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ISRO Is Developing Reusable Next Gen Launch Vehicles To Replace PSLVs & GSLVs

I have no interest in arguing with a raging m0r0n ;but for the sake of it.

what did you say???Ukraine is under war!!! big news genius!!!!!I didn't know that!!!
You clearly have no idea about Indian adoption of ukraine & russian engine technology , I've no patience to educate you right now.

Testing you say,if you can't even test your own engine your capabilities are at best a house of cards ,for testing is major part of engine development,without which whole project wouldn't move at all.India would be nowhere without Ukraine and Russia.They have a chokehold on indian launch vehicle tech .

Did I say 5ooo kg is the limit of of gslv?

Tien he core module is 22,000kg ,the payload for the longmarch 5b y2 was atleast 22000 kg.
Wentian module 23,000 kg ,so the payload for the long march 5B y3 was atleast 23000kg.

Give the reference you bluff master. Give a single referance when any of Chinese rocket carried even 12000 kg to GTO. I give you 2000 kg discount. Don't run awy bluff master. Come on. A single reference will do.


When are you giving the reference? If you request me, I can give you further 2000 kg discount. Post any reference of any Chinese rocket carried out 10000 kg to GTO. I am asking for the third time.

മോനെ അവന് മുങ്ങി :-)
Every engine part and components are tested in India disgusting false flagging troll show me refrences

Forgot Bharat dynamics became Boston dynamics

You have no patience bcs i can run cicles against most wumaos
No engine of glsv was tested in Ukraine

Don't run away disgusting wumao trash

GSLV mk3 uses vikas engine that had been based on Viking engine
The rocket used yesterday did not have anything to do with Ukraine disgusting troll if you said France help maybe

@Skull and Bones
@Kyusuibu Honbu @Cheepek @Black Tornado
@Raj-Hindustani @LakeHawk180 @INS_Vikrant @Varunastra @koolzberg @Two banks of the River @HydraChess
Also 1 more thing GSLV Mk III is designed to carry 4t class of satellites into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) or about 8t to Low Earth Orbit (LEO), which is about twice the capability of GSLV Mk II.

ISRO scientists had renamed the launch vehicle as LVM3-M2 from GSLV-Mk III as the newest rocket is capable of launching 4,000 kilograms class of satellites into GTO and 8,000 kg of payloads into LEO. The rocket is a three-stage launch vehicle consisting of two solid propellant S200 strap-ons on its sides and core stage comprising L110 liquid stage and C25 cryogenic stage.

Nothing is from Ukraine you low IQ false flagger
Every component when and where it was tested so the deluded wumao dosent get any ideas

Indian Space Research Organisation Wednesday successfully conducted static testing of its liquid core stage (L110) of launch vehicle GSLV -Mk III for 200 seconds.

L110 is one of the heaviest earth storable liquid stages developed by ISRO. It has two high pressure Vikas engines in a clustered configuration, the ISRO said in a statement

GSLV Mark III by April end, ISRO units here have successfully conducted the integrated full duration stage hot test of advanced Indigenous Cryogenic engine with 25 ton propellant C25 at IPRC in Mahendragiri.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully tested its indigenously developed Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS) for GSLV MkIII on February 17, 2017. The cryogenic stage designated as C25 was tested for a flight duration of 640 seconds at ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC) in Mahendragiri. C25 Stage had earlier been tested successfully for 50 seconds on January 25, 2017 to validate all the systems.

Prior to Stage development hot tests, three CE20 engines were realised and two engines were subjected to qualification tests in sea level conditions. This included 800 seconds duration hot test and the third engine identified for flight was tested in high

Altitude conditions for a duration of 25 seconds.

This Stage test is a significant milestone as it is the last in series of engine and stage development hot tests before the first development flight of GSLV MkIII.

The C25 stage is the most powerful upper stage developed by ISRO and uses Liquid Oxygen (LOX) and Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) propellant combination. The stage carries 27.8 tons of propellants loaded in two independent tanks. Development of a cryogenic stage has unique design challenges, with liquid Hydrogen stored at -253 deg C and liquid Oxygen stored at -195 deg C in its tanks. To store these cryogenic fluids, special multi-layer insulation is provided for the tanks and other structures.

