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ISRO to launch Cartosat-3 Earth Observation and 2 Military Satellites to boost space surveillance


May 9, 2019
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United States
  • This will be for the first time in Isro’s history that all satellites launched from Sriharikota in a year are for military purpose
  • Risat-2BR1 and Risat-2BR2, two of the three satellites to be launched, will increase the military’s surveillance power as these satellites will have the capability to see through clouds and take images at night
Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) is gearing up to launch three earth observation or surveillance satellites — one on November 25 and two in December — to beef up the country’s border security through more “eyes in the sky”. Besides three primary satellites, the three PSLV rockets will also carry over two dozen foreign nano and micro satellites.

PSLV C-47 rocket, to be launched from Sriharikota at 9.28 am on November 25, will carry third-generation earth-imaging satellite Cartosat-3 as the primary payload and 13 commercial nanosatellites from the US. The commercial deal for the launch of 13 US nanosatellites was earlier signed by newly formed commercial arm NewSpace India Ltd (NSIL), according to Isro. Cartosat-3 will be placed in an orbit of 509 km at an inclination of 97.5 degree.

Thereafter, Isro will launch two more surveillance satellites— Risat-2BR1 and Risat-2BR2 —with the help of PSLVC48 and C49 rockets to be set off from Sriharikota in December, according to spaceflight. The agency had earlier launched surveillance satellite Risat-2B on May 22 and EMISAT (electronic intelligence satellite to help DRDO keep an eye on enemy radars) on April 1. The six-month hiatus in the launch of operational satellites happened due to the Chandrayaan-2 mission in that period. This will be for the first time in Isro’s history that all satellites launched from Sriharikota in a year are meant for military purpose.

Cartosat-3 is highly advanced than its predecessor Cartosat-2 as it will have a powerful resolution of 0.25 metre or 25 cm (meaning it can distinguish two objects separated by a distance of 25cm) and a wider spatial range (16 km swath in panchromatic mode). All other surveillance satellites launched before Cartosat-3 did not have so powerful resolution.

Cartosat-3, which will also have multi-spectral (captures light within specific ranges in the electromagnetic spectrum) and hyperspectral (captures light from across the electromagnetic spectrum) capabilities, will help the military zoom in on enemy hideouts and terror hubs.

Risat-2BR1 and Risat-2BR2 will also increase the military’s surveillance power as these satellites will have the capability to see through clouds and take images at night. They will also help keep an eye on border infiltration and terror activities. Images from older series of Risat were earlier used to launch surgical strikes on terror launchpads in Azad Kashmir.

In December, PSLV-C48 will launch primary satellite Risat-2BR1 and QPS-SAR microsatellite developed by iQPS, a Japanese company, and four Lemur 2 CubeSats for Spire Global. Thereafter in the same month, PSLV C49 will carry surveillance satellite Risat-2BR2 and four Kleos Scouting Mission radio surveillance nano-satellites for Kleos Space, a Luxembourg company, and multiple Lemur 2 CubeSats for Spire Global, says Spaceflight. All but Spire will be a new user of Isro’s most-reliable rocket PSLV.
In aother words spying satellites to spy on Pakistan. Yet thwir satellites couldn't find any wreckage of F16 on a clear day.
In aother words spying satellites to spy on Pakistan. Yet thwir satellites couldn't find any wreckage of F16 on a clear day.
Aimed at china.
None of the space assets have anything to do with pakistan.
In aother words spying satellites to spy on Pakistan. Yet thwir satellites couldn't find any wreckage of F16 on a clear day.

And you expect govt to release imageries from spy satellites to satisfy your queries.

Carosat 3 will give immense visibility and no doubt thats why from last 2 yrs imagery AI and ML has been in focus, so that once the data comes from satellites they could be feed directly to system to generate meaning full reports and tracking.

