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J&K assembly polls: Voters defy militants, over 70% turnout recorded so far

When did I claim we did not make mistakes? But you need to see the response of the Indian State as well. Besides, 50000 of those who rejoiced at the Pandits' driving out are now enriching the soil of the land. Forget Kashmir, look at yourself in the mirror. While you have enough serious greivances to overthrow or at least try to do that via an armed insurrection, here you are typing furiously on a keyboard to counter someone so 'inferior' to you. :)
He he..says the Indian still unable to settle kashmiri pandits in their own ancestral land and instead seeks solace in trifles as every year droves of Indians enrich their motherland due to poverty:rolleyes:
Lolz you are one with false claims about kashmiri people. You are living in fools heaven :-D:-D be it and enjoy :-D:-D

Comprehension failure at its worst,when did I lie to you about anything??!!I just notified you about the reason why we can't hold any referendum regarding the Kashmir issue.So either you are not aware of the conditions necessary to hold the referendum or you are just trolling.
He he..says the Indian still unable to settle kashmiri pandits in their own ancestral land and instead seeks solace in trifles as every year droves of Indians enrich their motherland due to poverty:rolleyes:
Too ashamed to speak about yourself? There are Pandit colonies coming up anyway. You should visit the states of your own country and see for yourself. ;) The people are very nice. The effects are seen - high votes, more integration etc.

Secondly I never left my land. So your points stands moot in the first place.

In any case, think about this - simple fact...when/if you become a father ... look at your child.
Whether you like it or not, your child will (just like you) be an INDIAN. There is nothing you can do about it. I will drink to that. :tup:
This turn out is just a dream of indian govt.The actual turn out is barely 10%
Too ashamed to speak about yourself? There are Pandit colonies coming up anyway. You should visit the states of your own country and see for yourself. ;) The people are very nice. The effects are seen - high votes, more integration etc.

Secondly I never left my land. So your points stands moot in the first place.

In any case, think about this - simple fact...when/if you become a father ... look at your child.
Whether you like it or not, your child will (just like you) be an INDIAN. There is nothing you can do about it. I will drink to that. :tup:
Oh really?didn't know you were a pandit.So did you run to rest of India or to Jammu and say "I never fled my land".Let' hope your people get their protected colonies somewhere,for the rapid bursting of muslim population in India may very well make even jammu a muslim majority area.Tab kya karoge ?
why should I be angry that I hold an Indian citizenship,nein,nein,we aren't emotional fools like you.We are glad of all the privileges we enjoy under India but will not hesitate a moment to part from it.After all,why should I be mad that my people enjoy more privileges than an average Indian?

So yes,we can both drink to that and maybe separation when it comes?:-)
So yes,we can both drink to that and maybe separation when it comes?:-)
Not Emotional? You? But still somehow making sentimental and emotional rants on race, religion, nationality? When it comes to speaking nonsense, even Manvan has a lot to learn from you!

Anyway, leave all that...tell me more about your impending liberation. When is liberation coming? :D

PS. We never shifted anywhere. :coffee:
Oh really?didn't know you were a pandit.So did you run to rest of India or to Jammu and say "I never fled my land".Let' hope your people get their protected colonies somewhere,for the rapid bursting of muslim population in India may very well make even jammu a muslim majority area.Tab kya karoge ?:-)
Wait a minute! Is this your general instruction - that India's muslim population will explode and doom India?
Chinese Dragon(and almost ALL other Chinese members) has the SAME views in this regard. He even writes exactly like you.

@DRAY Your theory regarding a specific breed of posters may be correct after all!!!
Not Emotional? You? But still somehow making sentimental and emotional rants on race, religion, nationality? When it comes to speaking nonsense, even Manvan has a lot to learn from you!

Anyway, leave all that...tell me more about your impending liberation. When is liberation coming? :D
Na na,lord manvan is far for me.If I can match you in being all those things that you said,that would be a miracle.After all,not everyone can put up a brave and cool face when ruined like you.
Na na,lord manvan is far for me.If I can match you in being all those things that you said,that would be a miracle.After all,not everyone can put up a brave and cool face when ruined like you.
Awwww. Thanks for the compliments.

Are you NOT trained to answer questions?

I asked when is liberation coming? :azn: Postpone replying until you get proper intructions as to how to reply - I can wait, but don't copy and paste some other readymade statement.
Awwww. Thanks for the compliments.

Are you NOT trained to answer questions?

I asked when is liberation coming? :azn: Postpone replying until you get proper intructions as to how to reply - I can wait, but don't copy and paste some other readymade statement.
You are welcome,at least here.So if not in your own homeland.
Why do Indians give their kids training to answer questions?It should be natural,nah.Do you wish to have a bond of victimhood here?Sorry mate,I never lost my home or my people to my own neighbours/brothers who converted to some other religion..so can't lend a hand there.
You are welcome,at least here.So if not in your own homeland.
Why do Indians give their kids training to answer questions?It should be natural,nah.Do you wish to have a bond of victimhood here?Sorry mate,I never lost my home or my people to my own neighbours/brothers who converted to some other religion..so can't lend a hand there.
I specifically asked you ONE question and stated explicitly to not ask question in return and answer my question instead.

And what do I get? THREE more questions and NO answers. You really need to have some original thinking. I had some hope that I am having a conversation with another free human. Suddenly now, as the reality dawned upon me, I have lost my interest. Don't take this personally please. Just NOT having an instructor close at hand can be so costly at times.

@DRAY you were right all along. Paid posters are a sorry lot. :(
I specifically asked you ONE question and stated explicitly to not ask question in return and answer my question instead.

And what do I get? THREE more questions and NO answers. You really need to have some original thinking. I had some hope that I am having a conversation with another free human. Suddenly now, as the reality dawned upon me, I have lost my interest. Don't take this personally please. Just NOT having an instructor close at hand can be so costly at times.

@DRAY you were right all along. Paid posters are a sorry lot. :(
RSS gives you instructors and pay for posting online?Wow!!Never knew those misers could actually spare so much.
^Another question. No answer. :mad: Thanks for trying to be original. But nowhere near the topic or even close to enriching the discussion. the quality of the English learnt instructor and even the language quality has fallen. Nah, better stick to your formula and parrot similar statements - you have a better chance that way. :)
^Another question. No answer. :mad: Thanks for trying to be original. But nowhere near the topic or even close to enriching the discussion. the quality of the English learnt instructor and even the language quality has fallen. Nah, better stick to your formula and parrot similar statements - you have a better chance that way. :)
That figures,Indians certainly have strange(weird) grasp over English..particularly the cow belt ones.I guess your instructor is from the cow belt.Kashmiris don't do less worse either,as seen from the coverage of Indian channels about kashmir.
No im trying to show you that the problem with india isn't the indians its the hindus

there is a history of enmity and from our side at least a dislike of your culture, idol worship etc

Trying to change muslim public opinion to accept hindus is an act of futility

indians trying to convince themselves that suddenly muslims in Kashmir the same ones who ran out the pandits want to be indians because they need to vote to look after their own interests is what I am explaining to you
Okay pray to god for wiping out Hindus. You sincerely donno shit. And according to you, then every Indian Muslim who supports Kasmir's full integration with India is a Hindu. Also, we hate the Pakistanis more than we love the kashmiris.
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