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Jan 25 - Language Martyrs Day (Anti-Hindi Agitation Tamilnadu)

Salute to the martyrs. We will not stop till all languages in 8th schedule get same rights as bimaru hindi and english..we will not allow imposition of backward UP culture in TN.. I also wish Pakistanis get rid of urdu/hindi as its just a backward UP/Bihar culture and should promote their native languages

Backward is the mentality of people. Not languages, friend. BIMARU were states ruled by corrupt leaders.

Please don't associate any language with forwardness or backwardness.
Can South Indian members kindly demolish these lies propagated by this Idiot @sreekumar

Actually the report is partially true. Language agitation is what made the Dravidian parties coming to power in TN politics. Congress being a mute spectator (despite ruling TN at that time) paid the price for which it is not able to capture power since.

Ironically, none of the other South Indian states joined the protest. Its because of the efforts of TN politicians, English and Hindi were declared as "Official languages" instead of "National Languages". Killings took place, but not to the tune of 100's as the pathetic lier here shows here. Maybe 50, but it should have been handled better. Its due to their efforts whole of Indian people do not have Hindi imposed on them.
Actually the report is partially true. Language agitation is what made the Dravidian parties coming to power in TN politics. Congress being a mute spectator (despite ruling TN at that time) paid the price for which it is not able to capture power since.

Ironically, none of the other South Indian states joined the protest. Its because of the efforts of TN politicians, English and Hindi were declared as "Official languages" instead of "National Languages". Killings took place, but not to the tune of 100's as the pathetic lier here shows here. Maybe 50, but it should have been handled better. Its due to their efforts whole of Indian people do not have Hindi imposed on them.

Good thing it happened
dum dum, we were not persian slaves like you to call ourself with -stan :D :D
Lol. I am not from any stan. :D We have our own distinct culture. We just don't consider Hinduism as the enemy. Nor do I consider India as so for that matter. :)
Dont compare karnataka with your state. Only the govt tried to do some votebank politics by trying to make kannada compulsary in schools. The people opposed the move and supreme court also struck it down

Here even the autowallahs and maids speak or atleast understand Hindi. That dows not mean that they have abandoned their culture. It is just that they assimilated into a melting pot culture.

Ever wondered why IT industry could never take off in TN as compared to Andhra and Karnataka. I think one of the reason may be the strict language policy and the "Tamil is in danger" mindset of people like you

Lol. Is this for true? I don remember any IT coding in Hindi or Tamil. Tamil Nadu have the second largest IT exports after Karnataka in the country. I hope you can ascertain the facts. We represent 40% of the Auto manufacturing exports in the whole country.

You are comparing Apples and Oranges. I have no probs with learning Hindi, however it should be one's wish. India have a 3 language policy approved by SC. One is English, second is mother tongue, and the third any of the Indian languages. We TN and other southern states people follow the rule perfectly. We study Eng, Tamil and Hindi ( in pvt institutions). Wonder how many NI states follow the rules? Does any of the states offer Kannada, Telugu or Tamil or Assamese or Bengali for the matter?

I was poor in history. Left it 15 years ago after 10th standard.

You were the one who claimed about the great military victory tradition of Tamil Kings. Just tell me the names of these great kings and what lands did they conquer

@Soumitra and @Sriram I think the arguement is enough and ugly especially in a foreign forum. Both of you to be honest. I hope you guys display matured mind in a foreign forum. Its embarassing.
Hindi or No-Hindi, it does not make a difference in current India except "Some" Tamilians. Rest of South India does not care and have no issue.

The agitation was way back in 50-60 where Nehru along with GB Pant wants to have one "National" language. Now the question arose how to find one language? Think in this way, We have approximately 45 languages (Not officially) and 850 dialects, so if we start each other teaching each other languages then it is crazy and not feasible. Having English as common language was nothing but colonial mindset. Hence, Nehru and Pant envisioned, Hindi as one language. They proposed many times but it met with resistance and here is the main reason, People thought that once Hindi will become National language then they can't get government job which was primary source of income. There was nothing related to pride or removing regional languages from Schools.

