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J-10B equip with AESA radar?

Now that's something. The J-10B will now be more stealthy, jamming resistant, energy efficient and reliable.

The question mounts to if these modules are manufactured in China. I surmise that they are produced with Israeli input like the mechanical array on the Indian Tejas.
Looks like the AESA is being fitted to J-10B. Hopefully J-11 will get an upgrade, too. Maybe we can even fit them on the JF-17 if the miniaturization goes well.

If you guys still remember I translated a "leak" a while back that said that the AESA used on upgraded J-11Bs and J-15s would be larger versions of the radar used on the J-10B.
The question mounts to if these modules are manufactured in China. I surmise that they are produced with Israeli input like the mechanical array on the Indian Tejas.

You do realize that China has been producing AESA radars way before this right, and in large quantities at that.

J-10B with AESA radar

[Note: Thank you to Aimarraul for the picture.]



F-16 (equipped with AESA radar) compared to J-10B

[Note: Thank you to Deino and Lankan Ranger for the picture.]
All the photos and early reports do point to the direction that the J-10B is equipped with AESA.

The J-10B is generally regarded as the testbed for the J-20's avionics.
Didn't we establish the strips on the side were thermo or glows lights or something for safety at night? Not related to AESA.

Was that the conclusion? Due to time constraints, I didn't follow the discussion. Thanks for informing me though.
Was that the conclusion? Due to time constraints, I didn't follow the discussion. Thanks for informing me though.

Yeah apparent someone posted pictures of pre-AESA F-14s with the same strip of material there and another picture showed the strip light up at night.

So basically looking at the nose can neither confirm or rule out if there is an AESA radar .
Yeah apparent someone posted pictures of pre-AESA F-14s with the same strip of material there and another picture showed the strip light up at night.

So basically looking at the nose can neither confirm or rule out if there is an AESA radar .

Thank you. When I get around to posting the J-10B's AESA radar on Asiawind, I'll leave out the second picture.
could be a photoshop

just sayin

China's J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter, spacewalk, and Type 052C Lanzhou/Aegis-class destroyers (which are equipped with AESA radars) could all be photoshopped too. Hey, you are really onto something!

China has the world's second-largest defense budget and spends $90 billion dollars annually and you're claiming photoshop. That makes perfect sense!


China's J-11B and J-15 Flying Shark will both have AESA

[During an interview in July of last year, a Chinese military official stated that the J-11B and J-15 Flying Shark will be equipped with AESA radars. Therefore, a year later, it is not a surprise to see an AESA radar on a J-10B.]

According to a Chinese military official, both the J-11B and J-15 Flying Shark will be fitted with AESA.



1 机体结构经过重新设计和优化

2 复合材料与隐形材料及钛合金的应用,大大地降低了飞机自身的重量,具有更好的隐身性能

3 太行B发动机(大量使用我国近年在航空动力研发的新材料、新技术、新工艺)推力比AL-31F增加了700公斤(未来可能是带矢量喷口的)

4 新型的航电和操控系统

5 有源相控阵雷达(AESA)


J-15 的综合实力与超级大黄蜂F/A-18EF或阵风-M相当,处于同一档次。


另感觉 J-10B将作为电子战和侦察机(相当于咆哮鹰)上舰与J-15搭配。"

[Note: Thank you to SinoSoldier for the post. Source link is to MilChina.com]

google simple translation
* the idea of the AESA development appeared at least since 2001
* At least a AESA was finished its development in 2008 ~ 2009
* the first Chinese AESA with X band is entirely indigenous.
* It would be intended for the fighters like J-10B, J-11B, J-11BS and J-15… etc
* But there is another AESA, probably still under development, dedicated to J-20.
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