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Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

u know we wouldnt be having this discussion if the armed forces had kept themselves out of politics. then we would only have to deal with bribe scandals in arms deals. less controversial. (like our indian counterparts). (indian forum members pls dont mind!)

I agree. But then there are many things that should not be happening but they do. Hopefully The real "Kiyani" (CoAS) is setting things straight.
5. In case of Lal Masjid he claimed that phosphorus grenades were used. How can he be sure, he was retired? Even if true, once the fight starts, one must fight with all means available. IMO denying water and food to young boys and girls would have been worse as it would truly have been compared with Karbala. This news has been twisted to say that chemical weapons were used. Gun powder is a mixture of chemicals anyway. But by using the term chemical weapons implies that nerve gases were used.

I'm sorry, I dont know if anyone has already said this but; I think its worth pointing out that the chemical 'white phosphorus' has two kinds of military applications. One is forbidden in the rules of war and the other quite often used by everyone. If 'white phosphorus' is being sprayed on enemy soldiers or being pumped into their rooms and bunkers then that is forbidden. However, as in most cases, the burning properties of this chemical provides excellent illumination, via grenades or mortars, making it impossible for anyone to hide or get away even in the middle of the night. It goes without saying that I think our SSG would have only used it in the second way, if at all...In fact given the situation I would say it might be standard anti-terrorist procedure. Maybe the general forgot to mention this...

On the issue of the sincerity of the PPP to restore the judiciary, I read an opinion piece that suggested that the proposed reforms would actually take powers away from the Supreme Judicial Council to dismiss/suspend judges who are alleged to have committed wrong doing, and put them in the hands of politicians in parliament.

What are the details of this, and does this not seem a step back in terms of strengthening and creating independence of institutions?

Well being a hard core supporter for democracy I too am concerned on this matter so I shall put my points on what I have understood. In all bluntness PPP nor the coalition members have majority to give what the lawyers want the coalition has majority in Parliament unfortunately not a majority in the senate. As for the article if you could post the bit that said this, however, all reports are mere speculation, until we hear the people who are coordinating this we cant say anything on the subject of how they will be restored, however, this is confirmed that the PML(N) and PPP have no disputes of what the new Judiciary may receive to protect and enhance it, it is merely how they should be restored, and that is where Nawaz wants immediate restoration which is a executive order and PPP wants constitutional amendment which requires majority in both upper and lower houses. Correct if I am wrong.

The following off the top of my head are what will be added in the new Judiciary in context of PPP as you asked,

1. The Judiciary will have an increased number CJ's and Judges (which has happened).
2. The Judiciary will have its own budget so it becomes more independent.
3. The age of Judge has increased, however, the tenure of CJ's and CJP has been decreased.
4. And approval of allowing Judiciary to take measures against suspects in power, the President, the Prime Minister and the members of Parliament, this however not possible in our constitution as such to trail or send the President or the Prime Minister in court for trail as it is protected by the constitution.

And the others....

Are the judges going to be "judged" by a parliamentary committee composed equally of opposition and ruling party members, or are we looking at a simple majority in parliament, whereby the ruling party will be able to rid itself of any judges it considers to be acting against its interest?

By lowering the tenure it will rid of those who misuse the law of the land as you may know the Judiciary is democratic institution, it elects its CJ's, which also means for electing them they would require to be obedient to the law.

I in fact find the suggested change in the manner of judicial appointments (through a parliamentary committee composed equally of opposition and government MP's) to be an improvement.

I would support such a change in the appointment of the military chiefs as well, so that the chances of the appointments being politicized because certain individuals want specific individuals in those position is reduced.

The concern I have is over the alleged change in the manner of removal/suspension of judges, but you are correct in that nothing is finalized, and we do not have exact details, so long as it does not give ruling party politicians the ability to remove judges whenever they feel like it.
if jamshed kayani disagreed with general musharraf on part of 9 11 issue he should
have resigned his corps commander post. why bothering now??
Karzai has given the statement to send his troops into Pakistan as a reaction to Lt Gen (R) Jamshed Gulzar's satatement which Karzai thinks has humiliated Afghan Army by saying " Pakistan Army is not Afghan Army". Hmmm Karzai is rightly offended and he wants to prove that Jamshed has misjudged Afghan Army !! Let us see Jamshed picking up the courage now and replying to Karzai. And Pakistan should soon expect to hear a statement from the Iraqis as well. Because he mentioned Afghanistan and Iraq. Buck up Jamshed !!! say some thing about US Army as well.
Jamshed was no where to be seen in the LONG MARCH. Did somebody see him or was he on LONE MARCH !!! Come on Jamshed why were you hiding from the public ?? Are you weak in public speaking ??
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