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Kirov destroyer length : 252 meter s jamaran 2 : 94 meters . it means it's about 3 times bigger than jamaran 2
beam of kirov about 29 meters and jamaran 2 is about 11 meters , again 3 times bigger .

but the kirov tonage is about 24000 tons and jamaran 2 is 1500 (max load) .

with the size you can't say that the ship's displacement ...

chineese type 054A is about 134 meters and 16 m . with tonage of 4053 ... about 40 meters more but with a displacement of 2.5 x of jamaran 2 ....
well look frankly, jamaran is a good cheap design to be made quickly for patroling and so on.
but the PERSIAN gulf frigate loghman is one that I waiting for.

Man mikham Iran az bein bebad hame cheezamoon faghad 100% designe Irani bashe.
no more copying.
Good point.

Again this ships is just suppose to be a cheap boat which took 2 years to built due to new electronics warefare systems and radars. I might be wrong but would it be needed to have a sonar dome for such a light ship?

There are many things a new Iranians ships will need such as some stealth capbiliuty, VLS launch and so on.
Jamaran is a old vosper design which they are only using for it's price + experience. You need to understand, Iran does not have experience alot with naval ships. hopefully the PERSIAN gulf frigate will pave the way for much better ships.

Dude, Sonars are the underwater eyes of naval ships which provides acustic waves for detection/identification/jamming..exc against enemy underwater silent assets such as submarines/torpedos. Without Sonar and torpedo defence system, The Naval ships are like a swimming duck to be hunted whenever the desicion was given by a sub commander.
Dude, Sonars are the underwater eyes of naval ships which provides acustic waves for detection/identification/jamming..exc against enemy underwater silent assets such as submarines/torpedos. Without Sonar and torpedo defence system, The Naval ships are like a swimming duck to be hunted whenever the desicion was given by a sub commander.

in years ago this class were using Graseby Type 174 hull-mounted search (7ñ9 kHz); Type 170 hull- mounted attack (15 kHz). but today they are using another one that i don't know about them. it's weird for me too where is the sonar?
as i checked old ships of sam classes. i couldn't see where they put sonar system. jamaran has six 324 mm torpedo launchers so it means it must has sonar. i think it should be in middle of keel.
chineese type 054A is about 134 meters and 16 m . with tonage of 4053 ... about 40 meters more but with a displacement of 2.5 x of jamaran 2 ....

Type 054A is actually 4500 tons full load, since China always likes to hide the real displacement of its ships, Russia did that as well.
waiting for an explanation ...
in a naval fight , the one that have missiles that can attack enemy from longer distances will be the winner ... so still waiting ...

Long range missiles are only as usefull as long range detection capability is good! Just the missile range advantage won't winn the battle.
I know what do you mean, but a long range missile will give you a better chance to hit the target, or at least make them busy to approach them ...

as lockheed martin is working on that :
Lockheed Martin moves closer to demonstrating Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) - Military & Aerospace Electronics

That be a back up to carrier air power, in case of DF-21...
Current surface-launched, anti-ship missiles face a challenge penetrating sophisticated enemy air defense systems from long range. As a result, warfighters may require multiple missile launches and overhead targeting assets to engage specific enemy warships from beyond the reach of counter-fire systems.

To overcome these challenges, the joint DARPA - Navy Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) program is investing in advanced technologies to provide a leap ahead in U.S. surface warfare capability. The LRASM program aims to reduce dependence on intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) platforms, network links, and GPS navigation in electronic warfare environments. Autonomous guidance algorithms should allow the LRASM to use less-precise target cueing data to pinpoint specific targets in the contested domain. The program also focuses on innovative terminal survivability approaches and precision lethality in the face of advanced counter measures.

