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Jewish Mullah :Jews should kill Arab men, women and children during war

Don't get into panic mode :| .but there is hate everywhere.not alone jews or Hindus or christians.
I ,For One believes impartial western(English) education from early childhood days to prevent brainwashing can only help the people grow a larger heart to accomodate the other communities as well.else ,pre-conceived notions will dictate the thoughts.like for eg: Israel,USA and India is the Terror kind of thoughts.
No ,I am not too Religious if you count me.
If you havent read the "holy scriptures" etc perhaps you should not come to your friends defense so readily.
I failed to see the connection about the link you provided. Most of us dont even know about the coptic priest , anyway nice subtle try on ur part. This aint our fist rodeo!

In any case I ve come across christians from Egypt. These folks are "crazy". They cant stand muslims but dont like Israel either. I remember this one guy ( a christian from egypt)telling me that it was true that Arabs never initiated the 1967 attack on "israel" as his dad was an army officer back then and everyone ( the arab military brass0 was actually having a party when they were actually attacked by IDF. The Arabs has actually always maintained that the did not initate the attack on israel, but then who was listening. I recommed "Body of secrets" by James Bamford, as very well know investigative journalist.

I had followed events in 1967 very closely as published in Dawn and news on radio Pakistan because Nasser had been one my heroes after his successful liberation of Suez Canal in 1956.

Nasser asked that UN observer force stationed in the Sinai since 1956 to be withdrawn on May 16, 1967. Burmese U Thant Sec. Gen. of the UN duly complied.

Nasser subsequently stationed 80,000 troops on the Egyptian/Israeli border. I still remember when Moshe Dayan was brought back from retirement and made Israeli Defense Minister on June 1, 1967 joked in an interview “It took 80,000 Egyptian troops to bring me back”

Step which precipitated the war was closing down the straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping on May 22, 1967. At that Iran under the Shah had full diplomatic relations with Israel. Iran was one of the main suppliers of petroleum to Israel thru the port of Eilat situated in Gulf of Aqaba. On May 30, Egypt and Jordan signed a defence pact.

On June 5, 1967 Israel launched the pre emptive attack.

I don’t like Zionists either but any one who carries out judicious research into the causes of war would conclude that 1967 war was imposed on Isreal as Nasser had badly overestimated allied (Egypt, Syria and Jordan) strength and under estimated competence of Israeli war machine. Israelis on their part chose to attack first rather than wait to be choked into submission. Arabs were having a party because they could not imagine Israel launching a pre-emptive attack despite 250,000 Arab troops on her borders.
Chabad rabbi: Jews should kill Arab men, women and children during war - Haaretz - Israel News[/url]
Looks like Jewish Mullahs are also turning into extremists.

Need proofs look at whats going on in Palestine. Well he just confirmed there motives. :angry:

:coffee:And there is no extremism in Islam a person who commits such sort of act is kicked out of its bounds. :pakistan:
this is news for me.koran also got similar words for kuffr.:disagree:

FrontPage Magazine - Symposium: Apes, Pigs and Anti-Semitism

If you are going to keep shoving links that are not exactly relevant, It is going to be a problem. Feel free to start a new thread for your agenda.
Now, instead of criticizing what the man is saying you are trying to turn tables on muslims? Supposedly these are the only democratic & civilized people in the middle east. For your lack of education, Jew & Christians are not Kuffar, they believe in the God of Abraham same as we do.
I had followed events in 1967 very closely as published in Dawn and news on radio Pakistan because Nasser had been one my heroes after his successful liberation of Suez Canal in 1956.

Nasser asked that UN observer force stationed in the Sinai since 1956 to be withdrawn on May 16, 1967. Burmese U Thant Sec. Gen. of the UN duly complied.

Nasser subsequently stationed 80,000 troops on the Egyptian/Israeli border. I still remember when Moshe Dayan was brought back from retirement and made Israeli Defense Minister on June 1, 1967 joked in an interview “It took 80,000 Egyptian troops to bring me back”

Step which precipitated the war was closing down the straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping on May 22, 1967. At that Iran under the Shah had full diplomatic relations with Israel. Iran was one of the main suppliers of petroleum to Israel thru the port of Eilat situated in Gulf of Aqaba. On May 30, Egypt and Jordan signed a defence pact.

On June 5, 1967 Israel launched the pre emptive attack.

I don’t like Zionists either but any one who carries out judicious research into the causes of war would conclude that 1967 war was imposed on Isreal as Nasser had badly overestimated allied (Egypt, Syria and Jordan) strength and under estimated competence of Israeli war machine. Israelis on their part chose to attack first rather than wait to be choked into submission. Arabs were having a party because they could not imagine Israel launching a pre-emptive attack despite 250,000 Arab troops on her borders.

So Israel started the war. There is no proof that Arabs would ve actually initiated the war. And since they did not, let us not assume that they would have anyways. The destruction of USS Liberty was directly linked to the fact that they did not want US spy ship in International water to track & relay their communications initiating the attack & massacre of Arab POW's.
Salaam O Alaikum

I ,For One believes impartial western(English) education from early childhood days to prevent brainwashing can only help the people grow a larger heart to accomodate the other communities as well

It will please you to know that I was born in England and have lived here all my life. I have spent most of my life in your so called “impartial western (English) education”, and am currently enrolled at a British university.

As an individual who has undergone you’re much acclaimed “impartial western (English) education”, I can safely conclude that you do not know what you are on about, and your posts make no sense whatsoever.

else ,pre-conceived notions will dictate the thoughts.like for eg: Israel,USA and India is the Terror kind of thoughts.

“Pre-conceived” is one word and does not require a hyphen:


Preconceived can be defined as “a notion formed before possessing adequate knowledge or experience”.

Let us take Israel as an example:

- The residents of Gaza know and have knowledge of the fact that they are displaced, and they understand that the villages from whence they hailed were ethnically cleansed and repopulated by Zionist settlers.

- The residents of Gaza know, and experience in their day to day lives a tremendous, inhumane, and vicious siege that rids them of their right to trade with the rest of the world, stops much needed commodities such as food and medicine from coming in etc. As a result, the Israelis have forced the Gazans to dig their way out of the siege.

- The residents of Gaza recently experienced a tremendous act of terror from land, Air and Sea. You can read more about this, and how Israel initially broke the ceasefire here:

Avi Shlaim: How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe | World news | The Guardian

This is an article by a Jewish Oxford professor, published in the Guardian newspaper. I certainly hope that this meets your “impartial western (English) education” requirements.

We can conclude therefore, that the notion of Israel being a terrorist state is certainly not “pre-conceived”. This is a well grounded and logical proposition.

To accuse those people of having preconceived notions is an act of great injustice and stupidity.

No ,I am not too Religious if you count me.

That doesn’t answer my question. I asked you of your faith, not the extent to which you follow it. So please answer my question.

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