So agitation brought down this whole vision and India got 2 "official" language i.e. Hindi and English and Now, we have 22 scheduled languages. So, learning one's mother tongue is "Necessary" but having pride for it is "unnecessary". Here are the list of Indian language and its speaker, Tamil comes fifth. List of languages by number of native speakers in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In recent time, I have lots of Tamil friend and when they worked with me in Mumbai/Noida/Gurgaon or in US, they were happy to learn languages but when I traveled to TN, few oldies are still rigid about that. I, for being Hindi speaker, always think that I am at lost some time as my fellow friends from South have knowledge of minimum 3 languages.
Having English as common language was nothing but colonial mindset.

Like English, Hindi is also a colonial language , it took its birth from Urdu , the prestigious language of the Mughal empire in the 1600 and got standardised in the 19th century, for the North Indian masses.
Like English, Hindi is also a colonial language , it took its birth from Urdu , the prestigious language of the Mughal empire in the 1600 and got standardised in the 19th century, for the North Indian masses.
I will stop you there because you don't have any iota of Languages or even word "Colonial".
I will stop you there because you don't have any iota of Languages or even word "Colonial".

All those years Norths Arya Rishi babas were writing books against South Dravidians to defeat them. Made Northies as angel Suras and Southies Dravidians as Demon Asuras. And unable to defeat ever but those British made miracle for the Aryas at last. @Sriram may shed some light on this :smokin:
All those years Norths Arya Rishi babas were writing books against South Dravidians to defeat them. Made Northies as angel Suras and Southies Dravidians as Demon Asuras. And unable to defeat ever but those British made miracle for the Aryas at last. @Sriram may shed some light on this :smokin:
Where did you learn this champion?
All those years Norths Arya Rishi babas were writing books against South Dravidians to defeat them. Made Northies as angel Suras and Southies Dravidians as Demon Asuras. And unable to defeat ever but those British made miracle for the Aryas at last. @Sriram may shed some light on this :smokin:
You should read and I mean read intelligent things, not crap. Also, never open your mouth unless you know the things other wise it just exposes stupidity.
This Aryan-Dravidian division was myth created by Britishers which was busted long back and even DNA matching proved the same. We have the same gods may be in the same other form. Ayyers and Aiyangars are Tamilians but Shaiv and Vaishnav only. so if we worship the same gods then how come Northies can make Southies as 'Asura'. The biggest 'Asura' we know was 'Ravana' who had traces from North (Ghaziabad, UP and Vidisha, MP ) and went to South (Sri Lanka) for his Kingdom as per mythology. So don't spread lies.
I will stop you there because you don't have any iota of Languages or even word "Colonial".

I am glad that you accept your Muslim rulers are not your colonial masters

You should read and I mean read intelligent things, not crap. Also, never open your mouth unless you know the things other wise it just exposes stupidity.
This Aryan-Dravidian division was myth created by Britishers which was busted long back and even DNA matching proved the same.

Aryan - Dravidian divide can be traced to the Vedas, DNA studies are not 100 % foolproof , even a monkey can share a similar DNA with you.

We have the same gods may be in the same other form. Ayyers and Aiyangars are Tamilians but Shaiv and Vaishnav only. so if we worship the same gods then how come Northies can make Southies as 'Asura'. The biggest 'Asura' we know was 'Ravana' who had traces from North (Ghaziabad, UP and Vidisha, MP ) and went to South (Sri Lanka) for his Kingdom as per mythology. So don't spread lies.