The LRASM program began in 2009 to ensure that the United States leads technology advancement for best-in-world operational Anti-Surface Warfare capability into the future. The program, currently in the second of two phases, initially focused on technology for two variants, the LRASM-A and LRASM-B. LRASM-A leverages the state-of-the-art Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile Extended Range (JASSM-ER) airframe and incorporates additional sensors and systems to achieve a stealthy and survivable subsonic cruise missile. Designs for LRASM-B focused on operating at the other end of the spectrum for precision strike weapons—high-altitude and supersonic speed over stealthy penetration.
Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM)

DARPA Expands Anti-Ship LRASM to Surface Launches
Posted by Graham Warwick 12:41 PM on Mar 20, 2013

DARPA's Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) program to develop a stealthy next-generation weapon for the US Navy is gaining heft. The agency has added two surface-launched tests and a third air-launched flight test of the missile, which is based on Lockheed Martin's JASSM-ER strike weapon.

Concept: DARPA

Lockheed Martin has just received an additional $54.4 million for surface-launch risk-reduction work, and DARPA says two ballistic-test surface launches are now planned for the end on 2014. The first of three air-launched test flights from a US Air Force B-1B is scheduled for this summer.

LRASM is designed to reduce dependence on ISR platforms, data links and GPS navigation for targeting in the electronic-warfare environment expected in any future war with China. Autonomous guidance should allow the missile to use less-precise cueing data to find its target, and "innovative terminal survivability approaches and precision lethality" to defeat countermeasures and destroy that target, DARPA says.

The BAE Systems-developed multi-sensor guidance package has been undergoing captive-carry flight tests on a Sabreliner testbed since mid-2012. The tests are continuing, simulating increasing complex scenarios, DARPA says. The addition of a third live-fire flight test will further mature the technology for transition to the services, says the agency.

The addition of a launch capability from surface vessels will require modifications to the missile airframe, design of a booster separation system and development of a hybrid canister for the Navy's vertical launch system, DARPA says. Lockheed had already started the work on company funding.

Unusually for a DARPA program, LRASM has been structured to deliver a development-ready "advanced prototype" weapon to the Navy and Air Force -- sufficiently mature to move rapidly into an acquisition program to meet what some see as the dire need for a new anti-ship missile to replace the decades-old Harpoon, now woefully outclassed by systems fielded by Russia, China and now India.
DARPA Expands Anti-Ship LRASM to Surface Launches
I know what do you mean, but a long range missile will give you a better chance to hit the target, or at least make them busy to approach them ...

as lockheed martin is working on that :
Lockheed Martin moves closer to demonstrating Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) - Military & Aerospace Electronics
No, it does not. The tactical reality is that the longer the distance you wish to engage the enemy, be it by a bullet or by an ICBM, the greater the burden upon you to hit that target ON THE FIRST SHOT, because if you miss, now your target is alerted to the fact that you are aware of his presence. If he continues to press the charge, he will do whatever he can to make it even more difficult for you to hit him.

Worse yet, the larger the weapon system, the less munition available. On a battleship, there are more 50 caliber rounds than there are 16 in shells. So if your missile is long range, it will be larger than the rest of your weapons and you will have less of it due to logistical reasons. So if you miss, your enemy will now know you are one less large missile to point at him.

Sensors and guidance are the rules.
LRASM-A is a subsonic cruise missile based on Lockheed Martin's 500 nm-range AGM-158 JASSM-ER, which weighs 2250 lb (1021 kg) and is 14ft (4.72m) long. LRASM-B was planned to be a high-altitude supersonic missile along the lines of the Indo-Russian Brahmos, but it was cancelled in January 2012.


Lockheed Martin making an aggressive pitch for its Long Range Anti-Ship Missile. The goal is to provide the Navy with a more accurate, discriminating anti-ship missile which can tackle heavily defended targets in a cluttered environment. The watchwor
jamaran warship is developed in order to have deal with any threat from Azarbaijan.so it can handle the job...
but in Persian gulf,its different.the mostly use these boats and anti-ship missiles.

In order to deal with the occupied Aran, we must also strengthen artillery positions along the borders, that makes them think twice before doing anything stupid. However, measures must be taken to prevent our artillery from becoming sitting duck!
In order to deal with the occupied Aran, we must also strengthen artillery positions along the borders, that makes them think twice before doing anything stupid. However, measures must be taken to prevent our artillery from becoming sitting ducks!
smart artilleries and FT-110 missiles are the weapons which will show elham that its the time to give up and they have to form our 32nd province.

i think Jamaran2 is the warship that has to defend our oil-well vessels in the caspian sea.
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