The HS200 rocket booster is the human-rated version of the well proven S200 rocket booster of GSLV-Mk3 satellite launch vehicle, or the LVM3 as Isro calls it, which is being human-rated for Gaganyaan.
The human-rated GSLV-Mk3 will be called HRLV.
The S200 motor, which is the first stage of GSLV-Mk3 intended for launching 4,000kg class of satellites to Geosynchronous transfer orbit, was configured as strap on rocket booster.

The system is fully indigenously designed and developed by Isro in participation with various industries spread across the country.

What the false flagger is probably thinking about in his 50 cent head 🗣️

The invasion is also likely to affect the tests of the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO’s) semi-cryogenic engine (SCE-200), which were to be conducted in Ukraine. There have already been media reports that these facilities could have been damaged in the conflict.

The SCE-200 is an important component of ISRO’s project to up-rate its medium-lift launch vehicle GSLV Mk III. Using a combination of these engines is expected to enable the rocket to lift up to 7.5 tonnes to geostationary transfer orbit, from its current ability to lift 4 tonnes.

Show me your references now disgusting 🤢

Everything was tested in India dm fk han only the new engine was supposed to be tested outside but it will not happen

I will repeat it again no component in gslvmk3 is made in ukraine or tested in Ukraine challenge to the wumao to prove me wrong

Just realised @Leishangthem was probably reading my comment for a 20 mins before i had completely written the small version meaning the troll is always active lol
Now, now don't be hard on this naking mongrel. Its limited intellect are reflection of script provided by its supervisor
Each time it deviates from the script by mistake, it loses its organ.
Soon post a lobotomy, it will be replaced by new one


When are you giving the reference? If you request me, I can give you further 2000 kg discount. Post any reference of any Chinese rocket carried out 10000 kg to GTO. I am asking for the third time.
I wanted to ignore your suboptimal lvl shit post,but since you insist here's a post.
Since your lQ can't comprehend any logic from what you had just read; again,each module of tiangong weights over 20 metric tons in payload,so by default the long march 5b carrying the tiangong modules were over 20 metric tons,it's no rocket science ,but even this much is a hard ask for your type.

High IQ Chinese,

I asked you for a reference of 10000 kg GTO (36000 km) and you provided the reference for 236 mile orbit. This is the reason ehy I call you guys High IQ people educated in Xi's Re-education camp. I ask you once again. Give me a single referance of any Chinese vehicle putting 10000 kg in GTO.

Where is the reference of 14000 kg GTO vehicle? which you guys have pulled out from your pocket.
High IQ Chinese,

I asked you for a reference of 10000 kg GTO (36000 km) and you provided the reference for 236 mile orbit. This is the reason ehy I call you guys High IQ people educated in Xi's Re-education camp. I ask you once again. Give me a single referance of any Chinese vehicle putting 10000 kg in GTO.

Where is the reference of 14000 kg GTO vehicle? which you guys have pulled out from your pocket.
I don't take you seriously at all so I didn't bothered reading your previous comment properly,so I missed the GTO part since why would you even bring that up ?
The chinese are clearly ahead by a margin ,why would you compare and argue incessantly for the sake of it by making a fool of yourself like that?
What is Pakistan's reply to this development in India? Last time we were exporting reusable donkeys to China.

Pakistan has to pick up it's space program with whatever budget they have.
We keep exporting and importing criminals to please our colonial masters. That is our place given to us by our mai baaps, we cannot do anything independently...
I don't take you seriously at all so I didn't bothered reading your previous comment properly,so I missed the GTO part since why would you even bring that up ?
The chinese are clearly ahead by a margin ,why would you compare and argue incessantly for the sake of it by making a fool of yourself like that?