Rubbish , Aryans looted the Tamis'l gods, scriptures etc and super-imposed them with Aryan Vedic brahmnical concepts - through myths - puranas , a task initiated and accomplished by Sankaracharya in the 11th century. The original source of evidence destroyed using the Asura - demonic pretext as justification.
All those years Norths Arya Rishi babas were writing books against South Dravidians to defeat them. Made Northies as angel Suras and Southies Dravidians as Demon Asuras. And unable to defeat ever but those British made miracle for the Aryas at last. @Sriram may shed some light on this :smokin:

Asurs of Vedas are not Dravidians, but Persians. Asurs (FYI, Asur in Rig veda means Lesser God, not Demon) and Devas were two competing group of Aryan dieties of Early Rig vedic time.In early rig vedic times, both Persians and Indo-Aryans had same religion.Father diety of all proto Indo-European cultures (Dyaus Pita) is same (Zeus,Indra, and Jupiter were hid derivatives), but even derivative dieties of Persians and Indo-Aryans are similar. Character of Ahura Mazada is similar to Varuna of early Vedas (he was an Asur in Rig veda, as explained earlier Asur in classical Sanskrit means Lesser God not Demon). The word Ahura of Persian is cognate with that of Asura of Vedas. Of these two groups,Indo-Aryans adopted Devas as their positive dieties in Vedas and relegated Asuras to lower status (Demon/Lesser god), and Persians in Avesta adopted Asurs as their positive dieties and relegated Devas to lower status(Demon/Lesser god); but not in it's entireity as Varuna who is cognate with Ahura Mazada of Persia is still a very respected and feared god of Vedic Pantheon, though lower in statud as compared with Indra; and Agni, who is priest of Indo-Aryan gods served same purpose in Persian religion. The religions of Aryans diverged as they migrated from Central Asia to Persia and India.Most of Deva Asura warfare stories are stories of internal civil strife between Aryans.

Some stories of Vedas have their mirror image in Avesta; Not all because Avestan texts are not as expansive as Vedas which are most voluminous literature from BCE era.

When Rig Veda was been written (Ony Rig veda has historical importance as Sam veda is collection of cetain Rig Vedic verses for liturgical purpose,Yajur vada contain sacrificial formulae, and Atharv veda contain magical enchantments) , Vedic religion has not even spread East and south of Gandak River when Vedas or even Early Brahmanas were being written. It spread to South India only during Early Upanishad- Late Brahmana era.This is enough to show the bankrupcy of "Dravidians were Asuras" tripe peddled by Satanic missionaries.

And today's Hinduism is only based on Vedic Hinduism and is not an exact copy.Being a polythiest Paganic religion it assimilated local beliefs, rather than wage a genocidal war like Semitics (both Chiristianity and Islam are Semitic religion) do. Shiva, one of the main and strongest god of Hinduism is a mix of Rudra of Vedic Hinduism and Pashupati of Indus valley civiization ( Dravidian). In Vedic Hinduism, there was no concept of rebirth. People after dying either used to go to Abode of Fathers (Heaven) or House of clay (Hell). Concept of rebirth which is part of basic philosophy of Hindusm developed pretty late ( in 400-600BCE time period). Also Cow as holy animal is a native concept ( Horse was most important animal of Rig vedic Era), so is peepul and Banyan trees which play an important role in sucontinent's ecology.Today's Hinduism is synthesis of Aryan and Dravidian concepts, with most of major philosophies developing in India after a a consolidated Hinduism was prevalent throughout the subcontinent.
If invaders breaking your temples and ruling you is assimilation then i guess india is doomed as long as northies are still part of it.

I accept you are funny and make nice joke on yourself but pls dont waste my time with illogical justifications :D

You seems to be have some problem....Anyway, i have my best regard for people of Tamilnadu, but seems to be very much obsessive about it...Hindi becomes national language because most of the people in India speak about it..This is just an simple logic...But being Hindi as language, does not discount the fact that other language are less respected than Hindi...I am from a Non Hindi belt too...But my religional histroy is as prominent and special to me as it is to you...But i do not use such foul words for my fellow Indian citizen...I feel sorry for you..That is what i can say...
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