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Karnataka: Modi-Ji tells Hindus to vote in the name of monkey god Hanuman while casting their votes for upcoming polls

Still far ahead in HDI thus forcing indians to run away in millions to Middle east to earn bread for their families
Only a handful of OPEC countries, most of middle-east itself isn't rich.
Why don't you post a pic of your hand let's see how "white" you are
He calls Hindus as black, ironic considering his own ancestors were Hindu.
@hatehs said there are countries which produce a lot of oil and yet are poor, so it isn't a goalpost shifting but asking valid questions.
Are you ******** pajeet? I'm genuinely baffled by how ******* ******** you chimps are. Look up that Wikipedia link Googlejeet posted.


Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, all sitting above Qatar in Oil Production. Why do they have worse HDIs despite their oil production? According to you Hondas, oil is the only reason these Middle Eastern countries are wealthy and prosperous enough to attract millions of virat Tanatani Hondas. THIS is what I was asking you, but unfortunately, since I'm dealing with genuinely illiterate pajeets who think they're the reincarnation of Chanakya because they got through school on quotas and reservations, they are arrogant enough to come on this forum and talk like experts.
He calls Hindus as black, ironic considering his own ancestors were Hindu.
LOL your own virat Honda ministers call other Hondas black because some of you are genuinely vile and black. Coping and crying about it won't change a thing.

@hatehs said there are countries which produce a lot of oil and yet are poor, so it isn't a goalpost shifting but asking valid questions.

Your pajeet fellow has shifted the goal post. Don't play for him
They are in the middle East disgusting scum @CallSignMaverick
Chale chal, I'm not talking to you, jahil. You've already proven that you're a low IQ reservationchaap Shudra.
Are you ******** pajeet? I'm genuinely baffled by how ******* ******** you chimps are. Look up that Wikipedia link Googlejeet posted.

View attachment 928036

Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, all sitting above Qatar in Oil Production. Why do they have worse HDIs despite their oil production? According to you Hondas, oil is the only reason these Middle Eastern countries are wealthy and prosperous enough to attract millions of virat Tanatani Hondas. THIS is what I was asking you, but unfortunately, since I'm dealing with genuinely illiterate pajeets who think they're the reincarnation of Chanakya because they got through school on quotas and reservations, they are arrogant enough to come on this forum and talk like experts.
Are you ******** pajeet? I'm genuinely baffled by how ******* ******** you chimps are. Look up that Wikipedia link Googlejeet posted.

View attachment 928036

Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, all sitting above Qatar in Oil Production. Why do they have worse HDIs despite their oil production? According to you Hondas, oil is the only reason these Middle Eastern countries are wealthy and prosperous enough to attract millions of virat Tanatani Hondas. THIS is what I was asking you, but unfortunately, since I'm dealing with genuinely illiterate pajeets who think they're the reincarnation of Chanakya because they got through school on quotas and reservations, they are arrogant enough to come on this forum and talk like experts.
Chale chal, I'm not talking to you, jahil. You've already proven that you're a low IQ reservationchaap Shudra.
Listen to me **** this is your duplicate ID the mods protect you here scum you have answered none of my questions none of those countries mentioned have low hdi they are very above but thier growth has stagnated
None of those countries are in the middle East

Are you ******** pajeet? I'm genuinely baffled by how ******* ******** you chimps are. Look up that Wikipedia link Googlejeet posted.

View attachment 928036

Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, all sitting above Qatar in Oil Production. Why do they have worse HDIs despite their oil production? According to you Hondas, oil is the only reason these Middle Eastern countries are wealthy and prosperous enough to attract millions of virat Tanatani Hondas. THIS is what I was asking you, but unfortunately, since I'm dealing with genuinely illiterate pajeets who think they're the reincarnation of Chanakya because they got through school on quotas and reservations, they are arrogant enough to come on this forum and talk like experts.
They have much lower per capita oil production scum
Why do they have worse HDIs despite their oil production? According to you Hondas, oil is the only reason these Middle Eastern countries are wealthy and prosperous enough to attract millions of virat Tanatani Hondas.
GDP per capita naam ki koi cheez hoti hai jahil, when population is low and you have lots of oil to produce you give visas to workers to work in your country and whatever economic output is generated is divided among the people to get per capita income which reflects in living standards.

Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, all sitting above Qatar in Oil Production. Why do they have worse HDIs despite their oil production?

Your pajeet fellow has shifted the goal post. Don't play for him
He didn't
Commie pervert

Humanity's destiny is to be commie. It is the simplest and most rational thing to become. You are free to join or free to leave to Andromeda Galaxy on "Mard-ae-Momin" Zia ul Haq saheb's jinn-powered faster-than-light spacecraft that has been waiting for an Exalted One like you for the last 35 years.

Pazeet went from claiming that Hondas are busy building massive tech firms in the Middle East to claiming that most of the people there aren't even Honda. Gandi jhooti nasl. Once again, mindset probably derived from the nangay Bramen Gurus who conned these people into revering them as wise priests and teachers.

Most priests are never wise and teacher. What about priests like this one ?


Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, all sitting above Qatar in Oil Production. Why do they have worse HDIs despite their oil production
Listen to me twitter **** brazil Mexico nigeria have very less production of oil per capita bcs they have very less oil refineries hence they have lower per capita compared to some mid eastern countries .
Again they have low production per capita you idiot

According to you Hondas, oil is the only reason these Middle Eastern countries are wealthy and prosperous
Yes it's very likely the main reason and it's the reason why many of them have such low rate of growth
they got through school on quotas and reservations, they are arrogant enough to come on this forum and talk like experts.
You are a twitterPaki you are no expert i beleive you don't even have basic education you spend your entire time on twitter maybe some son of general first your geolocation was Canada now it's shifted back to pak do you know VPN is banned here
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Humanity's destiny is to be commie. It is the simplest and most rational thing to become. You are free to join or free to leave to Andromeda Galaxy on "Mard-ae-Momin" Zia ul Haq saheb's jinn-powered faster-than-light spacecraft that has been waiting for an Exalted One like you for the last 35 years.

Most priests are never wise and teacher. What about priests like this one ?


Shut up commie pervert
Shut up commie pervert

I am a commie yes but how am I am pervert ?
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