China is ahead in payload carrying and man mission. India is ahead in space exploration, remote sensing, communication, multiple payload launching in different orbits, cost effective launching etc. What you guys have to always argue is that your vehicle can carry more payload. That is true but you exaggerates by doubling the figure of GTO payload capabilities than what actually it is. We are working on doubling the payload of our all launch vehicles. Our private company has made world's first 3D printed cryogenic engine and we are working on quick assembly and launch of small sattelite any time on demand. Many exciting developments are happening in here. You can always come up with a single argument of your vehicle can carry heavy payload untill we surpass it.
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payload launching in different orbits, cost effective launching etc. What you guys have to always argue is that your vehicle can carry more payload. That is true but you exaggerates by doubling the figure of GTO payload capabilities than what actually it is. We are working on doubling the payload of our all launch vehicles. Our private company has made world's first 3D printed cryogenic engine and we are working on quick assembly and launch of small sattelite any time on demand. Many exciting developments are happening in here. You can always come up with a single argument of your vehicle can carry heavy payload untill we surpass it.

How do you make shit up from your head and say random shit like this?
India is ahead in space exploration, remote sensing, communication, multiple payload launching in different orbits, cost effective launching etc
How the fck is India ahead in space exploration when it failed to even land on moon while China's exploring mars with rovers?

Remote sensing? in what technology,capacity and capability India is ahead?


what? ?
Multiple payload launching in different orbits?
what the hell is even this stupid shit? Launching multiple payload isn't something difficult or extraordinary .
It depends on need and how many micro satellite one rocket carry on launch vehicle based on mission.

cost effective launching etc
wut? this is not true at all,and India doesn't even have the full spectrum of launch vehicles to compete.

Cheap labour available in India. No other reason is substantial enough in determining the launch costs. But Chinese technolgy is far ahead in cost reduction .China isn't competing with India .
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How do you make shit up from your head and say random shit like this?

How the fck is India ahead in space exploration when it failed to even land on moon while China's exploring mars with rovers?

Remote sensing? in what technology,capacity and capability India is ahead?

View attachment 889669

what? ?

what the hell is even this stupid shit? Launching multiple payload isn't something difficult or extraordinary .
It depends on need and how many micro satellite one rocket carry on launch vehicle based on mission.

wut? this is not true at all,and India doesn't even have the full spectrum of launch vehicles to compete.

Cheap labour available in India. No other reason is substantial enough in determining the launch costs. But Chinese technolgy is far ahead in cost reduction .China isn't competing with India .

False flagger , you are one who is ashamed of his identity. You do not have basic comprehension skill. When I talk about technology, you try to defy it by quoting numbers of remote sensing satellites launched by China to prove your point. Now you claim that Chinese technology is far ahead in cost reduction. Prove your point. If Chinese technology is so relaiable and cheap than how many nation uses Chinese launch vehicle to launch their satellites? India has put over 370 foreign satellite in precise orbit without a single failure. So change your flag if you are not ashamed of your identity.

Cheap labor? Is this a textile manufacturing? You nees innovation and brilliant schients who can bring in cost effectivenes through innovation in high end technology.
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What the flag has gotta do with anything on the topic? The only flag anyone outta be ashamed of is for a backward hell state like India.

Because some Idiots are ashamed of their own Identity and want to hide behind some others flag to get some respect and still try to abuse the people behind whose flag they want to hide.
Why don't you explain which apparent technology you are talking about ? I literally asked you - what technology ? In what bollywood mind of you that you conceived Indian remote sensing technology is anywhere near China let alone being ahead?
Remote sensing technology. When I asked about technology, you posted numbers of satellite launched. Typical semi educated Idiot.
You made the claim that India is ahead in cost reduction,onus is on you to prove your claim not me,I'll respond.

This is such an unscientific dumb talk .

We launched a MARS mission in a cost lesser than Movie Gravity and in less than 10% cost of NASA's Mission. You claimed that China (The country whose identity you are ashamed to reveal) has cost advantage. Why don't you prove that? Your scientist said that though offered free, no country is ready to buy China's satellite image. This is the quality of your remote sensing about you brag behind false flag.
China does not need to even a single foreign nation to use their lauch vehicle to prove itself.

Their own launch stats prove where they stand .
China sells pencil cell by copying it and China does not want a share in Multi billion market? Grapes are sour.
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