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It was a mistake-BNP leaders say party shifting from anti-India stance

So, take a courage and dismantle the barrages that India has built across our border. India's unilateral decision to build these death traps has caused anti-India feeling among the BD populace, rise of militant Jihadis as well as a support base for the ULFA cause. So, do away with those concrete structures that are hurting the relationship.

Do you realize that BD is no position to "demand" anything from India ?

Look, be a man and accept that whichever party comes to power in BD, maybe except the Jamatis, Indian influence would be there. It would be good for you to be a Saudi Arabia rather than an Iran.
pragmatic BD is whole-heartedly welcomed. we need to work together to uplift our poor :tup:

BNP itself is a progressive political party-this is what I have been telling all along. Only the Jamaatis have caused it to take an anti-Indian stance. Jamaatis have also infiltrated BNP from the grassroot to top levels. These hooligans have been trying to destroy BNP from its core. Being inside BNP, the Jamaatis have been influencing the policy matters. You will see similar phenomenon in the PDF. While many are Jamaatis, but they claim they belong to BNP. These false flagged Jamaatis are silent now about the BKZ vist to India.
This has become indian chest thumping thread. What has been published by Daily Star neither did come from KZ directly nor published in any other newspaper. TR may be trying to cozy up for his interest but end result from this trip is far from over. And from what it looks like Sabihuddin Ahmed, advisor to KZ seems to be Gowhar Rizvi type.

Daily Star report was mainly based on retd. Lt. Gen Mahbubur Rahman and this is how jutapeta was given to BNP ( Moeen U) fraction leader Lt Gen Mahbubur Rahman after 1/11. You be the judge how much his words worth. And also the fact Daily Star and Prothom Alo group was Moeen U partner in power.

Sabihuddin is nothing like Rizvi, i know this man personally, in fact his bhaista is one of my closest buddies. Right now, each and every BNP personal wants to get to power, they will promise anything and everything; even their mothers. Recently, from hearing BNP top level conversations they seem quite happy, they wont get in the detailsl but they seem quite happy and confident.
Ok I'll reword my post : India being the status-quo power in this region will obviously have some influence on the government in Dhaka. Doesnt matter if its AL or BNP. It would be good for the Bangladeshis to acknowledge,accept its the same phenomenon worldwide and utilize that for their well-being than being un-necessarily antagonistic to the 800lb gorilla next door and wasting the opportunities to grow.
Simply so that her prodigal son can return to politics Khaleda Zia is overturning the ideology of Ziaur Rahman upon which the BNP was founded. The issue was never that of being anti-Indian but simply the protection and safe-guarding of the national interest. This change in the BNP perspective is a betrayal of Ziaur Rahman and of the country as Indian interests will now be allowed to supersede the interests of Bangladesh. My article 'Will the BNP strike a deal with New Delhi to keep Tareque Rahman involved in politics?' published in NFB about 5 months ago appears to have been extremely accurate in its predictions so far ................

India's rise is undeniable. Any credible future govt of BD has to have good relations with India-anything less will be beyond stupid.
India's rise is undeniable. Any credible future govt of BD has to have good relations with India-anything less will be beyond stupid.

I guess when Nazi Germany was undeniably rising in the 1930's it was stupid for the UK and France to oppose it.
We just need to keep BNP interested, at the end of the day its the Awami League which will have India's support. India needs one more term of AL rule in Dhaka to weed out all the anti India elements in the Bangladeshi establishment(both military and bureaucratic).
Somebody just compared Bangladesh to the British in their heydeys...:woot:
No there are many countries that defended their sovereignty against an encroaching superpower (a real one and not a fake one like India) over the last one hundred years.

Now do enlighten me how you will progress as a country when all you do is take anti this or anti that stands. history has shown us that when ever you are able to open dialogues and negotiations with your enemy (real or imagined) it has helped bringing about prosperity and poverty elevation , as the threat of external elements reduces.

by the way , why exactly is India an enemy?:)
Now do enlighten me how you will progress as a country when all you do is take anti this or anti that stands. history has shown us that when ever you are able to open dialogues and negotiations with your enemy (real or imagined) it has helped bringing about prosperity and poverty elevation , as the threat of external elements reduces.

by the way , why exactly is India an enemy?:)

We are only anti-Indian and pro everything else. For me to explain why India is an enemy I would need to write a book. Oh I have already done that ........
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