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I've killed alot of Arabs in my life and there's no problem with that

Why am I talking to someone who lives in Israel who use disgusting lies like everyone of them does? I'm not going to say it again, the fact is Israel is the real terrorist and it will remain a terrorist state until Palestine will be liberated as promise. Is their a Gharqad tree in your backyard? :sniper:

FBI Most Wanted Terrorists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FBI Most Wanted Terrorists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I never find any Jews or Israelis in this list ..will you find anyone there

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The Hour will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. The Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah! There is a Jews behind me, come and kill him!’ (All the trees will say this except for the Gharqad, for it is one of the trees of the Jews.’".

But i studied in my Religion Forget your enemies behaviors and Pray for him ..and try to follow as best you can

you need to come back to india, and all the europeans in israel need to get back to their own countries.
only let arab jews stay in palestine.

'Hence I have said to you, "You are to possess their land, and I Myself will give it to you to possess it, a land flowing with milk and honey." I am the LORD your God, who has separated you from the peoples

Leviticus 20:24
Are you dumb? For them, they say Palestinians/Arabs are terrorist. To us, we say Israel is a terrorist.

So according to this Bennett's words, it will be good for the Arabs too, if they capture an Israeli they should kill him too, since Israelis are the real terrorists in this case, it is a two way deal...

There are Arabs who have killed more Israelis than the number of Arabs this guy claims has killed, But they won't boost about it for political gains and reasons. Anyhow he is talking about non-armed or very lightly armed Arab Palestinians, exposed to Israeli tanks, helicopters and heavy weapons, that other nations will only use in confronting other armed forces, it will be easy for anyone anywhere to shoot civilians with impunity and claim the death toll for himself and even say that there is no problems with that.
How sick is this Israel? it is so sick, it is beyond psychiatry to analyse.
When the Israelis face heavily armed Arabs they start to flee, cry wolf, scream genocide and call on the US (where 6 or 7 million Jews_AKA.; Israelis live permanently in the higher spheres of the US politics and economy) to save them, what an irony, American stupidity, will only be surpassed by American stupidity( from an expression of Abraham Lincoln).
It's funny how Israelis repeat everything Americans say like monkeys , a few days ago the US marine who urinated on dead Taliban said he'd do it again , now this douchbag says "I have killed arabs" like monkey.
What if you put the arrows in the other direction, that will make more sense and will expose the images manipulation for propaganda purposes.

During the Pillar of Defense some Arabs posts and telecast this video into youtube ..soon after most of the Members driven out this by Fake
It's funny how Israelis repeat everything Americans say like monkeys , a few days ago the US marine who urinated on dead Taliban said he'd do it again ,

Don't support for terrorist for anything

Taliban Terrorist are not a Humman Beings they kills peoples for unknown Reason

well he is not a Honourable nor a Professor nor a common Citizen

now this douchbag says "I have killed arabs" like monkey.

he did not mentioned entire arab peoples ..he mentioned the Arab Terrorists
Don't support for terrorist for anything

Taliban Terrorist are not a Humman Beings they kills peoples for unknown Reason

well he is not a Honourable nor a Professor nor a common Citizen

he did not mentioned entire arab peoples ..he mentioned the Arab Terrorists

Fact remains Israelis repeat americans like monkeys , or apes better said , haven't that anonymous marine said that a few days ago , there would be no ego for this big mouth Russian jew to say such a thing.
There was no place like Israel in Ancient times. There was only Palestine as Romans called it. Romans didn't call it Israel.

But is amazing Jews are allowed to say such stuff. Just imagine Iran minister saying something like that. It would be world news.

I don't have anything against Jews or Israel itself (I support its right to exist) but Jewish media is cancer of this world.
Fact remains Israelis repeat americans like monkeys , or apes better said , haven't that anonymous marine said that a few days ago , there would be no ego for this big mouth Russian jew to say such a thing.

we can't judge the American Peoples and their Believes

Just call the Americans here in PeeDF and clear it
There was no place like Israel in Ancient times. There was only Palestine as Romans called it. Romans didn't call it Israel.

But is amazing Jews are allowed to say such stuff. Just imagine Iran minister saying something like that. It would be world news.

I don't have anything against Jews or Israel itself (I support its right to exist) but Jewish media is cancer of this world.

Indeed , Israelis are a bunch of lying , warmongering wh0res ; there didn't exist anything by the name of Israel before the Persian empire.
well not really
Helen Thomas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

well in USA you can have racist , xenophobic words and say "i can say it because of the First Amendment"

unhonest answer. of course people blame her for her anti Jews comments.
and she is Arab by her parents from Tripoli in Lebanon , a majority of sunni arab population .

Reality check: Zionist is not the same as Jewish.

I bet Michael Sheuer, former CIA operative, is also an anti-Semite.

And John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt are also anti-Semites.

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A little French wisdom for you:

Voltaire - "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."
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