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JF-17 Block-3 Induction Imminent

One more report please.
Not enough

Thanks for the interaction.
Thanks for the interaction.
Looool there was no interaction...u are a very sensitive little thing arnt you.

Report that too.
@CSAW did you report it? R u happy now waving the rainbow flag. 🌈
Hi Windy, thanks for sharing.

@CSAW @Bilal Khan (Quwa) I read an Indian article (mentioned below) that claims the change of Engine while we have no news from our side. Can you pls share any info on this?

The change of engine or replacement news have been echoing since many years.

Some sources claim additional requirements of Electronics etc the need of it and even refer to platform being under powered. Some Indian sources claim Low MTTR /MTBF causing Thunders fleet to have been grounded ; Some say the same for Maynmar exported ones having engine issues. Earlier issues reported with Black smoke.

The two possible replacements Cited were Russian RD RD-93MA Engine that features 9300 kfg thrust and Chinese WS-13E .

The JF-17 Program was adequately covered with supply of engines & spares to China by Russia.



Their seems to be No dire need or urgency shown towards engine change from PAF Official sources. The formal comment upto now by PAC :

“We are completely satisfied with this Russian-made RD-93 engine,” an official Pakistan Aeronautical Complex had told IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly.
Pakistani officials had claimed "changing to another engine would not make any sense and would be disruptive and cause a huge expense for the JF-17 programme".


All pictures / info revealed for Block-III do not confirm any change of power plant. With induction of WS-10B engine along with J-10CP , the confidence level of PAF on performance of Chinese engines has remarkably improved.

Lets wait for future to unfold.
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JF-17 Thunder C
Block III
MR-16 Squadron

Black Panthers


"The new forward-facing MAWS sensors on the starboard and port DSI intakes are visible, one of the features which visually distinguishes the Block III from previous variants of the jet."
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The change of engine or replacement news have been echoing since many years.

Some sources claim additional requirements of Electronics etc the need of it and even refer to platform being under powered. Some Indian sources claim Low MTTR /MTBF causing Thunders fleet to have been grounded ; Some say the same for Maynmar exported ones having engine issues. Earlier issues reported with Black smoke.

The two possible replacements Cited were Russian RD RD-93MA Engine that features 9300 kfg thrust and Chinese WS-13E .

The JF-17 Program was adequately covered with supply of engines & spares to China by Russia.



Their seems to be No dire need or urgency shown towards engine change from PAF Official sources. The formal comment upto now by PAC :

“We are completely satisfied with this Russian-made RD-93 engine,” an official Pakistan Aeronautical Complex had told IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly.
Pakistani officials had claimed "changing to another engine would not make any sense and would be disruptive and cause a huge expense for the JF-17 programme".


All pictures / info revealed for Block-III do not confirm any change of power plant. With induction of WS-10B engine along with J-10CP , the confidence level of PAF on performance of Chinese engines has remarkably improved.

Lets wait for future to unfold.
Agreed. PAF would not want to switch over to a new engine outright. The delay in block 3 was due to new weapons testing. PAF is on record saying it is in no hurry to change engine. Newer engine in my very humble opinion will require testing which might send project back 2-3 years. Secondly even if PAF goes for uprating the engine it MIGHT look at fleet wide upgrade. Whether this would be possible and the cost implications of it need to be looked at. So much as we all want a uprated engine it will require time and money botb of which we currently don't have.
Why are old news being re posted?

Since this is the hobby here at this forum from a few members: They are posting nothing but already posted images and news in a almost regular pattern just for whatever reason since no true news are out …IMOI most annoying .
Since this is the hobby here at this forum from a few members: They are posting nothing but already posted images and news in a almost regular pattern just for whatever reason since no true news are out …IMOI most annoying .

While agreeing to above and the mods may warn or ban such posts or contributions ... .

Putting issues with the forum in proper perspective ;

Then there are continuous threads and comments of Political nature , crossing the lines when discussing Military , Disrespectful general / personal comments and verbal abuse to win some argument.

Threads are being derailed due to off the topic , Non Value added, absurd, Non relevant discussions of no relevance. :offpost:

Those are as much annoying if not more.
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While agreeing to above and the mods may warn or ban such posts or contributions ... .

Putting issues with the forum in proper perspective ;

Then there are continuous threads and comments of Political nature , crossing the lines when discussing Military , Disrespectful general / personal comments and verbal abuse to win some argument.

Threads are being derailed due to off the topic , Non Value added, absurd, Non relevant discussions of no relevance. :offpost:

Those are as much annoying if not more.

Sorry in Case you rated by rant as a complaint against you, it was more a general reply to the post above and indeed I hate as much these political derailing but also this constant reposting of old already more than a dozen times posted images, always one image per post and always ONLY to get a higher score and not since these images contribute in any way to the discussion.
A new HUD, dual SD-10 Missile launchers, possible mating of PL-15, an extra hardpoint amongst other additions.
Any stealthy features ?
Any stealthy features ?
Yes. If you look away, it won't be visible 😅.

Other than that, enhanced ECM does help. Plus although not confirmed, but concentrated beam of AESA radar can be used to block enemy radar.
Yes. If you look away, it won't be visible 😅.

Other than that, enhanced ECM does help. Plus although not confirmed, but concentrated beam of AESA radar can be used to block enemy radar.
None of this ^^ reduces RCS.
So no engine issues in JF-17 Block 1,2,3 as the Bhaktoras are claiming?
None of this ^^ reduces RCS.
Nahi bhai.
Such a radical redesign is not feasible.
Likewise use composites , need new manufacturing setup, and not feasible. Beats the whole purpose of the jet, an affordable weapon system which is easy to build and maintain.
Stealth is not even a part of our war doctrine.
Judging by how we went in on 27th February 2019. In broad daylight, at high altitude. In full view of Indian radars. While using Blinders for jamming.

Electronic countermeasures and jamming are far more practical and feasible, compared to trying and make the aircraft stealth.
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