These kind of space techs increases the technological gaps between two, which would be hard for Pakistan to fill in with.
In aother words spying satellites to spy on Pakistan. Yet thwir satellites couldn't find any wreckage of F16 on a clear day.
Pakistan should go for anti satellite missiles .
In aother words spying satellites to spy on Pakistan. Yet thwir satellites couldn't find any wreckage of F16 on a clear day.
No matter how much political class cries or the public asks for proof, the security establishment of the country will never agree to share the classified images and they wouldnt wanna reveal their capabilities.....No country would.
Thats why after Balakot strikes, a high ranking official, i believe COAS, said we have military satellite images but never released them. All the public saw were open source images which cant hope to match the resolution of mil spec.
No matter how much political class cries or the public asks for proof, the security establishment of the country will never agree to share the classified images and they wouldnt wanna reveal their capabilities.....No country would.
Thats why after Balakot strikes, a high ranking official, i believe COAS, said we have military satellite images but never released them. All the public saw were open source images which cant hope to match the resolution of mil spec.

Bro I don't think under modi its possible. He is a very savvy politician and would not hesitate to use the images to score a political win. E.g, the ground based surgical strikes across border r happening for many years from both sides . It's only now that govt start using them as political tool.
I think we didn't shoot down f16 & they didn't shoot down our SU30 .
Until proven .
That's how rational people think. Guess we have to wait maybe 30-40yrs for that.
Bro I don't think under modi its possible. He is a very savvy politician and would not hesitate to use the images to score a political win. E.g, the ground based surgical strikes across border r happening for many years from both sides . It's only now that govt start using them as political tool.
I think we didn't shoot down f16 & they didn't shoot down our SU30 .
Until proven .
That's how rational people think. Guess we have to wait maybe 30-40yrs for that.

Bro, we must differentiate between border action and the action well beyond just border...
Previously all the actions were limited to few hundred meters on either side of the border. But Surgical strikes were the actions which for the first time targeted installations well beyond 2km from the border...
Aimed at china.
None of the space assets have anything to do with pakistan.

Lolz funny the whole country and its military is obsessed with Pakistan, LOC is most heavily militarized zone and spy satellites are for china?

And you expect govt to release imageries from spy satellites to satisfy your queries.

Carosat 3 will give immense visibility and no doubt thats why from last 2 yrs imagery AI and ML has been in focus, so that once the data comes from satellites they could be feed directly to system to generate meaning full reports and tracking.

These kind of space techs increases the technological gaps between two, which would be hard for Pakistan to fill in with.

Not to satisfy my queries but to proof their false claims and end their embarrassment.

Lolz imaging technology is not new. India only have local delivery service while we use chinese delivery, which is not that expensive either. Dont think we are technologically inferior, times and again we have proven that, infact in areas we r superior.

No matter how much political class cries or the public asks for proof, the security establishment of the country will never agree to share the classified images and they wouldnt wanna reveal their capabilities.....No country would.
Thats why after Balakot strikes, a high ranking official, i believe COAS, said we have military satellite images but never released them. All the public saw were open source images which cant hope to match the resolution of mil spec.

That is because indians don't have any such proof. Even open source images showed no damage in balakot apart from trees. A wreckage would ve been visible by open source images too.
Also such a stupid excuse from indians, usually such images are lowered in resolution and then published when a proof needs to be shown.
Lolz funny the whole country and its military is obsessed with Pakistan, LOC is most heavily militarized zone and spy satellites are for china?

Hey dalit they are a SUPAPOWA that is so powerful they can send bajillion satelites to attack China. Sir pleaj ignore the satelites over Kashmir, or all the satelite operated equipment along the border those have nothing to do with pakistan.
Not to satisfy my queries but to proof their false claims and end their embarrassment.
They are done and dusted with it and dont care what you think. Thats how it works...

Lolz imaging technology is not new. India only have local delivery service while we use chinese delivery, which is not that expensive either.

Keep dreaming, the delivery system that you are relying on will work on its own whims and wishes and not yours.
Its like i have a friend to feed me...I dont need to earn money ... Without realizing what shit its feeding you and what work he is getting done from you....

