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Jawaharlal Nehru 'pleaded' for US help against China in 1962

And in the end he begged the US did he not?...why did he not ask his non-aligned friends for help?
As for helping India,His non-aligned socialist quazi commi economic policies almost made India bankrupt less than 20 years ago.

Among all the founding fathers in the world...Nehru was the biggest clown.

Non alignment policy does not forbid a country from taking superpower help, but does stops it from becoming a client state or pawn in fight between two superpowers.
As it is said when two bull (elephants) fight, no matter who wins, grass always looses.
Just take the example of a country to India's west, they are still suffering the consequences of last "clash of the Titan" that happened 20yrs ago.

Even 10 yrs later, when Indira Gandhi(who was much more pragmatic than her father) did lean towards a Soviet Union against American threat to intervene in war with Pakistan.
But still India firmly stuck to its NAM policy and at no point was India was Soviet satellite state.
Today Pakistanis curse the day, they went and joined American Camp,
I will say India is lucky, Nehru's idealism (though with lot of flaws) saved her of similar fate.
So much for his "non-aligned" stature...when the time came he begged the "imperialist" for help.The guy was a joker.

Similar faults can be found with everyone including Abe Lincoln and Jinnah (I dont know whether you are an american or a Pakistani). Does not mean you start calling them names..
Isnt begging exactly what pakistan does these days? Im sorry i forgot asking for a 50 billion waiver , US intervention in kashmir issue, pleading the US for more military aid weren't considered as begging. Come fellow pakistanis! Let us shut our eyes to the reality of our crumbling nation and instead reminiscence our neighbour's past mistakes and revel in it.
Learn the history before talking. China was common enemy to both India and US so he sought for help it was not kinda aid. What he did for economy of India is what he could have done at that time. About China's enmity, its adopted by the commies of china themselves. they fought with everyone in that period.

Calling some country's founding father clown, you are just probing your self a retard. think before using such words against national heroes.

Kinetic i can understand the anger in you but RAS is completely correct. I hope u don't believe that Nehru along with Gandhi was the only other national hero for us. I do not deny that Nehru played his part but leadership to him was a lucky breakthrough only. He did not earn it.

The mistakes done by him are numerous. I recall an article now which i read some time ago in which, the author says that actually Gandhiji was not at all happy with idea of making the Congress party in to a political one once the swaraj or independence was achieved. Nehru along with other power mongers did exactly the opposite. He was the one who brought dynastic politics to our country in politics too, Strategically he was a joker of the highest degree.
I wonder how many of you people here would have made any other decision as compared to Nehru of that time.

Remember, China had a decisive victory over India, Nehru did whatever he could to save his country. 40 years on and the decendents of India now talk about humiliation he bought upon them, not the fact that his actions direct and indirect caused China to withdraw in any way.

He did what he had to do in the circumstances............and India is still there today........

Do you feel the same about Bhutto who signed the Shimla accord after the 71 defeat?
Learn the history before talking. China was common enemy to both India and US so he sought for help it was not kinda aid. What he did for economy of India is what he could have done at that time. About China's enmity, its adopted by the commies of china themselves. they fought with everyone in that period.


China was never an "enemy" of India until Nehru started having expansionist intentions. His poor diplomatic communication with Chinese leaders and his repeated attempts to encroach into the non-demarcated territory along Sino-Indian border was what made China an enemy of India.

And his foolishness is clearly displayed by the fact that despite repeatedly provoking China, Nehru made hardly any attempts to modernize and expand the Indian Armed Forces.

Calling some country's founding father clown, you are just probing your self a retard. think before using such words against national heroes.

Nehru was never the founding father of India. His role in the Indian independence movement was negligible and inconsequential. The only reason why he rose up the ranks of the Indian National Congress was because he was a favorite of leaders such as Gandhi and Maulana Azad.

And a "national hero"?! A person who forced India to embark on the path of socialism and economic stagnancy while other newly created democratic Asian nations, such as Korea and Japan, experienced an economic miracle is a "national hero"? A person who failed to act decisively on the Kashmir conflict and gift future Indian generations the single biggest foreign policy liability is a "national hero"? A person who first appeased China during the invasion of Tibet and then repeatedly provoked China which finally culminated in the biggest military humiliation independent India ever faced is a "national hero"?

Many would often credit Nehru for establishing the IITs, the IIMs and AIIMS but the fact is that these premier educational institutions were the brainchild of Abdul Kalam Azad, India's first education minister.

Pity the nation whose citizens term an inept leader like Nehru as a "national hero".
India was big Soviet supporter,and Soviet at that time do not have the best of the relation's with,still Nehru went to the U.S and pleaded before them instead of Soviet.

So basically that means soviet had already let us down,even before american's did it,or possible Cuban Missile crises were more important

Well but one can not deny it was the fear of U.S and Soviet that checked Chinese rampage deep inside Indian territory.

China was never an "enemy" of India until Nehru started having expansionist intentions. His poor diplomatic communication with Chinese leaders and his repeated attempts to encroach into the non-demarcated territory along Sino-Indian border was what made China an enemy of India.

And his foolishness is clearly displayed by the fact that despite repeatedly provoking China, Nehru made hardly any attempts to modernize and expand the Indian Armed Forces.

China was already an enemy,the forward policy does not mean that India started the patrolling deep inside Chinese territory,it only meant our territorial preservation against an anticipated Chinese attack

Nehru did not made china an enemy, Chinese attack was inevitable,they were also not eager to listen,they were adamant on their position which was unacceptable to India then and it remain's the same today,have a look at the border disputes of China,they have troubled relation's with all of them,and had confrontation's with many of them.

Nehru was one of the best leader's India got,he only did what he thought was necessary for the protection of the nation,if our hurts today due to it,so let be it,India was a new born country and Nehru was a new born leader,he stumbled when we had our most desperate time,which can happen to any other person,India was also in no position to defend against a superior Chinese force
As you said, one of the main reasons why China did not press for total victory was the fact that it feared that the two superpowers - USA and USSR - might get involved in the conflict. So, even a diplomatic support by USA was a sufficient deterrent.

And the Americans had already given the Indians their diplomatic support and had provided India with some immediate military assistance too. Therefore, for Nehru to go a step further and blatantly beg the Americans for military help is an utter disgrace. This man sang the tune of non-alignment, self-sufficiency and sovereignty for much of his lifetime. But when the challenge really came, he left India's destiny at the hands of a Western power.

Dude China backed down because PLA didn't have any logistics or supply line whatsoever. They would have faced onslaught by new IA troops that were being moved to NE had they been stay put to their position.
Nehru did a lot of things for the country, at least zillion time more than any of you keyboard warriors. Yes he had his flaws as does everyone. But India should always remain grateful towards him for providing the solid ground the nascent democracy needed.
Similar faults can be found with everyone including Abe Lincoln and Jinnah (I dont know whether you are an american or a Pakistani). Does not mean you start calling them names..

Ras is quite a neutral poster, as far as I remember he's of South Indian descent.
Yes Nehru was naïve, but we have to remember those circumstances were different: integration of the princely states, building a political structure,reorganization of the states on a linguistic basis etc... . He acted in a manner what he thought was best for the country in those times.

The best part of his tenure was his five year plans and the importance he placed on higher education, which today we are reaping the results
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