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JF-17 and LCA development comparison

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Nawaz Sharif has already mention about Paf expectation, "it can drop bombs".
Nawaz sharif LOL he is the same guy who says that Pakistan won Kargil war(which is true infact)
n u dont believe him n when he said out of sarcasm(like mentioned in the posted report of livefist) n out of gesture of good will then that go down yr throat very well:rofl:
WOW what a logical nation u r!!!
Gripen uses american engine and american avionics too,still is called as SAAB gripen
Radar or engine dont decide nationality :D and even jf-17 uses chinese and russian equipments,still u claim it as pakistani :).

when f-16 entered in service,it was immature fighter but later on it was developed simultaneously.


IAF wanted different platform earlier but now they want multirole fighter like they earlier wanted mirage 2000 for MMRCA but later on went for rafale.

Problem--You are blind enough to accept the facts and live in delusions.LCA is more potent fighter than jf-17 and u can even compare it on papers but again the problem is in induction which is related to IAF requirements.

You can keep soothing yourself by saying that it completes our requirement as u initially went for french avionics for it but later on u went for chinese :lol:

My dear man, you're still running in cycles the same thing you guys are saying about a 1000+ posts ago.
1-Like I said, LCA may be comparable or superior to JFT. But to date, it remains a prototype so good time to make a claim would be when it enters service.
2-Pakistan preferred to go the french way, correct, but do let me know anything significant developed recently by france or europe aside from what is already known? PAF may not have liked the way french responded but increasing chinese options have also worked wonders for JFT.We may or may not have gotten what we wanted initially from chinese, but what does the growing arsenal of JFT indicate with everincreasing sophisticated weapons (both domestic as well as chinese) being configured as they become available?
3- Wont comment on IAF stuff since I dont know whatso ever they wanted, but DRDO failed them yet again in the name of indiginisation.
All you utter above is true for Gripen, F-16 and similarly for JF-17. Whats the problem then for you?
Everyone here is just saying that how good is the plane if its on paper then its just a "paper plane" a.k.a LCA. Got it??
And if you think that JF-17 has limitation to go advance then you really are stupid. Here we are just comparing JF-17 BLK-1. BLK-2, BLK-3 will be totally different birds. What do you say, should we compare blk-3 with your "paper plane"?

also we never claimed JFT as indigenous we always say its a joint venture unlike indians who still say their LCA is indigenous as we all know it only has one weapon out of all its is indian made ie ASTARA BVR rest r israeli, Russian or european, also their engine is american, rader + avionics r israeli.......etc etc still its indigenous for our indian brothers.
Nopes you should wait for full movie of 2-3 hrs :D even i was not satisfied with advertisement like kargil :D

Forget rafale till 2014 :)
then promise of not running to yr momma USA like before:lol:
JF-17 Thunder's specifications (2012)

JF-17 Thunder's specifications (2012) - YouTube

By Abdul Barijan.

JF-17- Evolution of the Thunder

By Abdul Barijan.

India exposed: Propaganda articles against JF-17 thunder

By Abdul Barijan.

JF-17 Thunder vs LCA Tejas {Indian media exposed]

By Abdul Barijan.

Answer to Indian media propaganda about JF-17 Thunder

By Abdul Barijan.
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also we never claimed JFT as indigenous we always say its a joint venture unlike indians who still say their LCA is indigenous as we all know it only has one weapon out of all its is indian made ie ASTARA BVR lest r israeli, Russian or european, also their engine is american, rader + avionics r israeli.......etc etc still its indigenous for our indian brothers.
But alot of your friends definatly claimed that JF 17 Blk 2 will have 100 Kn Engine ,TVC,High composites,AESA radar,IRST,retractable refuelling Probe and what not but in reality it has non of them......

Secondly JFT is a joint venture which uses Russian Engine,Chineese Radar KLJ 7,Chinese Avionics,Chineese,Brazilian or South African weapons....and still its a joint venture

And ya you forgot DRDO's Sudarshan LGB for LCA.....
But alot of your friends definatly claimed that JF 17 Blk 2 will have 100 Kn Engine ,TVC,High composites,AESA radar,IRST,retractable refuelling Probe and what not but in reality it has non of them......

