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Jamaat-ud-Dawa to approach ICJ over sanctions: Hafiz Saeed

Have not posted much recently - but been reading. Here then is a question:

Let's say GOI and even the Army want to REALLY ban LET / JUD. Is it even possible? As powerful politically as they are, and with vested intrests in the Army, how can it even be done?? You guys input?

Frankly I don't see it as being possible.
I think GOP should also back this up rather then following blindly behing the US/India propaganda and should contest this unfair and unjust one sided action of the UNSC.

And when GOP alongwith JUD looses their case what should it do ? be branded a terrorist state by the UN ?

JUD Chief is the humanitarian who carries 100 AK 47 armed men to do humanitarian work ? Reminds me of Mother Theresa or Florence Nightingale !

The Pakistan Govt. should co-operate with the UN and expose them to the people of Pakistan for the masterminds of genocide they are.

And when GOP alongwith JUD looses their case what should it do ? be branded a terrorist state by the UN ?

JUD Chief is the humanitarian who carries 100 AK 47 armed men to do humanitarian work ? Reminds me of Mother Theresa or Florence Nightingale !

The Pakistan Govt. should co-operate with the UN and expose them to the people of Pakistan for the masterminds of genocide they are.


That is if they lose the case in the first place. What if UN losses then what, will the UN accept its mistake and apoligise that their decision was made under the Indian/US pressure and not in the light of evidence. Certainly not.
Also while i would certianly not want my country to be declared a terrorist state, at the same time i also would not want my country men to be declared terrorists without giving them the right to present their side of the story and the chance to prove their innocence just because it pleases India.

GOP should cooperate but not in a manner that they just did. Let the proof be shared by all, the guilty ones have the right to defend themselves. This is right provided under all laws anywhere in the world, so why shouldnt it be to JUD.
55 Dawa leaders detained, 22 on ECL: ministry
LAHORE: The crackdown on the Jamaatud Dawa charity continues and 55 of its senior leaders have been detained, a private TV channel reported the Interior Ministry as saying on Thursday.

Talking to the channel, an Interior Ministry spokesman said the names of 22 of those arrested had been placed on the Exit Control List.

He said the detained men were being interrogated and no clues of their link to the Mumbai terror attacks had been found so far.

The spokesman said the Indian government had not provided any credible evidence against the Jamaatud Dawa until now.

He said there was no information on the whereabouts of Jaish-e-Muhammad chief Masood Azhar, the channel added.

Earlier, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said Azhar, who is wanted by the Pakistani authorities, was still at large.

A Pakistani intelligence official told Reuters earlier that Azhar had been detained after the terrorist attacks in Mumbai last month.

India has blamed Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LT) and other ‘elements’ in Pakistan for the attack. It also blames LT and Jaish-e-Mohammad for an attack on the Indian parliament in 2001.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi had sowed confusion on Wednesday when he told a TV channel Azhar was in custody, even though Pakistan’s top diplomat in New Delhi was reported as saying Azhar was not being held in Pakistan. Qureshi said on Thursday he had been mistaken.

“That’s not right. Other people have been detained but Masood Azhar is at large. We have no knowledge of his whereabouts,” Qureshi told Reuters.

The Foreign Office clarified Qureshi’s statement late on Wednesday night. “The foreign minister said Masood Azhar is wanted by the law enforcement authorities of Pakistan and is at large,” it said. Analysts said the apparent confusion within the Pakistani government over Azhar did not bode well for bilateral ties. “For them to say we will give full co-operation and then say we cannot locate these people, shows why India and Pakistan have not built mutual trust for the last eight years,” former Indian foreign secretary Shashank told Reuters in New Delhi. daily times monitor/staff report/reuters
Pakistani Hindus Rally To Support Jamaat al-Daawa Charity
Written by Pakistan News :: Pakistan Daily
Sunday, 21 December 2008 00:19

Hundreds of members of Pakistan’s Hindu community have turned out to protest on behalf of a Muslim charity accused by India over the deadly Mumbai attacks.

