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Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

Merey Mutabiq - Gen.(R) Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani - 2nd JUNE 08 - Friends Korner

Musharraf's old buddy former Corps Commander of RWP reveals Kargil, Lal Masjid, OCT 99 coup, and many other issues.

LOL with friends like these who needs enemies

HE basically claiming that terrorism started in Pakistan after 911 obviously he was smoking wacky tobacy other wise any body with eyes and brain knew terrorism was happening in Pakistan every day before 911 suicide bombing was norm except the reason good general doesn't remember that because they were being done against shias.
I guess another one of Zia friend instead of admitting they were OK with it as long it was shias paying the price but cause terrorist started hitting every thing after wards its Mushy who was at fault.
It is sad when this man goes out and gives his own Army a bad name the same institution he served for. Even if President Musharraf commted these crimes which he didn't these are state secrets which are not meant to be made public. I wonder who is funding him?
I fail to understand why these generals realize their mistakes when they are out of army. When they are in army they either deposit their brains for safe keeping or have them rented out. After they leave army and their brains are back they realize all the wrongs they have done.
I dont know what is going on? Who to trust, we are in disarray and lost, The things he revealed in his interview were like he was there to rescue Nawaz and was after Mushy, I just want to know if there are some good men left in Army, Govt or in other Govt Machinery that are loyal to Pakistan and Pakistaniz, The other thing in my mind is to Ask someone in PA that what is going on inside them.................
Can't say how much truth there is in what he said..this however reiterates what the rest of the world feels & fears. The fact that there always is a parallel Govt running in Pakistan. One which is visible & the other that actually calls the shots.

So long as the 1st does not compromise the interests of the 2nd its OK. When it does, the leader ( read PM) is either hanged,deposed or shot.

Just hope the nukes are in safe hands.
He was against the decision post 9/11 by Musharraf, and USA was against General Gulzar.

"General Musharraf did not find it hard to convince his cabinet, but it was not so simple when it came to his corps commanders and members of his military junta. At least seven senior officers including Lt General Mahmood, who had earlier, in Washington, signed on the dotted line, showed reservations on the decision to pull out support for the Taliban regime. Lt General Aziz, corps commander Lahore, Lt General Jamshed Gulzar, corps commander Rawalpindi, Lt General Mushtaq, corps commander Quetta, and Lt. General Usmani, deputy chief of army staff, were among those who expressed their strong reservations over the shift in Pakistan's policy on the Taliban. Lt General Aziz and Lt. General Gulzar had both served in the ISI and were closely linked with propping up the Taliban government. The US authorities had also accused Lt General Gulzar, as deputy director of the ISI, of having close links with bin Laden."

Source FEBRUARY 2003 >> A General Turn Around
I heard the interview myself even though it went on till quite late last night. I have the following comments:

Firstly Gen Kiyani seems to be pissed off because he was removed as head of Public Service Commission after only 3 years instead of 5. The reason he gave is the Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz wanted promotion of two policemen to DIG who did not deserve. While admittedly it is wrong, let us face it; it is every day occurrence in Pakistan.

2. Secondly he says that NS was not briefed to extent that he should have been briefed. Kiyani was only a Brigadier or Major General at that time. How can he be sure that there was no meeting with between NS and Mushy/ or Service Chiefs? Kiyani was too junior to be invited to all the meetings. Kiyani was doing the presentations. How much was his part in this operation?? COAS doesn’t plan all by himself. If it was bungled, there must be others who were involved in planning and execution including Kiyani himself.

3. I only agree with Kiyani where he says that he reminded Musharraf that he had given his word to take off the uniform which he didn’t keep. This action by Musharraf is totally indefensible.

4. Kiyani is full of contradictions. On Kargil he says that Indian response was intense and implied that PA was not capable of facing this. In the same breath he goes on to say that Pakistan Army is not Afghan Army or Iraqi Army and Musharraf should not have changed course so easily. Dr Maqsood should have asked what would have happened if US decided to over fly Pakistan territory to bomb Afghanistan? Should PAF resist or do nothing? Also it was conveniently ignored that India had volunteered to provide bases to US without even being asked!

5. In case of Lal Masjid he claimed that phosphorus grenades were used. How can he be sure, he was retired? Even if true, once the fight starts, one must fight with all means available. IMO denying water and food to young boys and girls would have been worse as it would truly have been compared with Karbala. This news has been twisted to say that chemical weapons were used. Gun powder is a mixture of chemicals anyway. But by using the term chemical weapons implies that nerve gases were used.

There is a deliberate campaign by the Geo TV/Jang Group and specially the anchors Hamid Mir and Dr Maqsood to malign the President. They dig out people who are against Musharraf and give them a lot airtime, while completely ignoring those who can speak on his behalf. Also the story published in the Dawn about graft charges and Aitzaz Ahsan has been deliberately ignored by the Jang group which includes Geo TV.

IMO Musharraf should resign before he is disgraced even further.
LOL with friends like these who needs enemies

HE basically claiming that terrorism started in Pakistan after 911 obviously he was smoking wacky tobacy other wise any body with eyes and brain knew terrorism was happening in Pakistan every day before 911 suicide bombing was norm except the reason good general doesn't remember that because they were being done against shias.
I guess another one of Zia friend instead of admitting they were OK with it as long it was shias paying the price but cause terrorist started hitting every thing after wards its Mushy who was at fault.

