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Japan Calls for China To Explain Aircraft Carrier

This video seems to explain whats going on between Japan and China now.

I believe this video explains the issue between China and Japan.

.......oh that ****!!!??? :rolleyes: you've already posted once so you don't need to repeat spreading that **** the second times, everyone here is smart enough to judge what the **** you're trying to mean!!!

again, please stop your ******* lame joke, everybody knows that you are not from ******* China!!!
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superior race offend, inferior race forgive, it is a endless circle, just forgive the south park joke, u cant kill the yanks , can u??? then stuck it up !! :usflag:
BTW japan forget his own AC?

China needs aircraft carriers to give aid and make friendly port-of-calls all around the world.
US needs carriers because it is the sole Superpower.
this sentence is by a Indian member
well done
but tell me that why India have a carrier even Thailand
Australia is building 2 heli carriers s-Korea have 2 heli carriers
India have plan of 3 carrier even japan its self have 2 carrier than why condemns china
i congratulate china on adding carrier into its fleet
I wonder what these losers will be saying when Chinese aircraft battlegroups based around 100,000 tonne nuclear carriers, Type-052D destroyers and Type-095SSN's start powling the world oceans?

don,t know why every one is paranoid with chinese .....
mean china don,t have any aggressive doctrine still she is being treated as threat

This is a very simple logic. The Chinese doctrine says that it only protect the interest of China. This look like a non aggressive doctrine. However the main point is how to define the national interest which will determine the aggressive nature of the country. In the history, most of the casus belli is to some how protect the country interest: secure trade routes, reclaim some land from history, promote religion, ... For a example, the invasion of Poland in 1939, a casus belli for Germany was to take back its Danzig and built a railway to connect two Eastern and Western Germany, a casus belli for Soviet Union is also to take back parts of Poland which it had owned until 1920. This is a simply matter of propaganda. People in an aggressive country will never recognize that they are aggressive but instead think that they are righteous and try to protect their own like the German in WW2.

The biggest problem now is the interests which China is trying to "peacefully protect" recently is conflict with those of all of its neighbors: Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India, Russia Philippine, Malaysia, Taiwan... and China becomes more and more assertive to seize these interests by force e.g: aiming thousand of missile toward Taiwan, building up aircraft carrier,... and more and more voices from China keep demanding for making war but still many Chinese here think that they are very peaceful nation. Even Indonesia which have no conflict in South China Sea is alert with the presence of the fisher from China and the surveillance ships in its EEZ.

Many countries are now aware of will China sometime in the future declare some part of interest of EEZ is its interests or even "core interests" and try to "protect" them. The Chinese will of course think that other countries are envy of them and try to stop their advance. However if they look at the emerge of India, they could see that most countries warmly welcome it because it is very peaceful one in the sense that India does not want to "protect" by force some interests which conflicts with other countries, of course except Pakistan, a China's fruitful ally.

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