Muslim Pakistan has a Hindu minority, many of whom are impoverished agricultural workers, but the women in the southern city of Hyderabad rejected what they called pressure by mostly Hindu India to ban the Jamaat-ud-Dawa charity.

“How can an organisation be terrorist if it’s been providing food and water to us despite knowing that we’re not Muslims?” said Biga Ram, a 40-year protester.

“They’re friends of humanity. We condemn the ban. It’s unjust,” she said.

Some of the banners read: “Do not ban our saviour!”

Bhai Chand, a Hindu community leader, told Associated Press the charity had set up water wells in the desert.

The protesters gathered outside the Hyderabad press club chanting slogans in support of the charity and holding banners with messages such as: “Jamaat-ud-Dawa is not terrorist” and “We condemn the banning of Jamaat-ud-Dawa under Indian pressure”.

Pakistan has not yet formally banned the charity but has rounded up dozens of its activists, detained some of its leaders, shut its offices and frozen its bank accounts as part of a crackdown on suspected Islamists since the Mumbai attacks.

India says the charity is a front for the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militant group, which it says was set up by Pakistan to fight Indian rule in the disputed Kashmir region.

Pakistani Hindus Rally To Support Jamaat al-Daawa Charity | Pakistan Daily
Proscribed Jamaat-ud-Dawa group appeals to UN

By Syed Irfan Raza
Wednesday, 04 Feb, 2009 | 09:56 PM PST |

ISLAMABAD: Islamic charity organization Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) – suspected of links with outlaw militant group Lashkar-i-Tayiba - has appealed to the United Nations to lift the ban against it and denied links with Al-Qaeda, Taliban and the Mumbai attacks.

The appeal stated that the UN decision had been made in haste and was detrimental to the interests of Pakistan and the millions of beneficiaries who were directly or indirectly benefiting from JuD’s services.

The UN imposed a ban on the JuD on the request of India for its involvement in the Mumbai attacks of November 2008 that claimed over 170 lives. Soon after, the government in Pakistan launched a massive crackdown against the organization, arresting 71 leaders, putting 124 others under observation, closing five training camps and sealing its offices.

‘We categorically make it clear and declare that Jammat ud Dawa is neither an associate of Al-Qaeda, Usama bin Laden nor the Taliban, hence the embargo imposed is materially in contradiction to that set out in their rules and highly unjustified under the international law of human dignity and freedom,’ Hafiz Saeed said.

He said Committee of the UN Security Council’s decision was not based on any solid evidence and entirely relied on one sided-story of the Indian lobby devoid of any material facts brought about by an independent and impartial international jurisdictional and judicial system.

‘Jammat ud Dawa or Hafiz Muhammad Saeed have never ever supplied, sold or transferred arms or any related material to Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden or Taliban and recruited any one for or on behalf of Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden or Taliban nor have supported their acts or activities or any of their cell, affiliate, splinter group or even derivative group thereof,’ Saeed said.

The appeal reiterated that the JuD has no organizational or legal link with Lashkar-i-Tayiba and it was a legal, Pakistan based, charitable NGO, and all of its institutes and projects are registered in Pakistan.

It also rejected India’s claim that JuD or Hafiz Muhammad Saeed carried any association, link or connection with terrorists attack on Taj Mahal Hotel at Mumbai. ‘JuD assures that it neither authorized directly or indirectly nor did they have any knowledge thereof Jammat ud Dawa and Hafiz Muhammad Saeed strongly condemn the said attacks and reaffirms that it does not prescribe to such means and methods of terrorist nature that kill innocent civilians and damage civilian property,’ the appeal said.

The appeal is timed to coincide with the visit of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon to Islamabad to visit government officials.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Proscribed Jamaat-ud-Dawa group appeals to UN
you really have to watch the video of the pakistani hindus rallying tp support the JUD...look at how 'inspired' they are!
infact in parts...there is a man on the right side of the screen 'guiding' these folks how to protest!
watch it..
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