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JF-17 Thunder - Information Pool

Block 2 2p01-2p16 delivered in 2015
So 2p17-32 were made in 2016 for no 14 Sqn

2p33-48 or may be all 2p50 will be delivered to 18 Sqn in 2017 which will end block 2

Again my guess but we see already 2p33 build so ...
So what happens to the export models. Are they separafely counted? Or are serial numbers assigned to ALL air crafts built . Makes sense to assign different serial numbers/ names. Would still keep Kamra busy.

Range 280-290 i guess rounded to 300km, 800 plus kg weight compared to 1980s
Exocet 50-70km 500-600kg weight , gained 200kg plus range

MK84 is 910 kg or 2000 lbs
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No other fighter producing nation has a lightweight multirole fighter like the JF-17, and coming with an AESA radar and advanced electronics, not to forget advanced weapons.. It is a niche that was left held by the F-5 freedom fighter and the Mig-21, with thousands of both that has been produced and sold worldwide.. taking these facts into account anyone can see the huge potential for the F-17 sales..
No other fighter producing nation has a lightweight multirole fighter like the JF-17, and coming with an AESA radar and advanced electronics, not to forget advanced weapons.. It is a niche that was left held by the F-5 freedom fighter and the Mig-21, with thousands of both that has been produced and sold worldwide.. taking these facts into account anyone can see the huge potential for the F-17 sales..

I like the JF17. it is the reason I frequent here. I like to be optimism but factual. I consider the FC-1, Gripen, FA-50 and LCA to be broadly in the same bracket, with more or less the same offering but at slightly different stages of development.
Thunder is indeed a great project.......talored by PAF. Block wise production is a great concept. This gives it a great future prospect.
I like the JF17. it is the reason I frequent here. I like to be optimism but factual. I consider the FC-1, Gripen, FA-50 and LCA to be broadly in the same bracket, with more or less the same offering but at slightly different stages of development.
With LCA.. i assume you meant Teja... it needs complete aiframe redesign. Afterwards it will be something else but Teja.
JF-17B leaflet Zhuhai 2017
JF-17B leaflet Zhuhai 2017 - 1.jpg
JF-17B leaflet Zhuhai 2017 - 2.jpg
I like the JF17. it is the reason I frequent here. I like to be optimism but factual. I consider the FC-1, Gripen, FA-50 and LCA to be broadly in the same bracket, with more or less the same offering but at slightly different stages of development.
Price-wise the JF-17 beats all of them, while technologically speaking, well, as you say they are at different stages of development, but the JF-17 is getting there, mainly the Block 3.. and Block 2 when upgraded with AESA and IRST among other components will be as close too..

This is another milestone achievement for JF-17 and PAF.. it looks awesome and it will most certainly carry an AESA radar, IRST, HMD, HMCS, and some Wild Weasel capabilities among other advanced components..Just like the JF-17 Bllk 3..
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Since some nobhead blocked my main id for a month, have to create this new one to share this kick arse jf17 clip.

This is specially for you @Windjammer, you are going to love it. Though I cant post it as with this new id it wont allow me to add media clips and pics.

Anyone who can help?

How do I add a video clip here?

Since some nobhead blocked my main id for a month, have to create this new one to share this kick arse jf17 clip.

This is specially for you @Windjammer, you are going to love it. Though I cant post it as with this new id it wont allow me to add media clips and pics.

Anyone who can help?

How do I add a video clip here?

Bro, this is just awesome, you are the man....some of the best images of the Thunder.
Can't wait to see the footage. Thanks a million.
@Manticore @Jungibaaz @WAJsal @Oscar, Gentlemen, can you assist @Taimoorkhan in this matter.
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Bro, this is just awesome, you are the man....some of the best images of the Thunder.
Can't wait to see the footage. Thanks a million.
@Manticore @Jungibaaz @WAJsal @Oscar, Gentlemen, can you assist @Taimoorkhan in this matter.

Bro it's a 1:25 long clip, taken from C130. I have not come across such work done for PAF power projection. It's awesome. Wish I could upload the clip here.
Bro it's a 1:25 long clip, taken from C130. I have not come across such work done for PAF power projection. It's awesome. Wish I could upload the clip here.

Post the clip link to the reply box and add any character -(_* etc) between the words of the link. Fans will remove the characters to play the video.
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