Secondly JFT is a joint venture which uses Russian Engine,Chineese Radar KLJ 7,Chinese Avionics,Chineese,Brazilian or South African weapons....and still its a joint venture

And ya you forgot DRDO's Sudarshan LGB for LCA.....
Yes it is but certainly not domestic fighter like u claim abt yours.
It is a joint venture either b/w 2 or 100 countries.
Moreover u used yr own brain then to believe at anyone here in PDF, also officially Pak n China say its a joint venture.
Unbunch those panties, Nancy.:lol:

# A top 'Non-India School of Business'? Whichever one it was, I'm guessing English lit. wasn't up for term credits. :enjoy:
Medical school too? You must've a couple of years on me then. You should work harder on not sounding like a moron.

# Nice try shifting goalposts from ''India sources everything from abroad " to anecdotal references of corruption by Indian corporations and visa abuse. Feel free to answer my queries on how outsourcing translates into donated jobs or the technical assistance you alleged was received by Indian defence and space organizations while being sanctioned by the US Entity list. Back it up with the relevant literature like I can source for my assertions on Indian assistance(refer at the bottom of the post). Forget debating in public, you aren't worth a minute of my time in real life.

# Unlike your Pakistani brethren, I couldn't care any lesser on who you're friends with or your self perception over what you know. Keep at topic and learn to back those tall claims up. Not everyone in here is a clueless Pakistani.

For your consideration;
Isro's centre in Ahmedabad helped track Hurricane Sandy - Times Of India

Chandrayaan a wake-up call for America, says Obama - Times Of India

There is no 'anecdotal' reference to 'a few issues here and there'. Your community plays dirty with the business. Majority of Indian companies tell the executives straight up, we'll share the profit with you if you outsource or allow us in. Then comes the visit to India, the offshore accounts, the benefits, etc. That's your Satyam's, Tata's, Wipros and even the smallest ones that are hundreds in number within the US.

There are batches of people in the US schools. Like Purdue, where people NEVER finished or failed their bachelors. But, there is a women that's represents Purdue's recruitment from some big Indian school or schools (I am sure she can be found if the FBI investigates). She changes mark sheets and all and the kids get accepted here. I personally know of two people. One of them told me himself !!! He also said that because of her, his WHOLE class to some degree is here.

Indians running staffing business have either paid their ways into companies or pay someone to get the business. Then, they suppress American resumes. The only resumes you get are off Indian people. I've had four personal deals where when I dug around, I found people from top US schools but the Indian recruiter wasn't sharing those with me out of the love for his community. This is SUPER ILLEGAL but your lobby has put people in HR roles that avoid the hiring of the Americans !!! I think the gov't should investigate, shut down these companies and send the responsible ones to jail.

Next, when you interview, you guys share papers with your friends. Sham gets an interview but they are calling him Ram on the resume. As his buddy Ram has the green card, etc. Now Ram gets a cut, Sham gets to make money as if he was a US citizen and an American individual who should've had that job....is jobless. And YES, there is plenty of talent within the US. We asked you guys to come in because we had excess jobs. The idea wasn't to bring in a mafia that would deprive the US public off good jobs through illegal means.

Next, you interview Ravi, who's lived here for a while and makes sense. But the guy who shows up for work isn't Ravi...he's Pawan or something. A lot of the time, the companies have to fire people after hiring or be stuck with the person. About 85% of the time, the stuff written on the resume, is all false. This is AGAIN Illegal. But our gov't has closed its eyes from these things as all politicians get paid $$ by the Indian lobby.

Tracking storm is a low level job. Reading, measuring heat and cold air movements, vapors and barometric pressure is all done through the Satellite. I can have people sitting in Philippines or Vietnam or China do this for me too. Cheap labor is cheap labor. Doesn't matter where its from. So.....you are no special. Btw, I can assure you I do have a bigger di*k than you. So you may want to keep your 'Nancy' in the house...if she met me, she'll leave you, I can guarantee it. Count this in!!!

