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Italy bans halal slaughter

Your country and your ideology . I was expecting such a honestly answer.

No need to take shelter behind the lies. But you will probably continue to hide behind such useful lies as the issue will be moved to the European Court of Human Rights.

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

Italy ignored 3 rulings of this court before. As Salvini said, this court is meaningless for him. It has no power to act anyways. Beside that Belgium, Poland also banned this already. Denmark plans to follow.

I´m a honest man. This is a signal for thoe targeted. They are not welcome. Thats the symbolism we want to send. We hate them and we will do evrything to make their life as hard as possible. Step by step we will move on.

No court can help them. Just few months ago Salvini removed police protection from a judge who ruled against Italy. That Judge is on the Mafia kill list and now without guards.

We silenced even the pope. The Holy Father was always for saving the migrants.

Now that the NGO ship lost its flag it asked the Vatican to save migrants under the vatican flag. The holy see did not even send an answer.

The time where Italy was ruled by weak cucks is over. Now real man rule over Itala.
Its simply not accepted by italian people. Our country, our rules. Can you accept that?

Our party was voted into power because the italian people want change. End political correc t bullshit.

We are a free country. Evryone who doesnt like Italy is free to move out. There are countless countries in the world that suit evryone.

Majoritarianism is all fine and dandy until you happen to be in a minority elsewhere.
Italy by defining and acting on "selective animal cruelty" is doing what all right wing parties across all countries do : Stoke irrelevant cultural issues to hide behind their own incompetency.
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As per Indian tradition, animal slaughter is done by a single decapitating blow. This is the best method imho because the animal isn’t tortured like it is in the halal/kosher method.
Well here is an Indian article for you that examines Jhatka and Halal methods.


Even as voices of dissent grow louder among furious UK parliamentarians, experts are speaking in favour of halal meat. According to fresh scientific opinion, halal — the method of slaughter that kills the animal with a deep cut across the neck — produces meat that’s more tender, stays fresh longer, and is less painful to the animal than say, the jhatka method that involves severing its head in one powerful blow.

Dr V K Modi, head of department of meat technology at the Central Food Technology Research Institute in Mysore, says the halal method is effective in draining out most of the blood from a slaughtered animal, which is vital if its meat is to be soft. “In jhatka, chances of blood clotting are higher. This could spoil the meat if it’s kept uncooked for a few days. It could also make the meat tougher to chew.”

Dr Modi has support from Dr Karuna Chaturvedi, consultant nutritionist at Apollo Hospitals in New Delhi. “Halal is considered healthier because after slaughter, blood is drained from the animal’s arteries, ejecting most toxins because the heart continues to pump for a few seconds after slaughter. In jhatka, not all the blood is drained, leaving the meat tougher and drier.”

Not only is Halal more healthier, but it's less painful as well.

Sikh Jhatka method (single blow) cuts from the top, one of the most nerve-dense areas leading to excruciating pain before the animal dies. The heart also stops pumping, trapping blood inside and leading to blood clots which is unhealthy.

Halal method cuts from the bottom fatty tissue of the neck, where there is very low nerve-density. This area of the animal is an evolutionary development as it is where most predators attack first, hence the area is made to take damage and feel not much pain. Once cut, the animal is left to bleed out as the heart is still pumping out all the blood. To the animal, it feels like it's going into a sleep phase. The "violent" muscle contractions have nothing to do with pain, it's caused by blood rapidly leaving the body.
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Just ignore.. Italy is not a significant country anymore.. They are a "Serie B" country in Europe.
Do you think that halal meat production is a traditional Spanish sport?

or famous italian leather industry ?

Plz dont show me animals being hurt. My soul is fragile.

Well here is an Indian article for you that examines Jhatka and Halal methods.


Not only is Halal more healthier, but it's less painful as well.

Sikh Jhatka method (single blow) cuts from the top, one of the most nerve-dense areas leading to excruciating pain before the animal dies. The heart also stops pumping, trapping blood inside and leading to blood clots which is unhealthy.

Halal method cuts from the bottom fatty tissue of the neck, where there is very low nerve-density. This area of the animal is an evolutionary development as it is where most predators attack first, hence the area is made to take damage and feel not much pain. Once cut, the animal is left to bleed out as the heart is still pumping out all the blood. To the animal, it feels like it's going into a sleep phase. The "violent" muscle contractions have nothing to do with pain, it's caused by blood rapidly leaving the body.

Who are you trying to fool. Your telling me a beheading is less painful than a decapitation? @Tiberius are we living in an alternative reality?
Just ignore.. Italy is not a significant country anymore.. They are a "Serie B" country in Europe.

Italy is a G7 nation and the 7th strongest economy in the world. And our economy is big enough to be able to destroy the EU. The city of Milano alone has a bigger economy than the nation of Turkey.
Just ignore.. Italy is not a significant country anymore.. They are a "Serie B" country in Europe.

Next time I go to Europe I want to visit Malta, Croatia, Dracula’s castle, and Istanbul.
Italy is a G7 nation and the 7th strongest economy in the world. And our economy is big enough to be able to destroy the EU. The city of Milano alone has a bigger economy than the nation of Turkey.
Italy's GDP is 1.85 trillion and has been in decline since 2008 where it has shaved off half a trillion from the GDP since then.
Italy is a G7 nation and the 7th strongest economy in the world. And our economy is big enough to be able to destroy the EU. The city of Milano alone has a bigger economy than the nation of Turkey.

Sorry buddy but it has reached it's limit and can't move further. It's economic growth rate shows it. This situation will lead it to decline against dynamic and growing economies. Next couple decades we will be discussing totally different things from today. Enjoy today, you have no tomorrow.
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Italy is a G7 nation and the 7th strongest economy in the world. And our economy is big enough to be able to destroy the EU. The city of Milano alone has a bigger economy than the nation of Turkey.

You stupid dude?

Milan has just 2 million people whole Turkey's GDP is around 800 billion US dollars - more than 2 trillion US dollars at PPP which is a better measure of living standards.

Need to study Maths a bit more.
Italy's GDP is 1.85 trillion and has been in decline since 2008 where it has shaved off half a trillion from the GDP since then.
But banning Halal meat and sending back few African migrants will push them to get that 500Bil$ back in only few months...
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