Bullshit! what do u mean by friend? I think You are a cheetah that has been in the cage for a long time and your basic morals have been severely altered and damaged.

What do u mean by a friend? If someone goes out and murder someone and u support him becuz hes ur friend. A friend guides his friend, not just support him blindly!!!

Musharraf has been killing Pakistanis in Baluchistan, Wana, Bajor, Islamabad etc. That guy is a total egomaniac. In fact I dont even consider him a human being let alone a pakistani, He sold even innocent Pakistanis for a meagre price of 2000$!!! to US. What would you say if your father or bro was sold like this??

I think you are a shia. I do sympathize with what has been going on with shias in Pakistan. But that doesnt mean that if Your community has been hard done, you want all other to suffer as well. Thats why my belief is whether Shias, Sunnis, or even atheists, future of Pakistan is Independent Judiciary. If there will be independent courts, anyone whether President or Army general could be brought to justice.
Well another case of pursuing political agenda after retirement simple as that Sir Niaz had rightly observed and commented.
Intrestingly all these gentlmen say such things after retirement if one is so honest and professional that he should have come up with the objection while in service why to just save your job by keeping quite and when retired start crying to get some benefits out of the situation.
=NAB;162336]Bullshit! what do u mean by friend? I think You are a cheetah that has been in the cage for a long time and your basic morals have been severely altered and damaged.

Well iam glade i wasnt at a cave you were at they didnt even teach you Manners

What do u mean by a friend? If someone goes out and murder someone and u support him becuz hes ur friend. A friend guides his friend, not just support him blindly!!!

Again cave man mentality at work here this is obviously a Man who didnt get his candy and now is going around crying like a loser.

Musharraf has been killing Pakistanis in Baluchistan, Wana, Bajor, Islamabad etc. That guy is a total egomaniac. In fact I dont even consider him a human being let alone a pakistani, ??

balochies that are fighting Pakistan army don't consider them selfs Pakistani wana bajor people are in the same boat they want all from Pakistan but don't wanna be Pakistani(thats why they are considered FATA area)they for along time have given shelter to anti Pakistan elements.
Musharaf is far better Pakistani and a patriot then most the garbage thats on the seat now or was there before him.as far as what you consider and don't iam suppose to care becauseeeeeeeeeee?your post clearly indicates you grew up in some seminary and been filled up with propaganda.

I think you are a shia. I do sympathize with what has been going on with shias in Pakistan. But that doesnt mean that if Your community has been hard done, you want all other to suffer as well. Thats why my belief is whether Shias, Sunnis, or even atheists, future of Pakistan is Independent Judiciary. If there will be independent courts, anyone whether President or Army general could be brought to justice

And where did i say that i want all others to be killed could you please point that out to me.

He sold even innocent Pakistanis for a meagre price of 2000$!!! to US. What would you say if your father or bro was sold like this

BY this if u mean terrorist that were caught and sent to USA my congratulations to president musharf for ridding the country of garbage.
I think you are a shia.

You have every right to contest his arguments, but we do not encourage making assumptions about who someone is.

His identity has nothing to do with whether his argument is valid or not.

Please, try to only address his arguments.

I fail to understand why these generals realize their mistakes when they are out of army. When they are in army they either deposit their brains for safe keeping or have them rented out. After they leave army and their brains are back they realize all the wrongs they have done.

I think in this particular case the General appears to have left his brain at GHQ if he thinks that terrorism came to Pakistan after 911.

Cheetah is correct. We had bombings and firings in Imambargah's, Mosques and Iranian cultural centers. Where was Ramzi Yusuf operating out of, or his uncle Khalid Shaikh Muhammad?

Where were Masoud Azhar's accomplices, who hijacked the IA airplane living?

Terrorism and terrorist organizations were always there. They started targeting the State when they were challenged, and they should be challenged.

I think the problem with some of our generals is not that they "discover morals" after leaving the military, its that they discover some strange form of religion ala Hamid Gul - where the obscurantism and patriarchal oppression of the Taliban/Saudi/Iranian Islam becomes appealing to them, and violent Jihad is acceptable.
I don't know why he came for an interview but what he said about his own reservations after 9/11 were true. (As I posted an article with a link above)

The points Cheetah made in his post are somewhat valid but religious radicals should be challenged by ARMY?

Cheetah's post quote
In case of Lal Masjid he claimed that phosphorus grenades were used. How can he be sure, he was retired? Even if true, once the fight starts, one must fight with all means available. IMO denying water and food to young boys and girls would have been worse as it would truly have been compared with Karbala. This news has been twisted to say that chemical weapons were used. Gun powder is a mixture of chemicals anyway. But by using the term chemical weapons implies that nerve gases were used.

The point you are making is illogical.
Denying water and food is worse or killing them is worse?
If you say it was a hostage mission then where are the Survivors?
Denying water and food is worse or killing them is worse?
If you say it was a hostage mission then where are the Survivors?

oh pleeasssssssssssss

I had interviewd few lucky ones who were let go by those two mad Mulla Gahzi brothers of the Lal Masjid and they narrated such horrible account of the treatment these so-called custodians of religions meted to these stdeunts of Lal Masjid when the issue was in progess.

How these mullas denied the kids food and water while saving even chips for themselves so please

just lay off :angry:
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