There shouldn't be a place for trolling here. Yet you guys come here and act arrogant and start these silly discussion as if India's the most sacred place on the planet. I'd love to see where you'd be today if there wasn't any outsourcing. So quit acting like God on this forum and outside.
People like you and post like these that are SO OFF TOPIC, should be banned!!
JF-17 Thunder (SD-10/PL-12 BVR test + Kamra avionics factory)

Best BVR Fighter in India (IAF) and Pakistan (PAF) [SU-30 MKI,Mig-29,Mirage-2000,F-16,JF-17]

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IAF (Indian airforce) vs PAF (Pakistan air force) aerial war history (1965 & 1971)

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Yes it is but certainly not domestic fighter like u claim abt yours.
It is a joint venture either b/w 2 or 100 countries.
Moreover u used yr own brain then to believe at anyone here in PDF, also officially Pak n China say its a joint venture.

Not bothered what everyone says. U just tell me what was the contribution of Pak in the development of Jf-17 with proof.
Avionics,airframe,landing gear,radar, anything just mention with the link.
There is no 'anecdotal' reference to 'a few issues here and there'. Your community plays dirty with the business. Majority of Indian companies tell the executives straight up, we'll share the profit with you if you outsource or allow us in. Then comes the visit to India, the offshore accounts, the benefits, etc. That's your Satyam's, Tata's, Wipros and even the smallest ones that are hundreds in number within the US.

There are batches of people in the US schools. Like Purdue, where people NEVER finished or failed their bachelors. But, there is a women that's represents Purdue's recruitment from some big Indian school or schools (I am sure she can be found if the FBI investigates). She changes mark sheets and all and the kids get accepted here. I personally know of two people. One of them told me himself !!! He also said that because of her, his WHOLE class to some degree is here.

Indians running staffing business have either paid their ways into companies or pay someone to get the business. Then, they suppress American resumes. The only resumes you get are off Indian people. I've had four personal deals where when I dug around, I found people from top US schools but the Indian recruiter wasn't sharing those with me out of the love for his community. This is SUPER ILLEGAL but your lobby has put people in HR roles that avoid the hiring of the Americans !!! I think the gov't should investigate, shut down these companies and send the responsible ones to jail.

Next, when you interview, you guys share papers with your friends. Sham gets an interview but they are calling him Ram on the resume. As his buddy Ram has the green card, etc. Now Ram gets a cut, Sham gets to make money as if he was a US citizen and an American individual who should've had that job....is jobless. And YES, there is plenty of talent within the US. We asked you guys to come in because we had excess jobs. The idea wasn't to bring in a mafia that would deprive the US public off good jobs through illegal means.

Next, you interview Ravi, who's lived here for a while and makes sense. But the guy who shows up for work isn't Ravi...he's Pawan or something. A lot of the time, the companies have to fire people after hiring or be stuck with the person. About 85% of the time, the stuff written on the resume, is all false. This is AGAIN Illegal. But our gov't has closed its eyes from these things as all politicians get paid $$ by the Indian lobby.

Tracking storm is a low level job. Reading, measuring heat and cold air movements, vapors and barometric pressure is all done through the Satellite. I can have people sitting in Philippines or Vietnam or China do this for me too. Cheap labor is cheap labor. Doesn't matter where its from. So.....you are no special. Btw, I can assure you I do have a bigger di*k than you. So you may want to keep your 'Nancy' in the house...if she met me, she'll leave you, I can guarantee it. Count this in!!!

There shouldn't be a place for trolling here. Yet you guys come here and act arrogant and start these silly discussion as if India's the most sacred place on the planet. I'd love to see where you'd be today if there wasn't any outsourcing. So quit acting like God on this forum and outside.
People like you and post like these that are SO OFF TOPIC, should be banned!!

Awww, poor Pakman seems to have lost it completely that he brings in Ram-Shyam stories(you should look up the word 'anecdotal' among other things) and reassures himself with penile length. You remind me of the chimps who fling feces when they get enraged or how some African Americans are obsessed with their junk as they have little else to find pride in. :D

People of your calibre bore me so I'm gonna head out now. Good luck with your *cough* bright career. I'm sure they're hiring for sales somewhere in America. :lol:
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