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Jawaharlal Nehru 'pleaded' for US help against China in 1962

Couple of weeks ago, I asked a question to indians in a Gandhi bashing thread.

If Gandhi was an A55 hole, and it seems like nehru was a disgrace to the Indian nation.

I ask the question again, who were the Indian independence heroes who were not a55 holes and disgrace to the indian nation?
Nehru did a lot of things for the country, at least zillion time more than any of you keyboard warriors. Yes he had his flaws as does everyone. But India should always remain grateful towards him for providing the solid ground the nascent democracy needed.

I have to disagree with you here, and about the keyboard warrior thing we were not even born at the time!!!!

Can u please explain atleast one solid contribution he has given to this country other than running to the Security Council every now and then?? And please don't tell me he was the reason we got independence.
why did chacha nehru decide to implement the forward policy when he knew we wouldnt be able to implement it?

first you ignore building defence capabilities then decide to get aggressive with a bigger neighbour . How stupid was that ?

Not judging nehru from this incident only but still who would commit such a mistake ?

China was never an "enemy" of India until Nehru started having expansionist intentions. His poor diplomatic communication with Chinese leaders and his repeated attempts to encroach into the non-demarcated territory along Sino-Indian border was what made China an enemy of India.

And his foolishness is clearly displayed by the fact that despite repeatedly provoking China, Nehru made hardly any attempts to modernize and expand the Indian Armed Forces.

:tup: This.

Nehru's worse mistake was to indicate his willingness to talk/cooperate on the border issue, then turning down Zhou Enlai flat later.
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And a "national hero"?! A person who forced India to embark on the path of socialism and economic stagnancy while other newly created democratic Asian nations, such as Korea and Japan, experienced an economic miracle is a "national hero"? A person who failed to act decisively on the Kashmir conflict and gift future Indian generations the single biggest foreign policy liability is a "national hero"? A person who first appeased China during the invasion of Tibet and then repeatedly provoked China which finally culminated in the biggest military humiliation independent India ever faced is a "national hero"?

Many would often credit Nehru for establishing the IITs, the IIMs and AIIMS but the fact is that these premier educational institutions were the brainchild of Abdul Kalam Azad, India's first education minister.

Pity the nation whose citizens term an inept leader like Nehru as a "national hero".

Nehru fancied himself a socialist and dabbled in communism and this is one of the reasons Nehru encouraged the Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai slogan. But I think Mr. Joe Shearer had it right when he said, Nehru was a tea room socialist. He was infatuation with the ideas of socialism and had no understanding of it would work in real life.
I have to disagree with you here, and about the keyboard warrior thing we were not even born at the time!!!!

Can u please explain atleast one solid contribution he has given to this country other than running to the Security Council every now and then?? And please don't tell me he was the reason we got independence.

Dude just look around yourself in South Asia, what do you see? Biggest contribution of Nehru is to make the democracy stand on it's feet when he easily could've grabbed the power and pull off a dictator. He also did many other good things like 5 years planning, non-aligned movement, establishment of IITS and IIMS etc etc.

He was bit dopey and not a hawk like Mao. But then again do you really want a Mao in India?
Dude just look around yourself in South Asia, what do you see? Biggest contribution of Nehru is to make the democracy stand on it's feet when he easily could've grabbed the power and pull off a dictator. He also did many other good things like 5 years planning, non-aligned movement, establishment of IITS and IIMS etc etc.

He was bit dopey and not a hawk like Mao. But then again do you really want a Mao in India?

Would done wonders to improve women's right and to abolish castism. :azn:
Would done wonders to improve women's right and to abolish castism. :azn:

Er......India is EU or Soviet Union,under someone like Mao,India would have met the same fate.........

Don't take it the wrong way,I have great respect for Mao,but then again what went right for China necessarily won't go the same way for India.

The closest ruler India had to Mao was Indira Gandhi,she did give us a good victory,but on the whole her blunders even haunt us today.
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Er......India is EU or Soviet Union,under someone like Mao,India would have met the same fate.........

Don't take it the wrong way,I have great respect for Mao,but then again what went right for China necessarily won't go the same way for India.

Maybe but you look at the status of women in China before the communists, it was even worse than in India.

The situation of women in China has improved significantly over the past century, particularly since the government established a gender equality policy in 1949. Education and labour force participation of women have since increased, while harmful practices (such as foot-binding of young girls) have been abolished and patriarchal norms have weakened.

By the very tenets of communism, class, gender and racial difference would be considered anathema. This is probably why Below_freezing honestly thinks the Maoists should rule India. (interesting but probably disastrous)

and if you are interested here is the same source's assessment on India.

Since Independence, the government of India has promulgated many laws to protect women’s rights. In general, application of these laws is weak. An international study by Rhoodie goes so far as to state that India “is a good example of a country with an abyssal gap between policy and practice.” India’s legal framework has less influence on women’s rights than do the nation’s religions. Some 80 per cent of the population lives according to Hinduism and its customs and laws; the Muslim population follows the Islamic Sharia law. It is important to bear in mind the number of women subjected to the following discriminations: India is home to some 500 million women.

The closest ruler India had to Mao was Indira Gandhi,she did give us a good victory,but on the whole her blunders even haunt us today.

It would be a dreadful mistake to compare the two. Indira might be the most autocratic of India's rulers but autocracy doesn't mean she had anything in common with Mao (good or bad).

I personally find Mao to be the most complex figure in history. There is really no other historical figures that resemble him. He is almost a mirror, your opinion of him says more about yourself than about him.

On top of that very few westerners really understand him beyond a crude caricature (even many scholars, though they do much better as a group.)
I love the way indians try to praise chinese infront of them and abuse em and crap behind em....... to good.

Comparing indra to Mao? is tht a joke? coz its not funny.

Damn i love the hypocrisy.
It would be a dreadful mistake to compare the two. Indira might be the most autocratic of India's rulers but autocracy doesn't mean she had anything in common with Mao (good or bad).

I meant from the perspective, both of them were regarded as the strongest leaders for their respective nations and the positive things they achieved overshadow their blunders in the minds of a general citizen.

However,stuff like great leap forward has hardly any impact on China of 2010.

But operation blue star still has its impact on India's Sikh community.
I love the way indians try to praising, chinese infront of them and abuse em and crap behind em....... to good.

Comparing indra to Mao? is tht a joke? coz its not funny.

Damn i love the hypocrisy.

To be fair most of the abuse happens right in front of us. ;) We as a group don't care about abuse as much as ignorant misconceptions.
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