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Japan No Longer an Export Powerhouse

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Well they grey capital market is 1/3 of their economy and uncontrolled. Their leadership appears weak at moment. I don´t bet too much at them.

I find it funny that you want us to go down :D

All just your opinions that China has weak leaders and nothing more substantial than that. Just goes to show how scared you are of the Chinese competition.

Anyway, at least Germany is one country that will still be prosperous - can't say the same for the rest of EU as most produce nothing worthwhile and that includes Italy.
All just your opinions that China has weak leaders and nothing more substantial than that. Just goes to show how scared you are of the Chinese competition.

Anyway, at least Germany is one country that will still be prosperous - can't say the same for the rest of EU as most produce nothing worthwhile and that includes Italy.
thank you very much for this insult.
All just your opinions that China has weak leaders and nothing more substantial than that. Just goes to show how scared you are of the Chinese competition.

Anyway, at least Germany is one country that will still be prosperous - can't say the same for the rest of EU as most produce nothing worthwhile and that includes Italy.

The economic advantage is true -- for now -- but irrelevant to my question.

The EU told Italy to take a hike over your marines. You had to bow to India.
And you think Italy can "crack" China?
Our marines are working a regulary job in our embassy and attend party as well as local disco clubs. So i see that as minor mishap that will be solved soon.
Our marines are working a regulary job in our embassy and attend party as well as local disco clubs. So i see that as minor mishap that will be solved soon.

The point is that Italy first demanded India hand over the marines and try them outside India.

The EU refused to support your stance; India flatly rejected your requests.

Now you are trying to put the best spin on it.

Quite right with that. Actually Italy concentrates on the luxus segment. The entire nation offers its lifestyle. We have expensive car brands like ferrari, we have famous labels like Gucci and Versace. We build great cruise ships and lead the cruise industry. I believe thats what italy is strong in and why italy is loved in the world. You have to find your place and italy found its market place very well.

The point is that Italy first demanded India hand over the marines and try them outside India.

The EU refused to support your stance; India flatly rejected your requests.

Now you are trying to put the best spin on it.
Is it bad to make the best out of a certain situation?

Nice cars but they earn insignificant export earnings for Italy.

Italians need to work harder and be less corrupt to thrive in this new world - they should look at the Swedes and Germans.
Is it bad to make the best out of a certain situation?

I am not making a value judgement.
I am giving you a reality check about Italy's power relative to India and China.

The EU, as a whole, is a significant force, but the EU doesn't always speak with one voice and it is not at all clear that the EU would want to get seriously involved in any regional problems -- beyond meaningless "statements".
Normally more partial to Lamborghinis, but this is also an absolute beauty :man_in_love: I remember when I was younger that my dream vacation would be a trip to the lamborghini factory to watch those god like cars being made by hand.

Quite right with that. Actually Italy concentrates on the luxus segment. The entire nation offers its lifestyle. We have expensive car brands like ferrari, we have famous labels like Gucci and Versace. We build great cruise ships and lead the cruise industry. I believe thats what italy is strong in and why italy is loved in the world. You have to find your place and italy found its market place very well.

Is it bad to make the best out of a certain situation?

Italy is not just in the luxury sectors. (Though who will discount Ferrari and Lamborghini)

Italy still makes some of the finest industrial products in the world.

Normally more partial to Lamborghinis, but this is an absolute beauty :man_in_love:

The F430.

Nice cars but they earn insignificant export earnings for Italy.

Italians need to work harder and be less corrupt to thrive in this new world - they should look at the Swedes and Germans.

Knowing and living in both countries i can assure you, that germany is as corrupt at italy if not more.
Nice cars but they earn insignificant export earnings for Italy.

Italians need to work harder and be less corrupt to thrive in this new world - they should look at the Swedes and Germans.
You know nothing about but come here, yeah, as you said, the GDP of China maybe will overtake USA, but actually, Chinese GDP has overtaken Sweden and Germany. So do you Think campared with them, China is a better country? No, China now even cannot build a proper stabile engine to their airfighters, tanks, warships or even normal vehiles! Of course Chinese government do claim a purpose that they must change the way on developing, not rely on those cheap labour force or real estate, but many years passed, have you seen a Chinese brand becoming famous in the World and can campared with those brands come from developed countries? No! But for Japanese, they did! Dont tell me USA helps Japan so much, because Japan do be a very hard-working country, and the most important, Japanese can be involved in a certain area that they like and give some surprise to the World, while China, they havent any patient and what they think is ok, now I am a poor guy, so how can I become a millionaire right tomorrow? This is the quite big difference between China and Japan. BTW, if you travel to Japan, you will find Japanese people's level on life is much much much higher than Chinese people.
You know nothing about but come here, yeah, as you said, the GDP of China maybe will overtake USA, but actually, Chinese GDP has overtaken Sweden and Germany. So do you Think campared with them, China is a better country? No, China now even cannot build a proper stabile engine to their airfighters, tanks, warships or even normal vehiles! Of course Chinese government do claim a purpose that they must change the way on developing, not rely on those cheap labour force or real estate, but many years passed, have you seen a Chinese brand becoming famous in the World and can campared with those brands come from developed countries? No! But for Japanese, they did! Dont tell me USA helps Japan so much, because Japan do be a very hard-working country, and the most important, Japanese can be involved in a certain area that they like and give some surprise to the World, while China, they havent any patient and what they think is ok, now I am a poor guy, so how can I become a millionaire right tomorrow? This is the quite big difference between China and Japan. BTW, if you travel to Japan, you will find Japanese people's level on life is much much much higher than Chinese people.

You lack basic mathematical capabilities.:lol:

Try to follow what I am trying to say:

China has population 1,300 million, US 300 million, Germany 80 million and 10 million for Sweden.

Now since the Chinese are so much more numerous than Germany and Sweden, then just surpassing those countries in GDP would not matter as the Chinese would still have a low GDP/capita and relatively low industrial capabilities.

With the US things are a little different. By surpassing the US, Chinese GDP/capita is still only 1/4th that of the US but the difference now is that the Chinese have reached the "threshold" of both overall GDP and also GDP/capita that they are able to produce and consume advanced products in large number.

PS - Both Huawei and Lenovo are now world-class brands.
You lack basic mathematical capabilities.:lol:

Try to follow what I am trying to say:

China has population 1,300 million, US 300 million, Germany 80 million and 10 million for Sweden.

Now since the Chinese are so much more numerous than Germany and Sweden, then just surpassing those countries in GDP would not matter as the Chinese would still have a low GDP/capita and relatively low industrial capabilities.

With the US things are a little different. By surpassing the US, Chinese GDP/capita is still only 1/4th that of the US but the difference now is that the Chinese have reached the "threshold" of both overall GDP and also GDP/capita that they are able to produce and consume advanced products in large number.

PS - Both Huawei and Lenovo are now world-class brands.

No, they are not. Nobody in europe says: uhhhhh did you see the new lenovo!!?!

They are cheap products, nobody even remembers their name. They are actually a low segment brand like medion.
Japan got help from the west since 1950s, that's all its success about. western technology and western market for its products.China during the same time isolated herself from the outside world,Japan has decades long head start.but still, China can sent men and women to the space and land a rover on the moon,but Japan can't ,that's super high tech.
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