper natural out of the world thing. And degrade the other at your convenience. So why dont you source it down.
I just have one question for you, what was your neutral credible source that you gathered all of your information from. You take a plane that is not yet completely inducted and make it into something supper natural out of the world thing. And degrade the other at your convenience. So why dont you source it down.

If you remove those HATE INDIA specs from you eyes, you'd realize I listed some problems for LCA too.

Its late, and its engine is not sufficient.

BTW, its you who has a problem with my analysis. Tell me whats wrong and I shall give you credible sources backing those claims.
If you remove those HATE INDIA specs from you eyes, you'd realize I listed some problems for LCA too.

Its late, and its engine is not sufficient.

BTW, its you who has a problem with my analysis. Tell me whats wrong and I shall give you credible sources backing those claims.

I have always stated that I am not an aviation specialist, never claimed to be one. I laughed at your analysis as I thought that they were more to satisfy the audience that they were targeting, and a bit biased. That is my right to agree and disagree to whatever I feel is likewise.
Now as far as my hate india specs, well they are still less in number then you so don’t worry. My posts are there for you to read, and I have seen yours so the rest can compare the both. And they can judge who hates who more blindly just for the sake of it.
Now as far as credible sources and all, I told you I am no specialist. I will leave it to someone who can answer your post in a better way. I dont agree with what you wrote, that is my opinion based on the info that I have seen so far. Now that is the farthest off topic I will go on this thread. Hope you get your reps from someone else who can answer them, looking forward to a healthy discussion.

And P.S just because someone dont agree with you that dont automatically qualifies them for an indian hatter.
Hello guys,
I have recently joined this forum although reading it since long time.
Yes we cannot recognise the real capabilities of LCA, cause no one in this planet can pass the plane which is still on paper on 4.5 generation standard. If the paper plane are the one's which we are discussing then You better see the concept of future JF 17 II and third block. You will find it compareable to F 16 block 52.
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