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ISRO to launch 2 more PSLV this year, GSAT-12 reaches geosynchronous orbit

You are an idiot. Forget cleaner
or sweeper , you are not even
allowed to go inside in any of
these that may harm their
Thanx 4 kind words.i hope u r qualified enough to be a cleaner in Dodo.
4 others.@
I have nothing against DRDO or any org. I just want them to learn something frm excellent work ethics and sense of self accountblty of Isro. Rarely Have any one ever heard Isro top official shootin their mouth off or boasting of their capacity and capability . While every 3rd day we hear similas 4m Drdo chief. Also our famed babus well known 4 their ethics and effciency hold key position in DRDO.anD MY post was directed towards these gems.
The Hindu : News / National : GSAT-12 reaches its home in a circular geo-synchronous orbit

The PSLV-C18 will put the 1,000-kg Megha-Tropiques (Megha in Sanskrit means cloud and Tropiques in French means tropics), being built by the ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore, into an 867 km orbit. It will be useful in studying the weather in tropical countries.
Does this mean that ISRO is making satellite for France ?
I read India was to launch a French Satellite....was this the one ?
I hope both are independent.... French comming to Sriharikota would reverse the trend of us going to Kouru ( French Guina) few years back.
Does this mean that ISRO is making satellite for France ?
I read India was to launch a French Satellite....was this the one ?
I hope both are independent.... French comming to Sriharikota would reverse the trend of us going to Kouru ( French Guina) few years back.

No. It is a JV where instruments from France and India are integrated in a satellite built by ISRO. Scientists from both countries will use the satellite for environment monitoring.
A cleaner in DRDO has some
respect but you do not. A
cleaner is a human but you are
not. Loser.
Oops roaring rage :) seems i hit some personal nerve
Oops roaring rage :) seems i hit some personal nerve

If I am a cleaner and being a human is some thing shameful than what are you? you are being a sore loser inhuman. get a life idiot. A cleaner or sweeper also a human unlike you.
going great. Top buggers 4m DRDO should be forced to work like cleaner/sweepers in ISRO in order 2 learn work ethics .

MY dear Punit, The propulsion systems are made by DRDO and in DRDO facilities and also the sub Systems. DRDO is ajn in direct entity behind every launch of ISRO. So I request you not to come up with such senseless rating anymore.
I haven't seen such a f**king loser like punit.He is a disgrace to our nation.On topic,PSLV has really proved itself to be the most reliable launch vehicle.By the way,any news about the IRNASS??
going great. Top buggers 4m DRDO should be forced to work like cleaner/sweepers in ISRO in order 2 learn work ethics .

why are you comparing a space agency with a government owned weapons research and development organization? DRDO has good ethics way better than the corrupt and horrible manufacturing OFB VK Saraswat is a good honest man who gives gov't suggestions and his views on how to become swadeshi in defense needs
that guy punit is a good example of ignorant fool. DRDO scientists are giving full efforts to make country self sufficient in weapons technologies those are some of the best in the world. From nuclear submarine to tank , from ICBM to Prahaar , everywhere. ISRO do not face foreign lobbyists like DRDO. ANyway we cannot compare ISRO and DRDO. They are good in their own areas.
ISRO has nothing to prove against anyone , DRDO do , they have to make weapons better than international standard at much lower cost.

And they have to do this under the gaze of our often hostile Armed Forces.
If I am a cleaner and being a
human is some thing shameful
than what are you?
Lol preach what u practice. So much 4 respect then why ur a**** became red when i suggested the babus occupying the top posts to learn something from ISRO.

Ps:seems we have some offsprings of DODO Babus among us who are taking the critism personaly. One fvckhead even declared our armd forces hostile in his/her/whatever zeal to defend DRDO. Yes great soul our armed forces are hostile while deshbhakti ka theka Dodo ki aulado ne le rakha hai. Going great. Cheers!!!
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