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Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous


Aug 18, 2013
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Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous | The Diplomat


By Dingding Chen
June 03, 2014

In April 2014, Japan decided to end a half-century ban on the export of weapons, which the New York Timesdescribed as an attempt to “augment Japan’s regional influence by offering its technologically sophisticated defense hardware to other countries locked in territorial disputes with an increasingly assertive China.”

Indeed, last month Japan announced that it would provide patrol ships to the Philippines to enhance its capabilities against China. Then, in a speech last week in Singapore, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that Japan would like to play a leadership role in Asian security and help countries like Vietnam who have territorial disputes with China by offering patrol ships and other military equipment. Japan’s defense minister also met with Vietnam’s defense minister in Singapore to discuss cooperation against China regarding their territorial disputes. Moreover, Japan hopes to cooperate with like-minded countries like Australia and India to curb China’s assertiveness in Asia.

These moves underscore that Japan is attempting to build an anti-China coalition against the backdrop of the relative decline of the U.S. and a rising China. Worried that it would not be able to compete militarily with China, Japan hopes to assemble an anti-China coalition by building military alliances with countries that have territorial disputes with China. While it might sound rational from Japan’s perspective, this idea of an anti-China collation is dangerous for regional peace and stability and will ultimately hurt Japan’s national interests.

This strategy will generate two very negative consequences for regional peace and stability in Asia. First, by providing patrol ships and other advanced military equipment to countries like Vietnam and the Philippines, Japan is essentially encouraging these countries to initiate or escalate conflicts with China. In China this is called “火上浇油 (adding fuel to fire),” and it is not a wise leadership strategy. Vietnam and the Philippines might be emboldened by Japan’s help and miscalculate their chances of winning disputes with China. Indeed, given the huge gap between their military capabilities and China’s own military capabilities, any miscalculation might lead to grave mistakes that hurt Vietnam and the Philippines immensely. For example, what would Japan do if a war breaks out between China and Vietnam? Is Japan willing and capable of sending troops to help Vietnam against China? Any rational decision maker in Vietnam would not bet on this possibility. If Japan truly wants to play a leadership role in Asia, it should work as an honest broker among all parties to identify opportunities for de-escalation between China and its neighbors.

Secondly and more importantly, Japan’s strategy to build an anti-China coalition will essentially force China into a corner, as China would conclude that Japan aims to stop China’s rise by encircling it. The right strategy for Japan is to refrain from backing China into a corner. Cornering China is a very dangerous move as Beijing is still very much a defensive power mostly concerned with its own regime security and various pressing domestic problems. As Andrew Nathan and Andrew Scobell point out, China is still “a vulnerable nation surrounded by powerful rivals and potential foes.” This means that China is not an expansionist power as many in the West and Japan fear, thereby suggesting that a more engaging approach to China would be more prudent.

China is already too large and too powerful to be contained, no matter how hard Japan attempts to build a coalition against it. China’s military spending is now twice as large as Japan’s military spending; and the gap between the two will only increase as Japan’s economy continues to face uncertainties.

As to the territorial dispute between China and Japan, the best strategy for Japan is to acknowledge it and refer it to international law, or shelve it for later resolution, as a number of international and Japanese observers suggest. Although this prudent strategy would face strong domestic opposition, Japanese leaders must overcome such opposition because it is in Tokyo’s long-term interests.

Despite strong warnings from U.S. government officials, Japan made a serious miscalculation when it nationalized the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands in 2012, which resulted in China’s sharp response and later a co-administration situation over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, which is a victory for China and a loss for Japan. If Japan makes another grave mistake by encouraging states like Vietnam to form an anti-China circle, something worse would occur to Sino-Japanese relations and Asian stability and peace. Let us hope that wiser heads will prevail in Japan.
The world can see that an alliance is form to corner us. We are peaceful loving country back by evidence of non-intervention and no war for over 30 years but Japan continues to threaten us with war, of course not by themselves because they don't have the capability, but with verbal support from their puppet master they think they can bully us.
Yeah, with its economy going down badly, Chinese will be enslaved by JPese again. Dark and doom future for all main land Chinese :pop:
The coalition is indeed dangerous for China's agression and expansionism. But it is helpful for the regional stability and security.
HongWu is that you!?!?!?! I so missed my favorite cartoon character :-)

Weren't you just lecturing on another thread about not derailing the topic started by a Japanese member?

Why do not you go there and preach more righteousness?
If china wants to show it wants peaceful rise then it should forget the 9 dash line,it looks stupid to even a school kid.
so the author means that pairing to Japan cause more dangerous to other China neighbors ?
so without pairing to Japan ( as current Vietnam Coast Guards working ) it's less dangerous to them ??

China sends more warships amid the tension with Vietnam
Need more explanation to make clear this confusion ...

Will China launch a war against their neighbors because they have good cooperation with Japan or USA or each others ?
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If china wants to show it wants peaceful rise then it should forget the 9 dash line,it looks stupid to even a school kid.
Why you so concern about the 9-dash line? South China Sea is one of the busiest commerce maritime lane in the world with thousand of ships trespassing inside the 9-dash line. We didn't stop any ships from moving freely in the area. So why concern, my friend?
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so the author means that pairing to Japan cause more dangerous to other China neighbors ?
so without pairing to Japan ( as current Vietnam Coast Guards working ) it's less dangerous to them ??

China sends more warships amid the tension with Vietnam
Need more explanation to make clear this confusion ...

Will China launch a war against their neighbors because they have good cooperation with Japan or USA or each others ?
This is why people don't take Vietnamese strategic thinking seriously because you lack basic understand of geopolitics and how foreign policy shapes regional peace and security. Let me give you a simple example that can escalate the region into conflict when Japan's supposed proposal to re-militarization and changing Article 9 constitution to come to the aid of ally. We all know that the current constitution allows Japan to defend itself and the US-defense treaty already cover that. We also know that the region has maintain unprecedented peace for over 30 years. Coincidentally, this time period we saw Japan played no major role in any security matter and with the US limit presence in the Asia Pacific. So the immediate question is why the need for Japan to re-militarize in their active pursuit of war with China? Japan Pacifist policy had play a crucial role in keeping Asia peaceful. Do you want to see Japan's false flag operation, just so they can drag the US in and war with us and make the whole region turn into hell? As you know, a militaristic Japan had a history of causing unprecedented damage and conflict in Asia. Japan had never shown in her history that a militaristic Japan is good for peace. Absolutely none. Nobody in the world trust Japan because they show no remote for historical mistake and Abe's revisionist on history is a testament to the danger Japan pose to regional peace.
Your worry about Japan's resurgence is not necessarily ours. Don't drag us down with your.
Why you so concern about the 9-dash line? South China Sea is one of the busiest commerce maritime lane in the world with thousand of ships trespassing inside the 9-dash line. We didn't stop any ships from moving freely in the area. So why concern, my friend?
thats what I am saying give up the claim based on 9 dash line and all the countries which have dispute with china will work with china

Then you must be a school kid. Grown ups find it rather real and some even face certain consequences.
yup it looks stupid to me, dont worry when you start going to school ,you too will see it as a stupid thing to do.
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