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J&K: Infiltrators occupy Indian village along the LoC, say sources

I beg to differ

Pakistan kashmir remain with Pakistan ever since 1948 while india has lost a very big part aksai chin to china.

LOL, dear!!! You have to read a bit and learn from whom china got aksai chin.

India has not lost an inch of Indian Kashmir since 1948, and has not tried to take Pakistani Kashmir. Pakistan has tried several times and failed.

Pakistan gifted parts of its own Kashmir to china, hence giving a middle finger to the canard that Pakistanis are supportive of kashmiris, or that Pakistanis want an independent Kashmir. Pakistan really doesn't care, which is why they ceded parts of their own Kashmir to china.
india lost it,but claims it,while u gave shaksgam valley for a friendship deeper than oceans and higher than mountains.

Lets have today's dinner there.
I can hope to come back from that part which we gave for friendship.
Can you be back from that area which you claim??:lol:
Army has claimed that they have killed 12 to 15 militants after foiling major infiltration bids in Keran sector on intervening night of September 24/25. However, not a single body was found on Line of Control or in no man’s land.

Yup the dead bodies evaporated in thin air. Damn these evil Pakistanis. They know black magic. Can even disappear there dead bodies from the hands of "mighty" Indian army. :rolleyes:
Pakistan has achieved everything with kashmir insurgency.

To be honest,Pakistan did not achieve anything from Kashmir Insurgency.In fact nobody achieved anything from this featherbrained effort to keep Kashmir smoldering for the last thirty years or so. The only sufferers have been the innocent Kashmiris whose economy ardently depending on tourism.

Secondly,with the deep diving GDP curve,don't you think it's such a waste of dollars which Pakistan keep investing in it's covert warfare? Don't you think the money is too costly for Pakistan to waste in such a mess when your country's basic infrastructure has simply collapsed?
Your Army Officers are still in accused of bribing Kashmiris politicians & media and involved in covert operations inside Pakistan……:lol:

in the mean time your army is still accused of supporting militancy and conducting human rights violations inside and outside pakistan.
LOL, dear!!! You have to read a bit and learn from whom china got aksai chin.

India has not lost an inch of Indian Kashmir since 1948, and has not tried to take Pakistani Kashmir. Pakistan has tried several times and failed.

Pakistan gifted parts of its own Kashmir to china, hence giving a middle finger to the canard that Pakistanis are supportive of kashmiris, or that Pakistanis want an independent Kashmir. Pakistan really doesn't care, which is why they ceded parts of their own Kashmir to china.

The so called part indian usually boost about pak gifting to China is different and more of a city size.while aksai chin is almost twice the size of israel.and much bigger

this is aksai chin
Aksai Chin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this is the trans-karakoram tract which indians falsely claim that pakistna gifted to china.and is more like a size of a city

Trans-Karakoram Tract - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
in the mean time your army is still accused of supporting militancy and conducting human rights violations inside and outside pakistan.

Lol human rights violations. Love the shamelessness of you guys when you talk about human rights violations. :lol:
The news is not from "greater Kashmir", it is from "rising Kashmir", which is not a Pakistani propaganda piece.

If you had read the article before commenting, you would have known that.

Its Indian Propaganda mouth piece.

And I know more about newspapers and their handlers in IoK.

I read it entirely and I know that Indian army wants to sabotage peace process initiated by Pakistani and Indian PM.
To be honest,Pakistan did not achieve anything from Kashmir Insurgency.In fact nobody achieved anything from this featherbrained effort to keep Kashmir smoldering for the last thirty years or so. The only sufferers have been the innocent Kashmiris whose economy ardently depending on tourism.

Secondly,with the deep diving GDP curve,don't you think it's such a waste of dollars which Pakistan keep investing in it's covert warfare? Don't you think the money is too costly for Pakistan to waste in such a mess when your country's basic infrastructure has simply collapsed?

The bigger fact is that since 48 Indian occupied forces and India as a whole did NOT achieve anything by occupying country of Kashmir ;)
The news is not from "greater Kashmir", it is from "rising Kashmir", which is not a Pakistani propaganda piece.

If you had read the article before commenting, you would have known that.

In other words this is the newspaper which is bribed by Shri Vijay Kumar Singh Sahab. :D
Shows Pak army simply does'nt want peace with India. They are more worried about Kashmir than those tribal areas where they have totally lost control.
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