Dont think we are technologically inferior, times and again we have proven that, infact in areas we r superior.
we know you made Missiles before building scooter engines, technology works in different dimension in your region.
They are done and dusted with it and dont care what you think. Thats how it works...
Hahaha so u mean to say they have gulped that embarrassment and are immune to any shame?

Keep dreaming, the delivery system that you are relying on will work on its own whims and wishes and not yours.
Its like i have a friend to feed me...I dont need to earn money ... Without realizing what shit its feeding you and what work he is getting done from you....

Seriously?? Are u that dumb? You even lack the brain cells to make a logical comparison lolz. We pay for the delivery service and there are no whims and whishes. How is it compared to a frnd to feed me when we r paying u idiot??? Its like am paying to buy food and no need to buy land and cultivate my own or cook it myself. U must be one big retard to make such a dumb comparison. We make our own satellites and pay for chinese delivery to orbit, just like many European and other countries do it. Even western countries use chinese delivery, so are they stupid??

we know you made Missiles before building scooter engines, technology works in different dimension in your region.

Yes because survival is more important than luxury. We have a fanatic enemy that is obsessed with us. Being a smaller country and smaller economy we have managed to keep a balance and keep the rats at bay.
We make our own satellites and pay for chinese delivery to orbit, just like many European and other countries do it. Even western countries use chinese delivery, so are they stupid??

Dumb head, when you have no clues its better to keep things to oneself.
Can you name one Remote Sensing Satellite that Pakistan has built which has at least minimal optical remote sensing capabilities.

Dont come back to me with PRSS-1 its been built and sold by China to Pakistan and then Pakistan even paid for delivery of same. Go back to basics and you would not need more than one hand fingers to count the Pakistani Satellites, there capabilities and who built them.
Dumb head, when you have no clues its better to keep things to oneself.
Can you name one Remote Sensing Satellite that Pakistan has built which has at least minimal optical remote sensing capabilities.

Dont come back to me with PRSS-1 its been built and sold by China to Pakistan and then Pakistan even paid for delivery of same. Go back to basics and you would not need more than one hand fingers to count the Pakistani Satellites, there capabilities and who built them.

So now u change ur argument after i schooled u. So tell me dumbtard how is paying for services synonymous to your stupid logic of taking from frnds? Do u accept that ur a stupid retard?
Our satellite usage is minimal and only for military purposes, we also dont want to waste money by stupid gimmicks. Pakistan have sent chinese built as well as local built satellites. Again what is wrong in buying stuff u need? Its not smart to reinvent the wheel u retard. U indians have ur head so deep up ur rear that ur unable to understand basic logics. The only logic for u morons is to drink cowpiss and sprinkle ur ugly existence with cowpiss.
I have worked on satellites and we have capability that is enough for our requirements, you can shove ur satellites up modi's 43 inch *** because it cudnt save u the shame of 27/2.
So now u change ur argument after i schooled u. So tell me dumbtard how is paying for services synonymous to your stupid logic of taking from frnds? Do u accept that ur a stupid retard?
Our satellite usage is minimal and only for military purposes, we also dont want to waste money by stupid gimmicks. Pakistan have sent chinese built as well as local built satellites. Again what is wrong in buying stuff u need? Its not smart to reinvent the wheel u retard. U indians have ur head so deep up ur rear that ur unable to understand basic logics. The only logic for u morons is to drink cowpiss and sprinkle ur ugly existence with cowpiss.
I have worked on satellites and we have capability that is enough for our requirements, you can shove ur satellites up modi's 43 inch *** because it cudnt save u the shame of 27/2.

Like I said dont open your mouth when you dont have any clue..
Can you get me the figures that Pakistan paid for PRSS-1 till date?
PRSS-1 is suppose to be $200M in cost which on paper as of now been shown as payment loaned by China and the ownership still lies with China Great Wall Industry Cooperation (CGWIC), with controls and management shared with SUPARCO. The topic of TOT is totally gone down the drain.

Now if you can take your head out of Indian rear end you might be able to smell the reality.
If you cannot understand what is this kind of relationship...then you are free to live in lala world where you think you are sitting on gold mine and can afford to pay world to get services and products that you want.

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