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JF-17 and PLAAF

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Seems to me Some people feel that UNLESS PLAAF inducts JF17 even in token nos IT WILL NOT HAVE ACHIEVED a " Stamp of approval"

You people really need to give the Thunder a chance its a nice little combat plane...

But no use in defeating the USN carrier battle groups... or 240 su30mki

As per your statement, do you think that we will only have Thunders to defend ourselves against the entire IAF?

A little sad while saying this but for some reason, few Indian friends always bring ENTIRE MKI FLEET against Thunder. I assure you that if the IAF has a sensible leadership, they will never attempt on us with even 50 Fighters in one sortie, let alone 240 MKIs as modern air warfare does not occur in mere numbers alone. :sniper:
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Well Guys

I think the discussion in this thread might be concluded as finally, the PLAAF has decided to acquire at least 150 FC-1s to replace its obsolete fleet of A-5s (Q-5) and J-7 (F-7)s. FC-1 successfully cleared the design appraisal in December last year after a series of successful guided and unguided air-ground weapon trials that were going on since March, 2009. Its time to see the first FC-1s in Chinese colors!
Reported by Xinhui.
read my post. as for all the things you listed they are all 'will be' kinda things. atm jf-17 just doesn't cut it to beat the f-16 although a good point defence fighter.

Absolutely right jagjitnatt! however, you have taken things out of context currently PAFs F-16s are blk 15s that are not equipped with Quad FBW system & the cockpit clutter comparatively is higher! the JF holds its own ONLY against the CURRENT F-16s that the PAF fields BEFORE any MLUs!

so yes timikhan's statement might hold some ground! however, once the new BLK 52s are introduced only then would we know what our fly boys really think about the JFs!
Only one thing i dont understand.Why indians think they have a big deffence budget?while 50 % indian army is obsolete and is trying to replace it.While pakistan has no such issue?
Absolutely right jagjitnatt! however, you have taken things out of context currently PAFs F-16s are blk 15s that are not equipped with Quad FBW system & the cockpit clutter comparatively is higher! the JF holds its own ONLY against the CURRENT F-16s that the PAF fields BEFORE any MLUs!

so yes timikhan's statement might hold some ground! however, once the new BLK 52s are introduced only then would we know what our fly boys really think about the JFs!

we already have received one Bl52......there will be something going on between the kid and the vetern
Taimi buddy i thnk ths thread should be closed now as nabil has mentioned that PLAAF has decided to opt jf-17 ...so i thnk there is no reason for further discussion on this topi as it was concerned with why PLAAF is not going for jf-17
is there a source you could provide for that statement
Taimi buddy i thnk ths thread should be closed now as nabil has mentioned that PLAAF has decided to opt jf-17 ...so i thnk there is no reason for further discussion on this topi as it was concerned with why PLAAF is not going for jf-17

dear mods r sleeping over here dont wake them up...:rofl:
Finally PLAAF decided to buy a 150 Thunders.


When was this annouced.

Why would PLAAF buy Thunder When they are building clearly superior J11 flankers & J10 Vanguards

Does not make sense

Any proof/link ???????/
No proof no link no evidence and the news is totally false as you seemed disturbed a little. I told Xinhui to write what i wanted him to. Now relax and sleep well.

"The first two (09-109 & 110) have been built by CAC. The first JF-17 (09-111) in the batch of 4 assembled by PAC rolled out on November 23, 2009. Besides Pakistan, several Asian and African countries also expressed interest in FC-1, including Egypt, Bangladesh, Iran, Sri Lanka and Azerbaijan. A two-seat trainer version and a single-seat ground attack version have been proposed as well. Recent news (October 2008) suggested that PLAAF has decided to acquire some FC-1s (dubbed J-9?) as a low-cost light figher/attack aircraft to replace its obsolete J-7s and Q-5s. FC-1 passed bomb and fuel tank integration/release tests in March 2009. The latest news indicated that FC-1 passed design appraisal in December 2009. "

Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force
No proof no link no evidence and the news is totally false as you seemed disturbed a little. I told Xinhui to write what i wanted him to. Now relax and sleep well.

"The first two (09-109 & 110) have been built by CAC. The first JF-17 (09-111) in the batch of 4 assembled by PAC rolled out on November 23, 2009. Besides Pakistan, several Asian and African countries also expressed interest in FC-1, including Egypt, Bangladesh, Iran, Sri Lanka and Azerbaijan. A two-seat trainer version and a single-seat ground attack version have been proposed as well. Recent news (October 2008) suggested that PLAAF has decided to acquire some FC-1s (dubbed J-9?) as a low-cost light figher/attack aircraft to replace its obsolete J-7s and Q-5s. FC-1 passed bomb and fuel tank integration/release tests in March 2009. The latest news indicated that FC-1 passed design appraisal in December 2009. "

Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force

that has been discussed about a 1000 times now......
I think there is no more need for discussing this topic, as nothing is clear yet.

All we know is that a Prototype#06 of FC-1/JF-17 is still being flown and tested in China with Chinese communication equipment.

Purpose isn't clear.

But till no Chinese engine, we can't say PLAAF has said no to this plane, once a Chinese engine comes online, then we will know for sure, what the PLAAF really wants.

So, not divert your energies to the main JF-17 thread, this one is closed.

Will open, once an official news appears.
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